More official information and tutorials about coding for cTrader and cAlgo

Created at 22 Sep 2017, 06:10
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Traderfofever's avatar


Joined 07.08.2017

More official information and tutorials about coding for cTrader and cAlgo
22 Sep 2017, 06:10

You should provide more official information and tutorials about coding. Add more explanations or descriptions for the APIs and classes specific to trading.


22 Sep 2017, 09:34

Hi Trader4ever,

Thanks for posting this suggestion. Since the issue was raised, I would like to inform the community that some major changes are in the works. You might have noticed some change in the community the last couple of months and more things are to be expected. A new community platform is planned as well as more initiatives are considered towards making your life easier. Revamping our supportive material is one of the major pillars of this big project. And all of this is just a part of major changes coming in the platform soon, some of them already announced in the Coming Soon section. 

Having said the above, we would be happy to hear your suggestion for specific changes and additions in our supportive material.

Best Regards,



22 Sep 2017, 20:31


Panagiotis Charalampous said:

Hi Trader4ever,

Thanks for posting this suggestion. Since the issue was raised, I would like to inform the community that some major changes are in the works. You might have noticed some change in the community the last couple of months and more things are to be expected. A new community platform is planned as well as more initiatives are considered towards making your life easier. Revamping our supportive material is one of the major pillars of this big project. And all of this is just a part of major changes coming in the platform soon, some of them already announced in the Coming Soon section. 

Having said the above, we would be happy to hear your suggestion for specific changes and additions in our supportive material.

Best Regards,


Thank you! I am so glad to hear that!
