Login to different accounts from same broker

Created at 21 Feb 2019, 19:43
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Joined 17.03.2015

Login to different accounts from same broker
21 Feb 2019, 19:43

It is not possible to login to more than one instance of ctrader from any broker with different account details. For example if I have 2 accounts with ctrader IDs like FxTrader1@email.com and FxTrader2@email.com (please note that I am not saying about different a/c numbers like 2222222222 and 333333333 on same ctrader ID like FxTrader1@email.com) with FxPro, I am not able to login to both accounts at the same time and it needs 2 computers to login. Please fix this.


13 Jan 2021, 06:19


It is possible to do so by enabling multiple profiles from Settings--> start up. 

I dont know since when was this available. 

Anyway big thanks 


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