Compliments and 00 level trading Request

Created at 08 Dec 2014, 12:54
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Joined 08.12.2014

Compliments and 00 level trading Request
08 Dec 2014, 12:54


I have just started looking at this platform and it seems way far better than MT4. My compliments

Unfortunately most of the strategies discussed in forums rely on MT4 indicators.

I am now in the process to start trading using the 00 level trading described by the user Udine on Forex Factory

This is by far the most active discussion in FF with hundreds of users connected and posting every day. Based on the typology of the strategy cTrader will be the perfect platfor to trade with: Fast Execution, Detachable Charts,... will be really a plus!

Why do not support this strategy presenting a cTrader template and set of suitable set of indicators for this strategy? It will be a huge marketing tools for the cTrader platform. And I am sure that many Trader/developer will understand the plus of this platform


Thank you and keep on developing this nice platform


PS if you do not want to post on FF directly help in developing this template and I will post it for you






09 Dec 2014, 16:19

Nothing needed really, it is all there already for the '1 Hour'.

Black lines on the 00 levels, red lines on the .9 and .1 levels.

The range for the day is easily calculated and you can put lines on the chart.

If you keep the market list open you can see weather the symbol is + open or - open.

The platforms inbuilt trailing is good.

You don't need to worry about "stealth" stops & take profits because they are not visible by the providers if you use a good broker.


It really isn't a hard scalping technique to do, and there are really no indicators required.


10 Dec 2014, 18:23


Elogos said:

Nothing needed really, it is all there already for the '1 Hour'.

Black lines on the 00 levels, red lines on the .9 and .1 levels.

The range for the day is easily calculated and you can put lines on the chart.

If you keep the market list open you can see weather the symbol is + open or - open.

The platforms inbuilt trailing is good.

You don't need to worry about "stealth" stops & take profits because they are not visible by the providers if you use a good broker.


It really isn't a hard scalping technique to do, and there are really no indicators required.

Ok, Thank you. I am new on this platform, but I will try to follow your direction and see if it works. Ciao


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