Please, can anyone convert this indicator?
Please, can anyone convert this indicator?
04 Mar 2013, 09:57
Please, can anyone convert this indicator?
// List of Prices: // Price = 0 - Close // Price = 1 - Open // Price = 2 - High // Price = 3 - Low // Price = 4 - Median Price = (High+Low)/2 // Price = 5 - Typical Price = (High+Low+Close)/3 // Price = 6 - Weighted Close = (High+Low+Close*2)/4 // Price = 7 - Heiken Ashi Close // Price = 8 - Heiken Ashi Open // Price = 9 - Heiken Ashi High // Price =10 - Heiken Ashi Low #property indicator_separate_window #property indicator_buffers 1 #property indicator_color1 Yellow #property indicator_width1 2 #property indicator_maximum 31 #property indicator_minimum 5 //---- extern int TimeFrame = 0; //Time Frame in min extern int Price = 4; //Price Mode (0...10) extern color LineColor = Yellow; extern int FuzzR = 255; extern int FuzzG = 0; extern int FuzzB = 0; extern int VisualMode = 0; extern int CoronaBars = 1000; //---- double DomCyc[]; //---- double haClose[], haOpen[], haHigh[], haLow[], MaxAmpl; int draw_begin, pBars, mcnt_bars, per, win, LineR, LineG, LineB; string short_name, hex; datetime pTime; double Q[60], I[60], Real[60], Imag[60], Ampl[60], DB[60], OldI[60], OlderI[60], OldQ[60], OlderQ[60], OldReal[60], OlderReal[60], OldImag[60], OlderImag[60], OldDB[60]; double FuzzWidth = 0.5; int init() { //---- hex = IntegerToHexString(LineColor); //---- LineR = LineColor&0x000000FF; LineG = (LineColor>>8)&0x000000FF; LineB = (LineColor>>16)&0x000000FF; if(TimeFrame == 0 || TimeFrame < Period()) TimeFrame = Period(); per = 30; draw_begin=2*per*TimeFrame/Period(); //---- switch(TimeFrame) { case 1 : string TF = "M1"; break; case 5 : TF = "M5"; break; case 15 : TF = "M15"; break; case 30 : TF = "M30"; break; case 60 : TF = "H1"; break; case 240 : TF = "H4"; break; case 1440 : TF = "D1"; break; case 10080 : TF = "W1"; break; case 43200 : TF = "MN1"; break; default : TF = "Current"; } short_name = "four ["+TF+"] ("+Price+")"; IndicatorShortName(short_name); SetIndexLabel(0,"Dom Cycle"); //---- SetIndexBuffer(0,DomCyc); SetIndexStyle(0,DRAW_LINE); SetIndexDrawBegin(0,draw_begin); //---- return(0); } //---- void deinit() { ObjectsDeleteAll(win,OBJ_RECTANGLE); return(0); } int start() { int limit, y, i, shift, n, cnt_bars=IndicatorCounted(); double price[], mDomCyc[], DC[], SmoothHP[], HP[]; double pi = 4 * MathArctan(1); win = WindowFind(short_name); if(TimeFrame!=Period()) int mBars = iBars(NULL,TimeFrame); else mBars = Bars; if(mBars != pBars) { ArrayResize(price,mBars); ArrayResize(mDomCyc,mBars); ArrayResize(DC,mBars); ArrayResize(SmoothHP,mBars); ArrayResize(HP,mBars); if(Price > 6 && Price <= 10) { ArrayResize(haClose,mBars); ArrayResize(haOpen,mBars); ArrayResize(haHigh,mBars); ArrayResize(haLow,mBars); } pBars = mBars; } if(cnt_bars<1) { for(i=Bars-1;i>0;i--) DomCyc[i]=EMPTY_VALUE; mcnt_bars = 0; } //---- if(mcnt_bars > 0) mcnt_bars--; for(y=mcnt_bars+1;y<mBars;y++) { if(Price <= 6) price[y] = iMA(NULL,TimeFrame,1,0,0,Price,mBars-y-1); else if(Price > 6 && Price <= 10) price[y] = HeikenAshi(TimeFrame,Price-7,mBars-y-1); double alpha1 = (1 - MathSin(2*pi/30)) / MathCos(2*pi/30); HP[y] = 0.5*(1 + alpha1)*(price[y] - price[y-1]) + alpha1*HP[y-1]; SmoothHP[y] = (HP[y] + 2.0*HP[y-1] + 3.0*HP[y-2] + 3.0*HP[y-3] + 2.0*HP[y-4] + HP[y-5]) / 12.0; if(y < 6) SmoothHP[y] = price[y] - price[y-1]; if(y == 0) SmoothHP[y] = 0; double delta = -0.015*(y+1) + 0.5; if(delta < 0.1) delta = 0.1; if(y > 11) { if(iTime(NULL,TimeFrame,mBars-y-1) != pTime) { for(n = 11; n<= 59; n++) { OlderI[n] = OldI[n]; OldI[n] = I[n]; OlderQ[n] = OldQ[n]; OldQ[n] = Q[n]; OlderReal[n] = OldReal[n]; OldReal[n] = Real[n]; OlderImag[n] = OldImag[n]; OldImag[n] = Imag[n]; OldDB[n] = DB[n]; } pTime = iTime(NULL,TimeFrame,mBars-y-1); } for(n = 11; n<= 59; n++) { double beta = MathCos(4*pi/(n+1)); double gamma = 1.0/MathCos(8*pi*delta/(n+1)); double alpha = gamma - MathSqrt(gamma*gamma - 1); Q[n] = ((n+1)/4/pi)*(SmoothHP[y] - SmoothHP[y-1]); I[n] = SmoothHP[y]; Real[n] = 0.5*(1 - alpha)*(I[n] - OlderI[n]) + beta*(1 + alpha)*OldReal[n] - alpha*OlderReal[n]; Imag[n] = 0.5*(1 - alpha)*(Q[n] - OlderQ[n]) + beta*(1 + alpha)*OldImag[n] - alpha*OlderImag[n]; Ampl[n] = (Real[n]*Real[n] + Imag[n]*Imag[n]); } MaxAmpl = Ampl[11]; for(n = 11; n<= 59; n++) if(Ampl[n] > MaxAmpl) {MaxAmpl = Ampl[n]; int nmax = n;} for(n = 11; n<= 59; n++) { if(MaxAmpl != 0) if (Ampl[n] / MaxAmpl > 0) double dB = -10.0*MathLog(0.01/(1 - 0.99*Ampl[n]/MaxAmpl))/MathLog(10.0); DB[n] = 0.33*dB + 0.67*OldDB[n]; if(DB[n] > 20) DB[n] = 20; } double Num = 0; double Denom = 0; for(n = 11; n<= 59; n++) { if(DB[n] <= 6) { Num = Num + (n+1)*(20 - DB[n]); Denom = Denom + (20 - DB[n]); } if(Denom != 0) DC[y] = 0.5*Num / Denom; else DC[y] = DC[y-1]; } mDomCyc[y] = Median(DC, 5, y); } if(TimeFrame == Period() && VisualMode != 2) DomCyc[mBars-y-1] = mDomCyc[y]; if(VisualMode != 1 && ((CoronaBars > 0 && y > mBars - CoronaBars)||(CoronaBars == 0 && y > draw_begin))) for(n = 11; n<= 59; n++) { if(DB[n] <= 10) { int Color1 = LineR + DB[n]*(FuzzR - LineR) / 10.0; int Color2 = LineG + DB[n]*(FuzzG - LineG) / 10.0; int Color3 = LineB + DB[n]*(FuzzB - LineB) / 10.0; } else if(DB[n] > 10) { Color1 = FuzzR*(2 - DB[n] / 10.0); Color2 = FuzzG*(2 - DB[n] / 10.0); Color3 = FuzzB*(2 - DB[n] / 10.0); } Plot(TimeFrame,FuzzWidth*(n+1),win+"CCP"+(n+1)+"_"+y, RGB(Color1, Color2, Color3),FuzzWidth,mBars-y-1); } mcnt_bars = mBars-1; } if(TimeFrame > Period() && VisualMode != 2) { if(cnt_bars>0) cnt_bars--; limit = Bars-cnt_bars+TimeFrame/Period()-1; for(shift=0,y=0;shift<limit;shift++) { if (Time[shift] < iTime(NULL,TimeFrame,y)) y++; DomCyc[shift] = mDomCyc[mBars-y-1]; } } //---------- WindowRedraw(); return(0); } double Median(double price[],int per,int bar) { double