Pairs Trading / Long&short / Arbitrage

Created at 26 Jan 2019, 06:51
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Joined 26.01.2019

Pairs Trading / Long&short / Arbitrage
26 Jan 2019, 06:51

Guys, great platform, usability is good and also the design. But if I can sugest something, I would like to sugest the option of "pairs trading". I perform Long&Short by high correlated assets statistics. It's a well known strategy. For the Brazilian Market I use Nelogica's platform, it's only for Brazilian Market, I am starting also with FX as I moved to Japan, and now I see that most of platforms doesn't give the option of "Create a symbol" where I make something like S&P500 divided by DowJones to find the ratio between them and when it show's a oportunity (an imbalance of this two assets correlation) I open a Long&short trade (pairs trading). It's also largely used by Banks, Hedge Funds and Asset Managements.

Would be fantastic if we could have this option.




Pedro Elton
