FIBONACCI - Negative Levels (-261.80 to +261.80) with customised colours per level

FIBONACCI - Negative Levels (-261.80 to +261.80) with customised colours per level
19 Jul 2017, 11:34
Hi guys,
These are my ideas to improve the Fibonacci tool:
(1) Include more Checkboxes for Negative Levels from -261.80% to +261.80. Who doesn't need a specific level just need to uncheck as it is now;
(2) Customised Colour for each level, with one checkbox which adjusts all levels to the same colour and undo the personalised chosen colours (just in case of a mess, it's easy to set one color again quickly);
(3) Include Positive and Negative levels: 27%, 188.60% and 200%.
For traders like me who are in love with Fibonacci tool, I believe these modifications would help:
(*) to have more organised charts using 01 FIB tool instead 02;
(*) to make charts neater and easily identify targets;
(*) to reduce time in chart analysis.
I (and very likely many other traders) hope to see these modifications soon.
Thanks in advance,