Export Genetic Optimization results to CSV

Created at 13 Oct 2014, 11:56
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WhiteSage's avatar


Joined 02.02.2014

Export Genetic Optimization results to CSV
13 Oct 2014, 11:56

It would be handy to be able to export Optimizations to CSV for charting and the like.

Something like:
Datetime, Symbol, Timeframe
Starttime, Endtime
Ranges Table ( paraname, min, max, step)
Possible Combinations, Tested Combinations
Iteration, ... result columns ..., ... Settings Columns ...

planned cTrader Automate

... Deleted by UFO ...

23 Sep 2015, 00:05

I want to be able to export to excel both fixed and variable parameters (including profit results) from the Optimization output table.
Can this be done please?


04 Dec 2015, 14:03

Please 1000 times this!

I'm literally spending 1-2 hours after each set of optimizations taking this data and manually putting it into excel.


... Deleted by UFO ...

15 Mar 2016, 01:30

Just add it, Spotware-Team.
So easy coding and IT IS NECESSARY!
For a good Product, this must be added.
Thanks to the dev.


09 Mar 2017, 12:22

It should be easy to implement this feature. Being able to export/import the data for further or future analysis would be a huge improvement.


16 Apr 2018, 02:55

Have anyone figured a way to make this happen?


14 Jul 2018, 08:25

I run a mega server for optimisation, it cost $$ per hour. At the end of optimisation I need to analyse the results. At the moment I have to do it live while the server runs, this is costing me $$ while I should be able to export and analyse locally.


13 Nov 2019, 21:24

This feature missing is the main reason why I have to leave loved cBot and start to learn to programm and use the MetaTrader5. Not even talking about optimalizations results 3D maps and other features.

Bot trading without proper optimization features (like saving/exporting the results for deeper analysis etc.), is like horse with 3 broken legs...


24 May 2020, 21:52

Reporting tools

I'm evaluating cTrader/cAlgo for a long-term project and reporting tools is the main concern. It seems that the lack of exporting to csv for further analysis is what set apart cTrader from more matures platforms.


13 Jan 2021, 10:01

We need save point

We also need a pause / save / continue from save point. Some optimisations take 30 hours. After 10 hours i may need to close the computer and use for something else. So that would be great if i can pause and save the current state and continue later.


12 Apr 2021, 21:31

This is a very important feature...

Any News?!?!

So disappointing they did not implemented yet after so many years...


20 Jun 2023, 22:06

RE: UserVoice

WhiteSage said:

It would be handy to be able to export Optimizations to CSV for charting and the like.

Something like:
Datetime, Symbol, Timeframe
Starttime, Endtime
Ranges Table ( paraname, min, max, step)
Possible Combinations, Tested Combinations
Iteration, ... result columns ..., ... Settings Columns ...

Since 2019 and nothing...
