Autosynchronization of chart drawings between desktop and mobile app

Created at 21 Oct 2016, 16:45
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Joined 02.03.2017

Autosynchronization of chart drawings between desktop and mobile app
21 Oct 2016, 16:45

There should be auto synchronization between desktop application and mobile application for charts objects..

For example,

On desktop app, I draw a trendline and fibonnaci extension.

Then I close desktop app, and open ctrader in mobile, then there should be same trendline and replacement levels i should able to see in my mobile app by using "auto synchronization" facility...

And same way if i add objects in mobile app, it should get synchronize automatically with desktop app.

This will be very useful function, and truly, we can use desktop and mobile app efficiently, as most of people like me, dnt spend continuous time against desktop, and when we are away from desktop, we can efficiently keep watch the market without wasting time of adding objects two times in desktop and mobile app twice

planned cTrader

27 Apr 2017, 11:19 ( Updated at: 27 Apr 2017, 11:20 )

What about if you include my idea?

There should be a button that enables autosynchronization for drawing in all charts opened in the workspace or just in selected ones.

EXAMPLE: If I have 6 EURUSD chats opened I want to be able to autosynchronize drawing just in 2 of those charts, or 3, 4, 5, or all of them.

*** Screenshot:


18 May 2023, 13:50

any update on this ?

I find this to be the biggest issue with CT. any updates ?


19 May 2023, 15:29

RE: any update on this ?

itaygreen said:

I find this to be the biggest issue with CT. any updates ?

You're not the only one. 256 others do too.

As far as I know, this won't come, because someone said it's not possible to implement it within cTrader and why TradingView has it and meanwhile it's not possible to do it here, no idea.
