supply and demand indicator

Created at 09 Jul 2014, 19:57
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Joined 09.07.2014

supply and demand indicator
09 Jul 2014, 19:57

// ------------------------------------------------------------                   
// Paste this code into your cAlgo editor. 
// -----------------------------------------------------------
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using cAlgo.API;
using cAlgo.API.Indicators;
using cAlgo.API.Internals;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Threading;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using Microsoft.Win32;
using System.Threading;
using cAlgo.API.Requests;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------                   
// Converted from MQ4 to cAlgo with
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

namespace cAlgo.Indicators
    [Indicator(ScalePrecision = 5, AutoRescale = false, IsOverlay = true, AccessRights = AccessRights.None)]
    public class SupDem_Indicator : Indicator
Mq4Double Mq4Init()
   if(forcedtf != 0) tf = forcedtf;
      else tf = Period();
   point = Point;
   digits = Digits;
   if(digits == 3 || digits == 5) point*=10;
   TAG = "II_SupDem"+tf;
   return 0;
return 0;}
Mq4Double deinitFunc()
   return 0;
return 0;}
Mq4Double Mq4Start()
   return 0;
return 0;}
void DrawFunc()
Mq4String s = "";
Mq4Double i = 0;
      if(BuferDn[i] > 0.0)
         t1 = iTime(pair,tf,i);
         t2 = Time[0];
         if(usenarrowbands) p2 = MathMax(iClose(pair,tf,i),iOpen(pair,tf,i));
            else p2 = MathMin(iClose(pair,tf,i),iOpen(pair,tf,i));
         p2 = MathMax(p2,MathMax(iLow(pair,tf,i-1),iLow(pair,tf,i+1)));

         s = TAG+"UPAR"+tf+i;
         ObjectSet(s, OBJPROP_TIME1, t2);
         ObjectSet(s, OBJPROP_PRICE1, p2);
         s = TAG+"UPFILL"+tf+i;

      if(BuferUp[i] > 0.0)
         t1 = iTime(pair,tf,i);
         t2 = Time[0];
         if(usenarrowbands) p2 = MathMin(iClose(pair,tf,i),iOpen(pair,tf,i));
            else p2 = MathMax(iClose(pair,tf,i),iOpen(pair,tf,i));
         if(i>0) p2 = MathMin(p2,MathMin(iHigh(pair,tf,i+1),iHigh(pair,tf,i-1)));
         s = TAG+"DNAR"+tf+i;
         ObjectSet(s, OBJPROP_TIME1, t2);
         ObjectSet(s, OBJPROP_PRICE1, p2);

         s = TAG+"DNFILL"+tf+i;
Mq4Double NewBarFunc()
if (iTime(pair,tf,0) != LastTime) {
      LastTime = iTime(pair,tf,0);      
      return true;
   } else
      return false;
return true;}
void ObDeleteObjectsByPrefixFunc(Mq4String Prefix)
Mq4String ObjName = "";
Mq4Double i = 0;
Mq4Double L = 0;
   L = StringLen(Prefix);
   i = 0;
   while(i < ObjectsTotal())
      ObjName = ObjectName(i);
      if(StringSubstr(ObjName, 0, L) != Prefix)
Mq4Double CountZZFunc(IMq4DoubleArray ExtMapBuffer, IMq4DoubleArray ExtMapBuffer2, Mq4Double ExtDepth, Mq4Double ExtDeviation, Mq4Double ExtBackstep)
Mq4Double count = 0;
Mq4Double lastlow = 0;
Mq4Double lasthigh = 0;
Mq4Double curhigh = 0;
Mq4Double curlow = 0;
Mq4Double res = 0;
Mq4Double val = 0;
Mq4Double lastlowpos = 0;
Mq4Double lasthighpos = 0;
Mq4Double back = 0;
Mq4Double shift = 0;
   count = iBars(pair,tf)-ExtDepth;

