support install and run ctrader on ubuntu system

Created at 29 Mar 2015, 14:52
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Joined 21.01.2014

support install and run ctrader on ubuntu system
29 Mar 2015, 14:52

Linux vps is more stable and cheap solution for algo traders...

under review cTrader

17 May 2015, 17:23

i agree!!


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15 Jun 2015, 16:39

Hi - I have read of people getting this to work using Crossover, from Codeweavers. Sadly it is a paid product, though they offer a Free Trial. It is about 40 USD if you want to keep it. It worked for me, but there are a few other issues to sort out, Windblows is simply easier, even though I often loathe it ...

PS - I gave your idea votes ;}


12 Aug 2015, 22:47

i agree!!


13 Nov 2015, 04:47

I second.
Sierrachart is preparing to run on Linux (already runs very well via Crossover), but there are no currently good competitors that I know of that run natively or even well on Wine.
Though this would get Linux users such as myself on board, I can unfortunately I see that there are other priorities at this moment .....and probably easier to tackle ....

13 Nov 2015, 14:45

Linux availability will be great option

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13 May 2016, 14:37



10 Jul 2016, 04:20



15 Aug 2016, 13:20

For those who want to install ctrader and calgo in linux, there is good news, fabulous news, and fantastic news.

first, the good news!!!

ctrader and calgo both work very well in linux...(on fedora 24 and latest wine)

next, the fabulous news!!

To install, set WINEARCH=win32 in terminal
set windows version to windows 7..
use winetricks to install dotnet2.0 and dotnet4.0...
find a way to obtain gdiplus.dll from windows7sp1 or download "windows6.1-KB976932-X86.exe" from microsoft or use winetricks to install it.

if you download direct from microsoft do these:

Execute (type in linux terminal):

cabextract -q -d _gdiplus -L -F ~/.cache/winetricks/win7sp1/windows6.1-KB976932-X86.exe

Execute (type in linux terminal):

cp _gdiplus/ ~/.wine/dosdevices/c:/windows/system32/gdiplus.dll

//Using native override for following DLLs: gdiplus

Execute (type in linux terminal):

wine regedit C:\windows\Temp\_gdiplus\override-dll.reg

it's easier to do it with winetricks though...choice is yours...

next, install calgo and ctrader normally as instructed by spotware and voila!! you're in business, no more chart coruption, everything works just fine...

and now, the fantastic news, go forth and conquer with no holds barred!!!!!
cheers and God speed..


15 Aug 2016, 13:24

error correction!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the proper command should be

wine regedit ~/.wine/dosdevices/c:/windows/system32/gdiplus.dll

instead of

"wine regedit C:\windows\Temp\_gdiplus\override-dll.reg"


15 Aug 2016, 13:32

convenient option of installing gdiplus is to do it with winetricks, or failing that, download "windows6.1-KB976932-X86.exe" from microsoft manually, copy to (your home folder/.cache/winetricks/win7sp1/), then use winetricks to install it.

best option, obtaind gdiplus.dll from windows 7 sp1 32bit installation, copy to wine's window/system32 folder, and do gdiplus.dll override to native in winecfg..

good luck!


23 Sep 2016, 08:31

The fund I work for is all Linux, using mostly in house developed algo software, and some Linux friendly off the shelf charting/analysis/admin software. Due to that the rapidly increasing volumes and other complexities can not be handled by our current software much longer we are now looking into switching platforms and are running a series of tests, cTrader/cAlgo are on our short list. Based on the latest test results then once cTrader and cAlgo are available for Linux we would likely switch to cTrader/cAlgo for some of our algos immediately. Until they are available for Linux they will never make it out of our testing sandbox I'm afraid. Oh, we do big volumes and are growing rapidly...


26 Sep 2016, 11:54

after couple tried, i got working and faster than my windows7.
i load many indi converted with 2algo.and i feel some indo didnt working correctly ,thats why ctrader running so lag.but with wine.its gone


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02 Jul 2018, 22:51

Hi guys

do someone try to run the last cTrader build with wine (July 2018)?

I followed these steps:

To install, set WINEARCH=win32 in terminal (WINEPREFIX=~./wine winereboot)
set windows version to windows 7 with winecfg
use winetricks to install dotnet2.0 and dotnet4.0 gdiplus

wine ctrader-FxPro-fxpro-setup.exe
-> installation crash

did i miss something?


21 Jan 2022, 19:12

help please

modis1 said:

convenient option of installing gdiplus is to do it with winetricks, or failing that, download "windows6.1-KB976932-X86.exe" from microsoft manually, copy to (your home folder/.cache/winetricks/win7sp1/), then use winetricks to install it.

best option, obtaind gdiplus.dll from windows 7 sp1 32bit installation, copy to wine's window/system32 folder, and do gdiplus.dll override to native in winecfg..

good luck!

hi mate. i do all what you write in your instruction but when i tried instal cTrader wine owpened wine internet explorer, end tried to download cTrader from WEB, whis  sthis messenge:
XML Parsing Error: no element found
Line Number 1, Column 1:


05 Nov 2023, 23:00 ( Updated at: 06 Nov 2023, 06:29 )

RE: support install and run ctrader on ubuntu system

modis1 said: 

convenient option of installing gdiplus is to do it with winetricks, or failing that, download "windows6.1-KB976932-X86.exe" from microsoft manually, copy to (your home folder/.cache/winetricks/win7sp1/), then use winetricks to install it.

best option, obtaind gdiplus.dll from windows 7 sp1 32bit installation, copy to wine's window/system32 folder, and do gdiplus.dll override to native in winecfg..

good luck!

I was able to get it setup with slightly modified steps, 

  • OS: Opensuse Tumbleweed
  • Environment choice Windows 8.1 (couldn't get past a prompt to install kb3102810 using Windows 7)
  • Didn't need to install gdipluss.dll

But, certainly having a native binary would be much much better.


17 Mar 2024, 12:07 ( Updated at: 18 Mar 2024, 14:40 )

RE: RE: support install and run ctrader on ubuntu system

nigerninja said: 

modis1 said: 

convenient option of installing gdiplus is to do it with winetricks, or failing that, download "windows6.1-KB976932-X86.exe" from microsoft manually, copy to (your home folder/.cache/winetricks/win7sp1/), then use winetricks to install it.

best option, obtaind gdiplus.dll from windows 7 sp1 32bit installation, copy to wine's window/system32 folder, and do gdiplus.dll override to native in winecfg..

good luck!

I was able to get it setup with slightly modified steps, 

  • OS: Opensuse Tumbleweed
  • Environment choice Windows 8.1 (couldn't get past a prompt to install kb3102810 using Windows 7)
  • Didn't need to install gdipluss.dll

But, certainly having a native binary would be much much better.

Sorry, I have an Ubuntu machine 22.04.4 with latest Wine (2024). I have installed net 2.0 and 4.0 on win 8.1 32bit with winetricks and launched ctrader; installation complete, opened the UI and stopped automatically after 1 second. How it's possibile? Sorry for my bad english…


17 May 2024, 05:53 ( Updated at: 17 May 2024, 06:26 )

Porting to Linux

First - I am not a programmer, just linux fan and user.

Only because of CTrader I had to abandon Linux.

Then, as far as I know, .NET is multiplatform, so porting should be feasible.

Then there is problem of WPF - I know it's windows only, but maybe, just maybe, an interface written using QT or wxWidgets would be some middle ground and would then ensure portability without too much hassle :)


Maybe DEVs find this interesting:
