fractal break pattern

Created at 13 Jun 2022, 20:56
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Joined 14.04.2022

fractal break pattern
13 Jun 2022, 20:56

Hello . Who can help me? I have an indicator, the source code of which you will see below. I want to add the conditions I mentioned in the image below to this indicator in the form of a few lines of code.

source code is :


using System;

using cAlgo.API;

using cAlgo.Indicators;


namespace cAlgo



     * FullFractal - Version 1.4


    [Indicator(IsOverlay = true, TimeZone = TimeZones.UTC, AccessRights = AccessRights.None)]

    public class FullFractal : Indicator


        [Parameter("Period", DefaultValue = 5, MinValue = 5)]

        public int period { get; set; }


        [Parameter("Highlight bad fractals", DefaultValue = true)]

        public bool highlightBadFractals { get; set; }


        [Parameter("Draw circles", DefaultValue = true)]

        public bool drawCircles { get; set; }


        [Parameter("Draw errors", DefaultValue = true)]

        public bool drawArrows { get; set; }


        [Output("High continuation line", Color = Colors.Blue, PlotType = PlotType.Line, LineStyle = LineStyle.Dots)]

        public IndicatorDataSeries horizontalContinuationLineHigh { get; set; }


        [Output("Low continuation line", Color = Colors.Orange, PlotType = PlotType.Line, LineStyle = LineStyle.Dots)]

        public IndicatorDataSeries horizontalContinuationLineLow { get; set; }


        [Output("High-Low line", Color = Colors.White, PlotType = PlotType.Line, LineStyle = LineStyle.Lines)]

        public IndicatorDataSeries highLowLink { get; set; }


        [Parameter("Play sound on new High ...\n(i.e: C:\\Windows\\Media\\chimes.wav)", DefaultValue = "")]

        public string newHighSound { get; set; }


        [Parameter("Play sound on new Low ...\n(i.e: C:\\Windows\\Media\\chord.wav)", DefaultValue = "")]

        public string newLowSound { get; set; }


        [Parameter("Send notification to email", DefaultValue = "")]

        public string emailNewFractalNotificationTo { get; set; }



        private const String arrowUp = "▲";

        private const String arrowDown = "▼";

        private const String circle = "◯";

        private FractalService fractalService;


        protected override void Initialize()


            fractalService = new FractalService(MarketSeries, period);




        public override void Calculate(int index)


            int effectiveIndex = index - 1;






        private void printHorizontal(int index)


            Fractal lastfractal = fractalService.getLastFractal();

            if (lastfractal == null)


            Fractal previousFractal = fractalService.getLastFractal().getPrevious();

            if (previousFractal == null)


            Fractal highFractal = lastfractal.high ? lastfractal : previousFractal;

            Fractal lowFractal = lastfractal.low ? lastfractal : previousFractal;


            double highestHighValue = highFractal.value;

            double lowestLowValue = lowFractal.value;

            highestHighValue = adjustCurrentHigh(index, highFractal, highestHighValue, lowFractal, ref lowestLowValue);


            for (int i = highFractal.index + 1; i < index; i++)

                horizontalContinuationLineHigh[i] = highestHighValue;

            for (int i = lowFractal.index + 1; i < index; i++)

                horizontalContinuationLineLow[i] = lowestLowValue;



        private double adjustCurrentHigh(int index, Fractal highFractal, double highestHighValue, Fractal lowFractal, ref double lowestLowValue)


            for (int i = highFractal.index; i < index; i++)

                if (MarketSeries.High[i] > highestHighValue)

                    highestHighValue = MarketSeries.High[i];

            for (int i = lowFractal.index; i < index; i++)

                if (MarketSeries.Low[i] < lowestLowValue)

                    lowestLowValue = MarketSeries.Low[i];

            return highestHighValue;




        private void newFractalHandler(FractalEvent fractalEvent)


            Fractal fractal = fractalEvent.fractal.getBest();








            if (drawArrows)



            if (!IsRealTime)







        private void playSoundNotification(Fractal fractal)


            if (fractal.high && newHighSound.Length > 0)


            else if (fractal.low && newLowSound.Length > 0)




        private void sendEmailNotification(Fractal fractal)


            string fractalType;

            if (fractal.getFractalType() == FractalType.HigherHigh)

                fractalType = "higher high";

            else if (fractal.getFractalType() == FractalType.HigherLow)

                fractalType = "higher low";

            else if (fractal.getFractalType() == FractalType.LowerHigh)

                fractalType = "lower high";


                fractalType = "lower low";


            string notificationEmailBody = "You have a new " + fractalType + " fractal on symbol " + Symbol.Code + ".";

            if (emailNewFractalNotificationTo.Length > 0)