   for(shift=count; shift>=0; shift--)
      val = iLow(pair,tf,iLowest(pair,tf,MODE_LOW,ExtDepth,shift));
      if(val==lastlow) val=0.0;
         if((iLow(pair,tf,shift)-val)>(ExtDeviation*Point)) val=0.0;
            for(back=1; back<=ExtBackstep; back++)
               if((res!=0)&&(res>val)) ExtMapBuffer[shift+back]=0.0;
      if(val==lasthigh) val=0.0;
         if((val-iHigh(pair,tf,shift))>(ExtDeviation*Point)) val=0.0;
            for(back=1; back<=ExtBackstep; back++)
               if((res!=0)&&(res<val)) ExtMapBuffer2[shift+back]=0.0;
   lasthigh=-1; lasthighpos=-1;
   lastlow=-1;  lastlowpos=-1;

   for(shift=count; shift>=0; shift--)
      if((curlow==0)&&(curhigh==0)) continue;
            if(lasthigh<curhigh) ExtMapBuffer2[lasthighpos]=0;
            else ExtMapBuffer2[shift]=0;
         if(lasthigh<curhigh || lasthigh<0)
            if(lastlow>curlow) ExtMapBuffer[lastlowpos]=0;
            else ExtMapBuffer[shift]=0;
   for(shift=iBars(pair,tf)-1; shift>=0; shift--)
      if(shift>=count) ExtMapBuffer[shift]=0.0;
            if(res!=0.0) ExtMapBuffer2[shift]=res;
return 0;}
void GetValidFunc()
Mq4Double i = 0;
Mq4Double hiup = 0;
Mq4Double lowdn = 0;
Mq4Double lastdn = 0;
Mq4Double lastup = 0;
Mq4Double curlo = 0;
Mq4Double curhi = 0;
Mq4Double dnbar = 0;
Mq4Double upbar = 0;
   upcur = 0;
   upbar = 0;
   dncur = 0;
   dnbar = 0;
   curhi = 0;
   curlo = 0;
   lastup = 0;
   lastdn = 0;
   lowdn = 0;
   hiup = 0;
      if(BuferUp[i] > 0)
         upcur = BuferUp[i];
         curlo = BuferUp[i];
         lastup = curlo;
      if(BuferDn[i] > 0)
         dncur = BuferDn[i];
         curhi = BuferDn[i];
         lastdn = curhi;

      if(BuferDn[i] >= lastdn)
         lastdn = BuferDn[i];
         dnbar = i;
         else BuferDn[i] = 0.0;
      if(BuferDn[i] <= dncur && BuferUp[i] > 0.0) BuferDn[i] = 0.0;

      if(BuferUp[i] <= lastup && BuferUp[i] > 0)
         lastup = BuferUp[i];
         upbar = i;
         else BuferUp[i] = 0.0;
      if(BuferUp[i] > upcur) BuferUp[i] = 0.0;


         lowdn = MathMax(iOpen(pair,tf,dnbar),iClose(pair,tf,dnbar));
         hiup = MathMin(iOpen(pair,tf,upbar),iClose(pair,tf,upbar));
            lowdn = MathMin(iOpen(pair,tf,dnbar),iClose(pair,tf,dnbar));
            hiup = MathMax(iOpen(pair,tf,upbar),iClose(pair,tf,upbar));         

         if(BuferDn[i] > lowdn && BuferDn[i] != lastdn) BuferDn[i] = 0.0;
            else if(usenarrowbands && BuferDn[i] > 0)
               lowdn = MathMax(iOpen(pair,tf,i),iClose(pair,tf,i));
               lastdn = BuferDn[i];
               else if(BuferDn[i] > 0)
                  lowdn = MathMin(iOpen(pair,tf,i),iClose(pair,tf,i));
                  lastdn = BuferDn[i];

         if(BuferUp[i] <= hiup && BuferUp[i] > 0 && BuferUp[i] != lastup) BuferUp[i] = 0.0;
            else if(usenarrowbands && BuferUp[i] > 0)
               hiup = MathMin(iOpen(pair,tf,i),iClose(pair,tf,i));
               lastup = BuferUp[i];
               else if(BuferUp[i] > 0)
                  hiup = MathMax(iOpen(pair,tf,i),iClose(pair,tf,i));
                  lastup = BuferUp[i];

[Parameter("forcedtf", DefaultValue = 0)]
public int forcedtf_parameter { get; set; }
bool _forcedtfGot;
Mq4Double forcedtf_backfield;
Mq4Double forcedtf { get { if (!_forcedtfGot) forcedtf_backfield = forcedtf_parameter; return forcedtf_backfield;    } set { forcedtf_backfield = value; } }

[Parameter("usenarrowbands", DefaultValue = false)]
public bool usenarrowbands_parameter { get; set; }
bool _usenarrowbandsGot;
Mq4Double usenarrowbands_backfield;
Mq4Double usenarrowbands { get { if (!_usenarrowbandsGot) usenarrowbands_backfield = usenarrowbands_parameter; return usenarrowbands_backfield;    } set { usenarrowbands_backfield = value; } }

[Parameter("killretouch", DefaultValue = true)]
public bool killretouch_parameter { get; set; }
bool _killretouchGot;
Mq4Double killretouch_backfield;
Mq4Double killretouch { get { if (!_killretouchGot) killretouch_backfield = killretouch_parameter; return killretouch_backfield;    } set { killretouch_backfield = value; } }

[Parameter("TopColor", DefaultValue = Maroon)]
public int TopColor_parameter { get; set; }
bool _TopColorGot;
Mq4Double TopColor_backfield;
Mq4Double TopColor { get { if (!_TopColorGot) TopColor_backfield = TopColor_parameter; return TopColor_backfield;    } set { TopColor_backfield = value; } }

[Parameter("BotColor", DefaultValue = DarkBlue)]
public int BotColor_parameter { get; set; }
bool _BotColorGot;
Mq4Double BotColor_backfield;
Mq4Double BotColor { get { if (!_BotColorGot) BotColor_backfield = BotColor_parameter; return BotColor_backfield;    } set { BotColor_backfield = value; } }

[Parameter("Price_Width", DefaultValue = 1)]
public int Price_Width_parameter { get; set; }
bool _Price_WidthGot;
Mq4Double Price_Width_backfield;
Mq4Double Price_Width { get { if (!_Price_WidthGot) Price_Width_backfield = Price_Width_parameter; return Price_Width_backfield;    } set { Price_Width_backfield = value; } }


public IndicatorDataSeries BuferDn_AlgoOutputDataSeries { get; set; }
public IndicatorDataSeries BuferUp_AlgoOutputDataSeries { get; set; }

Mq4Double dncur;
Mq4Double upcur;
Mq4String TAG;
Mq4Double tf;
Mq4Double digits;
Mq4Double point;
Mq4String pair;
Mq4Double p2;
Mq4Double p1;
Mq4Double t2;
Mq4Double t1;
Mq4Double Step=5;
Mq4Double Dev=8;
Mq4Double iPeriod=13;

Mq4Double LastTime = 0;
int indicator_buffers = 2;

Mq4Double indicator_width1 = 1;
Mq4Double indicator_width2 = 1;
Mq4Double indicator_width3 = 1;
Mq4Double indicator_width4 = 1;
Mq4Double indicator_width5 = 1;
Mq4Double indicator_width6 = 1;
Mq4Double indicator_width7 = 1;
Mq4Double indicator_width8 = 1;


private Mq4OutputDataSeries BuferDn;
private Mq4OutputDataSeries BuferUp;

List<Mq4OutputDataSeries> AllBuffers = new List<Mq4OutputDataSeries>();        
public List<DataSeries> AllOutputDataSeries = new List<DataSeries>();

        protected override void Initialize()
if (BuferDn_AlgoOutputDataSeries == null) BuferDn_AlgoOutputDataSeries = CreateDataSeries();
BuferDn = new Mq4OutputDataSeries(this, BuferDn_AlgoOutputDataSeries, ChartObjects, 12, 0, () => CreateDataSeries(), 1, null);
if (BuferUp_AlgoOutputDataSeries == null) BuferUp_AlgoOutputDataSeries = CreateDataSeries();
BuferUp = new Mq4OutputDataSeries(this, BuferUp_AlgoOutputDataSeries, ChartObjects, 12, 1, () => CreateDataSeries(), 1, null);


    private bool _initialized;
    public override void Calculate(int index)
            _currentIndex = index;

            if (IsLastBar) 
                if (!_initialized)
                    _initialized = true;
                _indicatorCounted = index;
        catch(Exception e)

int _currentIndex;
CachedStandardIndicators _cachedStandardIndicators;
Mq4ChartObjects _mq4ChartObjects;
Mq4ArrayToDataSeriesConverterFactory _mq4ArrayToDataSeriesConverterFactory;
Mq4MarketDataSeries Open;
Mq4MarketDataSeries High;
Mq4MarketDataSeries Low;
Mq4MarketDataSeries Close;
Mq4MarketDataSeries Median;
Mq4MarketDataSeries Volume;
Mq4TimeSeries Time;

private void CommonInitialize()
    Open = new Mq4MarketDataSeries(MarketSeries.Open);
    High = new Mq4MarketDataSeries(MarketSeries.High);
    Low = new Mq4MarketDataSeries(MarketSeries.Low);
    Close = new Mq4MarketDataSeries(MarketSeries.Close);
    Volume = new Mq4MarketDataSeries(MarketSeries.TickVolume);
    Median = new Mq4MarketDataSeries(MarketSeries.Median);
    Time = new Mq4TimeSeries(MarketSeries.OpenTime);

    _cachedStandardIndicators = new CachedStandardIndicators(Indicators);
    _mq4ChartObjects = new Mq4ChartObjects(ChartObjects, MarketSeries.OpenTime);
    _mq4ArrayToDataSeriesConverterFactory = new Mq4ArrayToDataSeriesConverterFactory(() => CreateDataSeries());
    private int Bars
        get { return MarketSeries.Close.Count; }
private int Digits
            if (Symbol == null)
                return 0;
            return Symbol.Digits;

Mq4Double Point
            if (Symbol == null)
                return 0.00001;

            return Symbol.TickSize;
private int Period()
        if (TimeFrame == TimeFrame.Minute)
            return 1;
        if (TimeFrame == TimeFrame.Minute2)
            return 2;
        if (TimeFrame == TimeFrame.Minute3)
            return 3;
        if (TimeFrame == TimeFrame.Minute4)
            return 4;
        if (TimeFrame == TimeFrame.Minute5)
            return 5;
        if (TimeFrame == TimeFrame.Minute10)
            return 10;
        if (TimeFrame == TimeFrame.Minute15)
            return 15;
        if (TimeFrame == TimeFrame.Minute30)
            return 30;
        if (TimeFrame == TimeFrame.Hour)
            return 60;
        if (TimeFrame == TimeFrame.Hour4)
            return 240;
        if (TimeFrame == TimeFrame.Hour12)
            return 720;                    
        if (TimeFrame == TimeFrame.Daily)
            return 1440;
        if (TimeFrame == TimeFrame.Weekly)
            return 10080;
        return 43200;

    public TimeFrame PeriodToTimeFrame(int period)
        switch (period) 
            case 0:             
                return TimeFrame;
            case 1:
                return TimeFrame.Minute;
            case 2:
                return TimeFrame.Minute2;
            case 3:
                return TimeFrame.Minute3;
            case 4:
                return TimeFrame.Minute4;
            case 5:
                return TimeFrame.Minute5;
            case 10:
                return TimeFrame.Minute10;
            case 15:
                return TimeFrame.Minute15;
            case 30:
                return TimeFrame.Minute30;
            case 60:
                return TimeFrame.Hour;
            case 240:
                return TimeFrame.Hour4;
            case 720:
                return TimeFrame.Hour12;
            case 1440:
                return TimeFrame.Daily;
            case 10080:
                return TimeFrame.Weekly;
            case 43200:
                return TimeFrame.Monthly;
                throw new NotSupportedException(string.Format("TimeFrame {0} minutes isn't supported by cAlgo", period));

Mq4Double MathMax(double value1, double value2) 
    return Math.Max(value1, value2);

Mq4Double MathMin(double value1, double value2) 

    return Math.Min(value1, value2);











int ToMq4ErrorCode(ErrorCode errorCode)
        switch (errorCode)
                case ErrorCode.BadVolume:
                    return ERR_INVALID_TRADE_VOLUME; 
                case ErrorCode.NoMoney:
                    return ERR_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY;
                case ErrorCode.MarketClosed:
                    return ERR_MARKET_CLOSED;
                case ErrorCode.Disconnected:
                    return ERR_NO_CONNECTION;
                case ErrorCode.Timeout:
                    return ERR_TRADE_TIMEOUT;
                    return ERR_COMMON_ERROR;




int StringLen(Mq4String text)
    return ((string)text).Length;

Mq4String StringSubstr(Mq4String text, int start, int length = 0)
    if (length == 0 || length > ((string)text).Length - start)
        return ((string)text).Substring(start, ((string)text).Length - start);

    return ((string)text).Substring(start, length);












const string NotSupportedMaShift = "Converter supports only ma_shift = 0";
int GetHighestIndex(DataSeries dataSeries, int count, int invertedStart)
        var start = invertedStart;
        var maxIndex = start;
        var endIndex = count == WHOLE_ARRAY ? (dataSeries.Count - 1) : (count + start - 1);
        for (var i = start; i <= endIndex; i++)
            if (dataSeries.Last(i) > dataSeries.Last(maxIndex))
                maxIndex = i;
        return maxIndex;

int GetLowestIndex(DataSeries dataSeries, int count, int invertedStart)
        var start = invertedStart;
        var minIndex = start;
        var endIndex = count == WHOLE_ARRAY ? (dataSeries.Count - 1) : (count + start - 1);
        for (var i = start; i <= endIndex; i++)
            if (dataSeries.Last(i) < dataSeries.Last(minIndex))
                minIndex = i;
        return minIndex;

int GetExtremeIndex(Func<DataSeries, int, int, int> extremeFunc, string symbol, int timeframe, int type, int count, int start)
        var marketSeries = GetSeries(symbol, timeframe);
        switch (type)
            case MODE_OPEN:
                return extremeFunc(marketSeries.Open, count, start);         
            case MODE_HIGH:
                return extremeFunc(marketSeries.High, count, start);
            case MODE_LOW:
                return extremeFunc(marketSeries.Low, count, start);
            case MODE_CLOSE:
                return extremeFunc(marketSeries.Close, count, start);
            case MODE_VOLUME:
                return extremeFunc(marketSeries.TickVolume, count, start);
            case MODE_TIME:
                return start;
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("wrong type for GetExtremeIndex");

    int iHighest(Mq4String symbol, int timeframe, int type, int count = WHOLE_ARRAY, int start = 0)
      return GetExtremeIndex(GetHighestIndex, symbol, timeframe, type, count, start);
    int Highest(Mq4String symbol, int timeframe, int type, int count = WHOLE_ARRAY, int start = 0)
      return iHighest(symbol, timeframe, type, count, start);

    int iLowest(Mq4String symbol, int timeframe, int type, int count = WHOLE_ARRAY, int start = 0)
      return GetExtremeIndex(GetLowestIndex, symbol, timeframe, type, count, start);

    int Lowest(Mq4String symbol, int timeframe, int type, int count = WHOLE_ARRAY, int start = 0)
      return iLowest(symbol, timeframe, type, count, start);

