Alarm on indicators?

Created at 16 Mar 2019, 17:48
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Joined 05.03.2019

Alarm on indicators?
16 Mar 2019, 17:48

(Sorry if this has been requested before but it is difficult to get an overview of all the threads and a search didn't come up with anything on the subject? And sorry if my english is bad (I'm danish ;-)).

I am very pleased to have the ability to set lots of price alarms but on the other hand I also very much miss and would like to have the possibility to set alarms on indicators - just like it can be done in Tradingview (see attached screenshot for an example). My friend specifically would like to request an alarm on Williams %R (entering channel with boundaries -20 and -80 like in the screenshot), but this is a very specific request and I think it would be of much bigger value and time-efficient to spend time on making a generel alarm on all or most indicators like the one attached.

I hope you will consider this request since I think this will be a wish and be very beneficial to a lot of traders who use cTrader.

(Side-remark: The tradingview alarm system is very good but it has one small problem: If you want an alarm when price leaves the Ichimoku cloud you have to specify upper and lower boundaries for a channel (you want price to be exiting this "channel" which equals the cloud of course) but what is the upper limit (either span A or Span B) depends on whether the cloud is bearish or bullish. So half of the time you will be getting alarms entering the cloud instead. But this is a small problem I just thought I would add. A general alarm indicator like the one in Tradingview would be much appreciated! :-)).

Best regards

Morten Weinreich, Denmark


16 Mar 2019, 17:50

By the way: I am using the desktop version of cTrader :-)
