Order mask popup - Possibility to calculate volume for a given risk percentage
Created at 27 Dec 2014, 12:40
Order mask popup - Possibility to calculate volume for a given risk percentage
27 Dec 2014, 12:40
It would be really helpful, if the balance field in the the order mask popup would be editable... After setting the sl in pips and the risk tolerance (e.g. 0,5, 1, ...) the volume will be automatically calculated (rounded to 1k, 10k, 100k - perhaps adjustable via a setting parameter)
Provide some increase/decrease functionality for volume field (similar to field sl in pips). So we can can increase volume, after setting a sl in pips, until our risk tolerance will be hit (instead of adjusting the volume field several times manually)
27 Dec 2014, 13:01
Already requested... http://vote.spotware.com/forums/229166-ideas-and-suggestions-for-ctrader-and-calgo/suggestions/5627989-ability-to-be-able-specify-of-account-when-creat