Mq4Double iOpen(Mq4String symbol, int timeframe, int shift)
        return GetSeries(symbol, timeframe).Open.Last(shift);

Mq4Double iHigh(Mq4String symbol, int timeframe, int shift)
        return GetSeries(symbol, timeframe).High.Last(shift);

Mq4Double iLow(Mq4String symbol, int timeframe, int shift)
        return GetSeries(symbol, timeframe).Low.Last(shift);

Mq4Double iClose(Mq4String symbol, int timeframe, int shift)
        return GetSeries(symbol, timeframe).Close.Last(shift);

int iTime(Mq4String symbol, int timeframe, int shift)
        var timeSeries = GetSeries(symbol, timeframe).OpenTime;
        if (shift >= 0 && shift < timeSeries.Count)
            return Mq4TimeSeries.ToInteger(timeSeries.Last(shift));
        return 0;

int iBars(Mq4String symbol, int timeframe)
        return GetSeries(symbol, timeframe).Close.Count;


void Comment(params object[] objects)
    var text = string.Join("", objects.Select(o => o.ToString()));
    ChartObjects.DrawText("top left comment", text, StaticPosition.TopLeft);












private int _lastError;







const string GlobalVariablesPath = "Software\\2calgo\\Global Variables\\";



Symbol GetSymbol(string symbolCode)
    if (symbolCode == "0" || string.IsNullOrEmpty(symbolCode))
        return Symbol;
    return MarketData.GetSymbol(symbolCode);

MarketSeries GetSeries(string symbol, int period)
    var timeFrame = PeriodToTimeFrame(period);
    var symbolObject = GetSymbol(symbol);

    if (symbolObject == Symbol && timeFrame == TimeFrame)
        return MarketSeries;

    return MarketData.GetSeries(symbolObject.Code, timeFrame);

private DataSeries ToAppliedPrice(string symbol, int timeframe, int constant)
    var series = GetSeries(symbol, timeframe);
    switch (constant)
        case PRICE_OPEN:
            return series.Open;
        case PRICE_HIGH:
            return series.High;
        case PRICE_LOW:
            return series.Low;
        case PRICE_CLOSE:
            return series.Close;
        case PRICE_MEDIAN:
            return series.Median;       
        case PRICE_TYPICAL:
            return series.Typical;    
        case PRICE_WEIGHTED:
            return series.WeightedClose;
    throw new NotImplementedException("Converter doesn't support working with this type of AppliedPrice");
const string xArrow = "✖";

