Price Action opening and closing above a MA

Created at 15 Jul 2022, 16:10
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Joined 27.06.2019

Price Action opening and closing above a MA
15 Jul 2022, 16:10

When comparing moving average values on open and close how can I compare this against Price Action values? E,g,. if one is greater than the other, surely I would need to compare similar values, or there a built-in way to call this is in the code?


23 Sep 2022, 06:50


jeremy.ayres said:

When comparing moving average values on open and close how can I compare this against Price Action values? E,g,. if one is greater than the other, surely I would need to compare similar values, or there a built-in way to call this is in the code?

What price action values do you want to compare against? Open prices? Close prices?

You would just need to do something similar to:

MovingAverage1.Result.LastValue >= Bars.ClosePrices.LastValue

Not that in the current bar, the current price is always the "close price" even if the bar hasn't closed yet.
