trades placed on screen change colours and hide

Created at 20 Jun 2019, 05:36
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Joined 25.03.2014

trades placed on screen change colours and hide
20 Jun 2019, 05:36

Placing trades on the platform

Is it possible to colour code trades on the platform
For example when you are placing $1000.00 trades you can change the colour of the indicator to blue and the take profit line to green and blue striped and the stop loss line to red and striped blue.

100,000 Trades different colors 1000,000 dollar trades a different colour .
So you can have a drop down menu that you can colour coordinate colours in different trade sizes colours. That way if you have different size trades on the platform you can see the difference in trade sizes because the trades are in different colour coordination which a trader can select pres-elect from a colour drop down menu when right clicking on the individual trades themselves. Also is it possible to make the trades lines invisible across the screen only leaving on the left side of the screen in the trading area the main head of the trade without the line across the screen and when you click on individual trades you can either hide the lines or undo hide the lines.