public static string GetArrowByCode(int code)
    switch (code) 
        case 0:
            return string.Empty;
        case 32:
            return " ";
        case 33:
            return "✏";
        case 34:
            return "✂";
        case 35:
            return "✁";
        case 40:
            return "☎";
        case 41:
            return "✆";
        case 42:
            return "✉";
        case 54:
            return "⌛";
        case 55:
            return "⌨";
        case 62:
            return "✇";
        case 63:
            return "✍";
        case 65:
            return "✌";
        case 69:
            return "☜";
        case 70:
            return "☞";
        case 71:
            return "☝";
        case 72:
            return "☟";
        case 74:
            return "☺";
        case 76:
            return "☹";
        case 78:
            return "☠";
        case 79:
            return "⚐";
        case 81:
            return "✈";
        case 82:
            return "☼";
        case 84:
            return "❄";
        case 86:
            return "✞";
        case 88:
            return "✠";
        case 89:
            return "✡";
        case 90:
            return "☪";
        case 91:
            return "☯";
        case 92:
            return "ॐ";
        case 93:
            return "☸";
        case 94:
            return "♈";
        case 95:
            return "♉";
        case 96:
            return "♊";
        case 97:
            return "♋";
        case 98:
            return "♌";
        case 99:
            return "♍";
        case 100:
            return "♎";
        case 101:
            return "♏";
        case 102:
            return "♐";
        case 103:
            return "♑";
        case 104:
            return "♒";
        case 105:
            return "♓";
        case 106:
            return "&";
        case 107:
            return "&";
        case 108:
            return "●";
        case 109:
            return "❍";
        case 110:
            return "■";
        case 111:
        case 112:
            return "□";
        case 113:
            return "❑";
        case 114:
            return "❒";
        case 115:
        case 116:
            return "⧫";
        case 117:
        case 119:
            return "◆";
        case 118:
            return "❖";
        case 120:
            return "⌧";
        case 121:
            return "⍓";
        case 122:
            return "⌘";
        case 123:
            return "❀";
        case 124:
            return "✿";
        case 125:
            return "❝";
        case 126:
            return "❞";
        case 127:
            return "▯";
        case 128:
            return "⓪";
        case 129:
            return "①";
        case 130:
            return "②";
        case 131:
            return "③";
        case 132:
            return "④";
        case 133:
            return "⑤";
        case 134:
            return "⑥";
        case 135:
            return "⑦";
        case 136:
            return "⑧";
        case 137:
            return "⑨";
        case 138:
            return "⑩";
        case 139:
            return "⓿";
        case 140:
            return "❶";
        case 141:
            return "❷";
        case 142:
            return "❸";
        case 143:
            return "❹";
        case 144:
            return "❺";
        case 145:
            return "❻";
        case 146:
            return "❼";
        case 147:
            return "❽";
        case 148:
            return "❾";
        case 149:
            return "❿";
        case 158:
            return "·";
        case 159:
            return "•";
        case 160:
        case 166:
            return "▪";
        case 161:
            return "○";
        case 162:
        case 164:
            return "⭕";
        case 165:
            return "◎";
        case 167:
            return "✖";
        case 168:
            return "◻";
        case 170:
            return "✦";
        case 171:
            return "★";
        case 172:
            return "✶";
        case 173:
            return "✴";
        case 174:
            return "✹";
        case 175:
            return "✵";
        case 177:
            return "⌖";
        case 178:
            return "⟡";
        case 179:
            return "⌑";
        case 181:
            return "✪";
        case 182:
            return "✰";
        case 195:
        case 197:
        case 215:
        case 219:
        case 223:
        case 231:
            return "◀";
        case 196:
        case 198:
        case 224:
            return "▶";
        case 213:
            return "⌫";
        case 214:
            return "⌦";
        case 216:
            return "➢";
        case 220:
            return "➲";
        case 232:
            return "➔";
        case 233:
        case 199:
        case 200:
        case 217:
        case 221:
        case 225:
            return "◭";
        case 234:
        case 201:
        case 202:
        case 218:
        case 222:
        case 226:
            return "⧨";
        case 239:
            return "⇦";
        case 240:
            return "⇨";
        case 241:
            return "◭";
        case 242:
            return "⧨";
        case 243:
            return "⬄";
        case 244:
            return "⇳";
        case 245:
        case 227:
        case 235:
            return "↖";
        case 246:
        case 228:
        case 236:
            return "↗";
        case 247:
        case 229:
        case 237:
            return "↙";
        case 248:
        case 230:
        case 238:
            return "↘";
        case 249:
            return "▭";
        case 250:
            return "▫";
        case 251:
            return "✗";
        case 252:
            return "✓";
        case 253:
            return "☒";
        case 254:
            return "☑";
            return xArrow;
class Mq4OutputDataSeries : IMq4DoubleArray
    public IndicatorDataSeries OutputDataSeries { get; private set; }
    private readonly IndicatorDataSeries _originalValues;
    private int _currentIndex;
    private int _shift;
    private double _emptyValue = EMPTY_VALUE;
    private readonly ChartObjects _chartObjects;
    private readonly int _style;
    private readonly int _bufferIndex;
    private readonly SupDem_Indicator _indicator;
    public Mq4OutputDataSeries(
        SupDem_Indicator indicator, 
        IndicatorDataSeries outputDataSeries, 
        ChartObjects chartObjects, 
        int style, 
        int bufferIndex,
        Func<IndicatorDataSeries> dataSeriesFactory,
        int lineWidth,
        Colors? color = null)
        OutputDataSeries = outputDataSeries;
        _chartObjects = chartObjects;
        _style = style;
        _bufferIndex = bufferIndex;
        _indicator = indicator;
        Color = color;
        _originalValues = dataSeriesFactory();
        LineWidth = lineWidth;