                Print("Sending email to {0}", emailNewFractalNotificationTo);

                Notifications.SendEmail(emailNewFractalNotificationTo, emailNewFractalNotificationTo, "New " + fractalType + " fractal", notificationEmailBody);




        private void drawCircle(Fractal fractal)


            if (drawCircles)

                ChartObjects.DrawText(getCircleLabel(fractal), circle, fractal.index, fractal.value, VerticalAlignment.Center, HorizontalAlignment.Center, Colors.Aqua);


            Fractal previous = fractal.getPreviousOfSameSide();

            if (previous != null)


                foreach (Fractal badFractal in fractal.getBadFractals())


                    if (drawCircles)


                    if (!highlightBadFractals)


                    if (highlightBadFractals)

                        ChartObjects.DrawText(getCircleLabel(badFractal), circle, badFractal.index, badFractal.value, VerticalAlignment.Center, HorizontalAlignment.Center, Colors.Red);






        private static string getCircleLabel(Fractal fractal)


            return "circle-" + (fractal.high ? "H" : "L") + "-" + fractal.index;



        private void linkHighs(FractalEvent fractalEvent)


            Fractal fractal = fractalEvent.fractal.getBest();

            Fractal previous = fractal.getPreviousOfSameSide();

            if (fractal.high && previous != null)


                double highest = Math.Max(fractal.value, previous.value);

                for (int i = previous.index + 1; i < fractal.index; i++)

                    horizontalContinuationLineHigh[i] = highest;


                for (int i = fractal.index; i < fractalEvent.index; i++)

                    horizontalContinuationLineHigh[i] = fractal.value;




        private void linkFractals(FractalEvent fractalEvent)


            Fractal fractal = fractalEvent.fractal.getBest();

            Fractal previous = fractal.getPrevious();

            if (previous != null)


                for (int i = previous.index + 1; i < fractal.index; i++)

                    highLowLink[i] = Double.NaN;


                highLowLink[previous.index] = previous.value;

                highLowLink[fractal.index] = fractal.value;




        private void linkLows(FractalEvent fractalEvent)


            Fractal fractal = fractalEvent.fractal.getBest();

            Fractal previous = fractal.getPreviousOfSameSide();

            if (fractal.low && previous != null)


                double lowest = Math.Min(fractal.value, previous.value);

                for (int i = previous.index + 1; i < fractal.index; i++)

                    horizontalContinuationLineLow[i] = lowest;


                for (int i = fractal.index; i < fractalEvent.index; i++)

                    horizontalContinuationLineLow[i] = fractal.value;




        private void plotArrow(Fractal fractal)


            String arrow = fractal.isHigher() ? arrowUp : arrowDown;

            Colors color = getArrowColor(fractal);

            ChartObjects.DrawText(getArrowLabel(fractal), arrow, fractal.index, getTextPosition(fractal, 0.9), VerticalAlignment.Center, HorizontalAlignment.Center, color);



        private static string getArrowLabel(Fractal fractal)


            return "arrow-" + (fractal.high ? "high" : "low") + "-" + fractal.index;



        private double getTextPosition(Fractal fractal, double offsetMultiplier = 2)


            double peakValue = fractal.high ? MarketSeries.High[fractal.index] : MarketSeries.Low[fractal.index];

            double distanceToBar = Symbol.PipSize * ScaleHelper.getScale(TimeFrame) * offsetMultiplier;

            double yPos = peakValue + distanceToBar * (fractal.high ? 1 : -1);

            return yPos;



        private static Colors getArrowColor(Fractal fractal)


            switch (fractal.getFractalType())


                case FractalType.HigherHigh:

                    return Colors.OrangeRed;

                case FractalType.LowerHigh:

                    return Colors.Red;

                case FractalType.HigherLow:

                    return Colors.DarkCyan;

                case FractalType.LowerLow:

                    return Colors.Blue;



            return Colors.White;








14 Jun 2022, 08:52


Most probably what you are asking for will require more than few lines of code, and the indicator code you pasted lost it's code syntax format.

Please use editor code snippet to post code.

For these kind of tasks you can post a job request or ask one of our consultants.

