Sort out the drawing tools

Created at 05 Aug 2017, 18:15
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Joined 05.08.2017

Sort out the drawing tools
05 Aug 2017, 18:15

Sometimes its impossible to grab the ends of trend lines, shapes etc, when you have laid items near each other. If you have an order fill line or tp/sl line.
The bezier handles cannot be grabbed. Also shapes over the top depending on which order you put them on, again have to be shifted out the way and then reput in place, when you alter something. its proably the most infuriating thing in cTrader.

Even and Undo function for drawing. I draw pitchforks and once the snap to`s are in place on candle wicks, like i already mentioned if they are in front, it is totally unusable, without shifting eveyting out of the way first. An undo would be cool at least when i shifted a line accidently I could press CTRL+Z.

On the same point. when measuring pip distance etc. You have to place it away from any object for the croshair to register and start to measure from. This makes it inaccurate to use,

These litle things make pattern trading or a full chart of lines and levels only usable when you apply workarounds, which takes up time.

So to recap

1: Undo function drawing tools
2: bring to the front bring to the back on vector shapes & Line
3: cross hair can be pulled from anywhere on the chart regardless if you click within an object first.

Other than that (maybe adding some gartley tools - R:R auto fills)
its a great platform

Many Thanks

Many thanks.