array[]; ArrayResize(array,per); for(int i = 0; i < per;i++) array[i] = price[bar-i]; ArraySort(array); int num = MathRound((per-1)/2); if(MathMod(per,2)>0) double median = array[num]; else median = 0.5*(array[num]+array[num+1]); return(median); } double HeikenAshi(int tf,int price,int bar) { if(bar == iBars(NULL,TimeFrame)- 1) { haClose[bar] = iClose(NULL,tf,bar); haOpen[bar] = iOpen(NULL,tf,bar); haHigh[bar] = iHigh(NULL,tf,bar); haLow[bar] = iLow(NULL,tf,bar); } else { haClose[bar] = (iOpen(NULL,tf,bar)+iHigh(NULL,tf,bar)+iLow(NULL,tf,bar)+iClose(NULL,tf,bar))/4; haOpen[bar] = (haOpen[bar+1]+haClose[bar+1])/2; haHigh[bar] = MathMax(iHigh(NULL,tf,bar),MathMax(haOpen[bar], haClose[bar])); haLow[bar] = MathMin(iLow(NULL,tf,bar),MathMin(haOpen[bar], haClose[bar])); } switch(price) { case 0: return(haClose[bar]);break; case 1: return(haOpen[bar]);break; case 2: return(haHigh[bar]);break; case 3: return(haLow[bar]);break; } } int RGB(int R, int G, int B) { return (256*(256*B + G) + R); } void Plot(int tf,double value,string name,color clr,double width,int bar) { ObjectCreate(name,OBJ_RECTANGLE,win,iTime(NULL,tf,bar+1),value-0.5*width,iTime(NULL,tf,bar),value+0.5*width); ObjectSet(name,OBJPROP_COLOR,clr); } string IntegerToHexString(int integer_number) { string hex_string="00000000"; int value, shift=28; //---- for(int i=0; i<8; i++) { value=(integer_number>>shift)&0x0F; if(value<10) hex_string=StringSetChar(hex_string, i, value+'0'); else hex_string=StringSetChar(hex_string, i, (value-10)+'A'); shift-=4; } //---- return(hex_string); }
27 Mar 2013, 16:28
This indicator cannot be converted fully with the current version of the API. However, drawing rectangles will be possible in a future release and then this indicator may be translated. If you wish, you may plot only the line of this indicator and we will help you with the code.
This draw only a line. Please help me.
Thank you anyway
#property indicator_separate_window #property indicator_buffers 1 #property indicator_color1 Yellow #property indicator_width1 2 #property indicator_maximum 31 #property indicator_minimum 5 //---- int TimeFrame = 0; double DomCyc[]; double MaxAmpl; int draw_begin, mBars,pBars, mcnt_bars, per, win; datetime pTime; double Q[60], I[60], Real[60], Imag[60], Ampl[60], DB[60], OldI[60], OlderI[60], OldQ[60], OlderQ[60], OldReal[60], OlderReal[60], OldImag[60], OlderImag[60], OldDB[60]; double FuzzWidth = 0.5; int init() { string TF = "M5"; TimeFrame = Period(); per = 30; draw_begin=2*per*TimeFrame/Period(); IndicatorShortName("four"); SetIndexLabel(0,"Dom Cycle"); SetIndexBuffer(0,DomCyc); SetIndexStyle(0,DRAW_LINE); SetIndexDrawBegin(0,draw_begin); mBars = Bars; return(0); } void deinit() { ObjectsDeleteAll(win,OBJ_RECTANGLE); return(0); } int start() { int limit, y, i, shift, n, cnt_bars=IndicatorCounted(); double price[], mDomCyc[], DC[], SmoothHP[], HP[]; double pi = 4 * MathArctan(1); win = WindowFind("e"); mBars = Bars; if(mBars != pBars) { ArrayResize(price,mBars); ArrayResize(mDomCyc,mBars); ArrayResize(DC,mBars); ArrayResize(SmoothHP,mBars); ArrayResize(HP,mBars); pBars = mBars; } if(cnt_bars<1) { for(i=Bars-1;i>0;i--) DomCyc[i]=EMPTY_VALUE; mcnt_bars = 0; } if(mcnt_bars > 0) mcnt_bars--; for(y=mcnt_bars+1;y<mBars;y++) { price[y] = iMA(NULL,TimeFrame,1,0,0,0,mBars-y-1); double alpha1 = (1 - MathSin(2*pi/30)) / MathCos(2*pi/30); HP[y] = 0.5*(1 + alpha1)*(price[y] - price[y-1]) + alpha1*HP[y-1]; SmoothHP[y] = (HP[y] + 2.0*HP[y-1] + 3.0*HP[y-2] + 3.0*HP[y-3] + 2.0*HP[y-4] + HP[y-5]) / 12.0; if(y < 6) SmoothHP[y] = price[y] - price[y-1]; if(y == 0) SmoothHP[y] = 0; double delta = -0.015*(y+1) + 0.5; if(delta < 0.1) delta = 0.1; if(y > 11) { if(iTime(NULL,TimeFrame,mBars-y-1) != pTime) { for(n = 11; n<= 59; n++) { OlderI[n] = OldI[n]; OldI[n] = I[n]; OlderQ[n] = OldQ[n]; OldQ[n] = Q[n]; OlderReal[n] = OldReal[n]; OldReal[n] = Real[n]; OlderImag[n] = OldImag[n]; OldImag[n] = Imag[n]; OldDB[n] = DB[n]; } pTime = iTime(NULL,TimeFrame,mBars-y-1); } for(n = 11; n<= 59; n++) { double beta = MathCos(4*pi/(n+1)); double gamma = 1.0/MathCos(8*pi*delta/(n+1)); double alpha = gamma - MathSqrt(gamma*gamma - 1); Q[n] = ((n+1)/4/pi)*(SmoothHP[y] - SmoothHP[y-1]); I[n] = SmoothHP[y]; Real[n] = 0.5*(1 - alpha)*(I[n] - OlderI[n]) + beta*(1 + alpha)*OldReal[n] - alpha*OlderReal[n]; Imag[n] = 0.5*(1 - alpha)*(Q[n] - OlderQ[n]) + beta*(1 + alpha)*OldImag[n] - alpha*OlderImag[n]; Ampl[n] = (Real[n]*Real[n] + Imag[n]*Imag[n]); } MaxAmpl = Ampl[11]; for(n = 11; n<= 59; n++) if(Ampl[n] > MaxAmpl) {MaxAmpl = Ampl[n]; int nmax = n;} for(n = 11; n<= 59; n++) { if(MaxAmpl != 0) if (Ampl[n] / MaxAmpl > 0) double dB = -10.0*MathLog(0.01/(1 - 0.99*Ampl[n]/MaxAmpl))/MathLog(10.0); DB[n] = 0.33*dB + 0.67*OldDB[n]; if(DB[n] > 20) DB[n] = 20; } double Num = 0; double Denom = 0; for(n = 11; n<= 59; n++) { if(DB[n] <= 6) { Num = Num + (n+1)*(20 - DB[n]); Denom = Denom + (20 - DB[n]); } if(Denom != 0) DC[y] = 0.5*Num / Denom; else DC[y] = DC[y-1]; } mDomCyc[y] = Median(DC, 5, y); } DomCyc[mBars-y-1] = mDomCyc[y]; mcnt_bars = mBars-1; } WindowRedraw(); return(0); } double Median(double price[],int per,int bar) { double array[]; ArrayResize(array,per); for(int i = 0; i < per;i++) array[i] = price[bar-i]; ArraySort(array); int num = MathRound((per-1)/2); if(MathMod(per,2)>0) double median = array[num]; else median = 0.5*(array[num]+array[num+1]); return(median); }
03 Apr 2013, 09:24
You may use this code if(IsRealTime) {...} or if (!IsRealTime) return; to calculate only for new bars.
27 Mar 2013, 14:39
This indicator cannot be converted fully with the current version of the API. However, drawing rectangles will be possible in a future release and then this indicator may be translated. If you wish, you may plot only the line of this indicator and we will help you with the code.