Advanced protection for pending order

Created at 20 Nov 2017, 16:05
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Joined 20.11.2017

Advanced protection for pending order
20 Nov 2017, 16:05

Im enjoying the advanced protection where my trades are move to breakeven after gaining some pips but it will be better if this can be activated for pending orders because most of the time i might be there when my pending order will be triggered and before i come back to activate the advanced protection, it might already be too late......
Lets have the advanced protection for pending orders as well....


15 Jan 2018, 22:45

I Totally agree this would also be great for overnight trade setups particularly when trying to trade the US session here in Australia. Last night was a prime example set order, short fakeout but would have been large enough to trigger a 50% TP and move SL instead this morning I'm 50% in the negative. a 50% win is better than a loss anyday


14 Feb 2020, 12:29

i need this function also, now i've used pepperstone can i get this function for my pending order pls.


14 May 2020, 05:52

I really need this function as well!


18 May 2020, 05:23

We need this function for pending orders! Please spotware.


22 May 2020, 01:04

Excellent suggestion. Implement this soon, please. kkk


26 Sep 2020, 14:53

RE: UserVoice

anonymous_712813186 said:

Im enjoying the advanced protection where my trades are move to breakeven after gaining some pips but it will be better if this can be activated for pending orders because most of the time i might be there when my pending order will be triggered and before i come back to activate the advanced protection, it might already be too late......
Lets have the advanced protection for pending orders as well....

September 2020 and still nothing...


I grow obviously impatient!
