Trade management

Created at 10 Jun 2013, 07:49
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Joined 06.04.2013

Trade management
10 Jun 2013, 07:49

Trade managment features like able to close X % amount from the position at X amount of pips

for example 

Profit target 1 at 20 pips colse 50% of the position

Profit target 2 at 30 pips colse 30% of the position and move the stop lost to beak even

Profit target 3 at 40 pips colse 20% of the position


this kind trade managment features most of the traders looking for to manage their trades while they are not at the screen.

hope that cTrader will this kind of freatures soon


13 Jun 2013, 15:28

Thank you for the suggestion. This feature is actually under implementation and will be released very soon. Stay tuned!


15 Jun 2013, 17:54

thats great


06 Jul 2013, 03:46

Hello - how soon is "very soon"? Will this have a move SL to Break-Even + X pips after Y pips Profit?



25 Jul 2013, 15:26

Any update on this when will be avilable ?


25 Jul 2013, 15:55

We cannot provide a release date yet. It will appear in the what's new section, once it is released.


03 Oct 2013, 06:03

3 months....still waiting?

How much longer?

ZZZzzzzzz - back to MT4 for another 6 months.

Since I was last checking on your progress 6 months ago there have been practically no more Robots added on this site. I think you are losing the "new toy" momentum as traders get frustrated by your prolonged roll-out and development.

Surely you would have thought about these important features for traders 18months ago!


03 Oct 2013, 16:10


We do need more robots. Can you propose a strategy and see if anyone is willing to code it? Robots uploaded are usually the collaborative work of this community. 

Mocean said:

3 months....still waiting?

How much longer?

ZZZzzzzzz - back to MT4 for another 6 months.

Since I was last checking on your progress 6 months ago there have been practically no more Robots added on this site. I think you are losing the "new toy" momentum as traders get frustrated by your prolonged roll-out and development.

Surely you would have thought about these important features for traders 18months ago!



24 Feb 2014, 09:35

Hello, the feature you have requested has been released!



25 Feb 2014, 15:47


Thanks for implementing this feature but this doesn't allow to add advanced take profit on pending orders so still trader has to be at the screen until trade activate only can apply advanced take profit options.

​So basically this feature doesn't address important  feature required for traders 

Spotware said:

Hello, the feature you have requested has been released!


