email settings for Yahoo

Created at 12 Feb 2016, 17:36
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Joined 15.01.2016

email settings for Yahoo
12 Feb 2016, 17:36

Dear Spotware,


I have been struggling to make the send email notification worked for yahoo. I have double checked everything on my part but it still I cannot send an email from my indicator.

Notifications.SendEmail("", "", "test subject", "this is the message");
12/02/2016 15:28:57.394 | Failed to send email "test subject". System.Net.Mail.SmtpException: Mailbox name not allowed. The server response was: From address not verified - see    at System.Net.Mail.SendMailAsyncResult.End(IAsyncResult result)    at System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient.SendMailCallback(IAsyncResult result)

12/02/2016 15:29:10.623 | Failed to send email "test subject". Timeout

above are my code and errors for your perusal.

I have checked everything from this page and make sure I followed the settings for Yahoo but still Im having issues.

please help me what settings is need so I can send email using the Yahoo settings.

thanks in advance for your help.



... Deleted by UFO ...

20 Feb 2016, 18:57

I already took a look at that link.

gmail works based on that link solution but for yahoo, there's still no answer.

I'm still looking for a specific answer to my yahoo problem.



24 Feb 2016, 15:42

Dear Trader,

Please have a look at the "Email Notifications" section of our Support site.


25 Mar 2016, 07:42

RE: 22222
mikepecson72 said:

Dear Spotware,


I have been struggling to make the send email notification worked for yahoo. I have double checked everything on my part but it still I cannot send an email from my indicator.

Notifications.SendEmail("", "", "test subject", "this is the message");
12/02/2016 15:28:57.394 | Failed to send email "test subject". System.Net.Mail.SmtpException: Mailbox name not allowed. The server response was: From address not verified - see    at System.Net.Mail.SendMailAsyncResult.End(IAsyncResult result)    at System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient.SendMailCallback(IAsyncResult result)

12/02/2016 15:29:10.623 | Failed to send email "test subject". Timeout

above are my code and errors for your perusal.

I have checked everything from this page and make sure I followed the settings for Yahoo but still Im having issues.

please help me what settings is need so I can send email using the Yahoo settings.

thanks in advance for your help.



29 Mar 2016, 12:53

Dear Trader,

We kindly ask to to contact your Email provider to provide you with the latest SMTP Server, SMTP Port.

A simple search using any search engine will also provide you with these details.
