Workspace - performance improvements (or button to switch timeframes for all visible charts)

Created at 27 Dec 2014, 12:22
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Joined 05.12.2014

Workspace - performance improvements (or button to switch timeframes for all visible charts)
27 Dec 2014, 12:22

In my opinion it takes a lot of time, if you switch from one workspace to another one. E.g. I am displaying 9 currencies with different time frames for each workspace. Perhaps more of the chart's history could be stored on the local hard disc drive to speed up the process when switching to another workspace.... or just provide a button/hotkey to switch the timeframe for all visible charts within the current workspace.


07 Oct 2015, 00:28

I think it's not the loading of the charts that takes a long time.
For example if one changes symbol on a open chart it's a few times faster that opening another workspace.

I think the bottleneck is the case that every time one switches the workspace, the setting got to be downloaded from the server.

It would perform much better when the saved workspaces would be frontloaded (in chache or something) on opening of the cTrader application.So the setting are already there when one needs them to switch.

Also the autosave function should have a choice to disable. It takes time to save everything anytime before switching to another workspace.
And not always it's appreciated. bcause sometime you can lose a nice setting when you fiddle around and then switch to another workspace. the all changes (also the unwanted!!!) are saved.
