link crosshairs

Created at 03 Feb 2016, 15:37
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Joined 17.11.2015

link crosshairs
03 Feb 2016, 15:37

link crosshairs from one chart to another. the same as signal.. :)


04 Feb 2017, 12:43

The think the OP is referring to eSignal, which indeed does have the crosshairs linked across multiple charts. I routinely have 2 or frequently 3 charts open simultaneously for a given currency pair, each chart displaying a different time period. The crosshair displays on each of the charts and they're synchronized; move the crosshair on one chart and it moves to the corresponding place on the other chart(s). My single biggest gripe with cTrader is that it lacks this capability.
I note from the forum that requests for this feature have been made since 2013; c'mon developers - please add it!


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16 Oct 2017, 12:19

i need link crsshairs to another chart, it's very usefull.. many thanks
