Indicator Print

Created at 07 Jul 2021, 07:53
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Indicator Print
07 Jul 2021, 07:53

Unable to Print from Indicator to Log window

Have searched forums and seen this has been a bug in the past

Also copied/pasted demo print indicator code but nothing is printed to the log window (despite the obsolete code)

And I don't know what the 'solution' in this post even means...

Anyone any suggestions please?



07 Jul 2021, 08:29

Hi Xammo,

Indicator logs are available in the cTrader Automate section but not in cTrader Trade section. We will enable this option in a future update.

Best Regards,


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07 Jul 2021, 11:40

Hi Panagiotis 

Thanks for that but it is in the Automate section I am talking about... (I hardly ever use the Trade section and there is no Log tab there anyway that I can see)

The print statements are supposed to appear in the Log tab in the automate section same as if printing from a cBot yeh?

I get nothing... copied and pasted the sample code that although it has obsolete code warnings should work enough to print the statements I think or what could I be doing wrong/looking in the wrong place etc!

(PS - I don't know why but ever since I deleted my old cTID and am now using this new cTID I do not get notifications of replies on the forum even though am subscribed and nothing in my junk folder etc.)



07 Jul 2021, 11:44

Hi Xammo,

The print statements are supposed to appear in the Log tab in the automate section same as if printing from a cBot yeh?

Yes that is correct. Can you share the source code to have a look?

 (PS - I don't know why but ever since I deleted my old cTID and am now using this new cTID I do not get notifications of replies on the forum even though am subscribed and nothing in my junk folder etc.)

We tested this recently and works fine for us. No idea what could be wrong.

Best Regards,


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07 Jul 2021, 14:19

Just use this source code -

I think I must be regressing in my knowledge of all things cTrader after years of being at it!

All I am doing is copy/paste the above code into a new indicator and build it then add an instance to a cBot and add the indicator to the chart of that instance

I should be seeing the print output in the Log tab below right?

Just the same as I would with the bot that is running there (which I do see all the print statements for no problem)

I have run the bot in demo and live and backtest and just nothing letting the chart tick away but nothing ever gets printed...

I must be missing something very obvious/doing something very wrong but I cannot for the life of me think what it is!

(this is on cTrader 4.0 IC Markets and cTrader 4.1 with TradeView Forex)


07 Jul 2021, 14:21

PS - I am still not getting any notifications of updates to forum posts which is getting annoying/how can I sort it out please? I have turned it on/off and unsubscribed/subscribed but still not working


07 Jul 2021, 14:34 ( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:22 )

Hi Xammo,

The indicator works fine for me. 

PS - I am still not getting any notifications of updates to forum posts which is getting annoying/how can I sort it out please? I have turned it on/off and unsubscribed/subscribed but still not working

I have no idea since we cannot reproduce it. We receive emails without a problem. It could be something on your side.

Best Regards,


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08 Jul 2021, 08:19

Hi Panagiotis

Please can you take a look at this video and let me know what I am doing wrong... it must be something daft I know but what am I missing...?!

(low quality and speeded up but hopefully you can see what is going on)


(Re: the email notifications I can't see how it could be anything my end as there is nothing in my junk and I am receiving emails fine otherwise but ok if there is nothing you can do/suggest I will just have to keep manually checking back in which is a shame/pain)


08 Jul 2021, 14:05

Hi Xammo,

Ok now I understand. The indicator logs are only available in the Indicators section of cTrader Automate. They are not available when the indicator is added on a backtesting chart.

Best Regards,


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08 Jul 2021, 15:20

In the indicators section of cTrader Automate... is that not the first part of the video no?

The backtesting was just to show you eveything/everywhere where it could possibly be

Did you see I created a cBot called PrintBot that is clearly printing to the log in the normal chart mode (as oposed to the backtesting chart) but the indicator added to that chart does not print anything to the log!

Your screenshot above is a chart presumably from the Automate tab that has the Log tab clearly there surely this is the same place as the first part of the video no? (that is NOT printing anything to the log from the indicator!)



08 Jul 2021, 15:24 ( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:22 )

Hi Xammo,

No, your actions take place in the cBots section

Best Regards,


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08 Jul 2021, 16:23 ( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:22 )

Sorry this is dragging on so long but really I am totally lost now...

Your screenshot earlier

is surely from the cBots section is it not?

The indicators section

only has the code area, Build Result and API Reference windows... where is the Log tab on there? (let alone the chart that is in your screenshot)

Has something major changed in cTrader that has totally passed me by?


09 Jul 2021, 07:52 ( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:22 )

EUREKA! I have finally 'got it!'

I have never thought to add an instance to an indicator!

Not yet sure why (other than to be able to see the log) anyone would want to do this but finally now I can troubleshoot indicators!

