Ability to Disable Mobile App Notifications Required Immediately

Created at 29 Sep 2015, 21:34
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Joined 16.08.2015

Ability to Disable Mobile App Notifications Required Immediately
29 Sep 2015, 21:34

Notifications on mobile literally filling my entire screen so I can't see my positions or close my trades . It's like saying 'Dear trader, please vote for whether you'd like the option to close out your trades when it suits you, or whether you'd like us to prohibit you from doing so for 30seconds whilst we also make it impossible for you to see your positions during that time'.

Sorry Spotware this shouldn't even be up for vote or debate it should simply just be fixed. I'm literally being prevented from being able to close out trades. I like the Platform but this is a glaring deficiency and an absolute disaster waiting to happen.

cTrader Mobile

22 Jan 2016, 18:08

I totally agree! Its damn annoying all the notifications!!

how hard is to add Turn On / Off Notifications in settings? come on....

This should be implemente since day one.

My bots are opening / closing / modifying trades all the time!

I want to use my mobile to track my account and its impossible!!

My mobile screen is only notifications!!



11 Apr 2018, 04:28

This is a great app, but that problem makes it unusefull. That's why I deinstalled it from my mobile.
