Price Alerts - This is ESSENTIAL to successful trading since it helps ID all opportunities out there since you cannot monitor every pair.

Created at 10 Feb 2015, 08:47
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Joined 10.02.2015

Price Alerts - This is ESSENTIAL to successful trading since it helps ID all opportunities out there since you cannot monitor every pair.
10 Feb 2015, 08:47

Price Alerts - This is ESSENTIAL to successful trading since it helps ID all opportunities out there since you cannot monitor every pair. This way you can do your research and set price alerts to do the continuous monitoring.

completed Closed cTrader

27 Mar 2015, 06:18

This can be implemented though an indicator that looks at all pairs and uses notifications.playsound()


27 Mar 2015, 18:24

There needs to be a way for price alerts to trigger emails, not just play sounds.


27 Mar 2015, 22:59

I understand this can be done with an indicator (here is one /algos/indicators/show/203) however I feel that this is such an important part of a trading platform, it should be built in.

It would be nice if it was integrated into the drawing tools where you could right click any arbitrary line (trend or level) and add an alert. Check out how well it is implemented on TradingView charts.


28 Mar 2015, 10:15

This is really important for me too, i love this platform but i can't open a real account as long as they don't have that price alert. By notification on my mobile or email. We're not always in front of the computer to monitor the prices going up and down !


16 Apr 2015, 07:16

Pretty sure can send an email, maybe HTTP or TCP messages?
That would make a nice code example.


... Deleted by UFO ...

05 May 2015, 22:44

I'd like to see price alerts lines that can be changed simply by dragging them on the chart.


05 Aug 2015, 23:52

Seriously, everyone using up their votes here, would be better swapping their votes over to the other topic: "Alarms for levels of interest".

It is pretty much the same thing but has more votes and was created way earlier, so push it up people!
