Save color preference to analysis tools and other improvements please

Created at 21 Nov 2016, 23:25
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Joined 16.11.2016

Save color preference to analysis tools and other improvements please
21 Nov 2016, 23:25


1. When you draw a line or a Fibo etc and it states to save these settings to the default for this tool. Why does the color setting not save also??

Can we please enable the color to be tied to the defaults for a tool so I don't have to waste time drawing a Fib in Yellow then a horizontal line and change it to red etc etc etc. Just let me say all Fibo from now will be Yellow, all horizontal lines from now will be blue and so on...

2. Can you allow us to modify the Default themes? So we can say add a Bull/Bear outline that sticks as we switch between light or dark.

3. Can we have some more analysis tools such as cycle lines, ABCD drawing tool. A nice feature would also be to allow us some custom tool slots so we can save preset lines or something. We can create a Custom Trend Line that defaults to thickness of 3 and is dashed. So we can easily choose between standard and our custom trend line on the fly. Just makes analysing easier, less chopping and changing.

4. Add a note panel or Analysis panel or something. Just a small widget box that we can add some text notes in that are tied to the current chart. Would be handy.

5. Push notifications!

6. Cloud technology to sync charts from desktop application to Web? If I have analysed the 4H chart and am away from my desktop but still access to Internet, I should be able to access ctTrader web and view my layout and charts etc. If I receive a price alert then I could login and make a decision.

7. Better alerts. More so tieing an alert to a drawing tool. Chuck on a trendline and add an alert for when price touches or closes above it.