    public int LineWidth { get; private set; }
    public Colors? Color { get; private set; }

    public int Length
            return OutputDataSeries.Count;

    public void Resize(int newSize)

    public void SetCurrentIndex(int index)
        _currentIndex = index;
    public void SetShift(int shift)
        _shift = shift;
    public void SetEmptyValue(double emptyValue)
        _emptyValue = emptyValue;

    public Mq4Double this[int index]
            var indexToGetFrom = _currentIndex - index + _shift;
            if (indexToGetFrom < 0 || indexToGetFrom > _currentIndex)
                    return 0;
            if (indexToGetFrom >= _originalValues.Count)
                return _emptyValue;

            return _originalValues[indexToGetFrom];
            var indexToSet = _currentIndex - index + _shift;  
            if (indexToSet < 0)

            _originalValues[indexToSet] = value;

            var valueToSet = value;
            if (valueToSet == _emptyValue)
                valueToSet = double.NaN;

            if (indexToSet < 0)
            OutputDataSeries[indexToSet] = valueToSet; 

            switch (_style)
                case DRAW_ARROW:
                    var arrowName = GetArrowName(indexToSet);
                    if (double.IsNaN(valueToSet))
                        var color = Color.HasValue ? Color.Value : Colors.Red;
                        _chartObjects.DrawText(arrowName , _indicator.ArrowByIndex[_bufferIndex], indexToSet, valueToSet, VerticalAlignment.Center, HorizontalAlignment.Center, color);
                case DRAW_HISTOGRAM:
                    if (true)
                        var anotherLine = _indicator.AllBuffers.FirstOrDefault(b => b.LineWidth == LineWidth && b != this);
                        if (anotherLine != null)
                            var name = GetNameOfHistogramLineOnChartWindow(indexToSet);
                            Colors color;
                            if (this[index] > anotherLine[index])
                                color = Color ?? Colors.Green;
                                color = anotherLine.Color ?? Colors.Green;
                            var lineWidth = LineWidth;
                            if (lineWidth != 1 && lineWidth < 5)
                                lineWidth = 5;

                            _chartObjects.DrawLine(name, indexToSet, this[index], indexToSet, anotherLine[index], color, lineWidth);
    private string GetNameOfHistogramLineOnChartWindow(int index)
        return string.Format("Histogram on chart window {0} {1}", LineWidth, index);

    private string GetArrowName(int index)
        return string.Format("Arrow {0} {1}", GetHashCode(), index);




bool SetIndexBuffer(int index, Mq4OutputDataSeries dataSeries) 
    return true;

void SetIndexStyle(int index, int type, int style = EMPTY, int width = EMPTY, int clr = CLR_NONE) { }




public Dictionary<int, string> ArrowByIndex = new Dictionary<int, string>{ {0, xArrow},  {1, xArrow},  {2, xArrow},  {3, xArrow},  {4, xArrow},  {5, xArrow},  {6, xArrow},  {7, xArrow}};
    void SetIndexArrow(int index, int code) 
        ArrowByIndex[index] = GetArrowByCode(code);

void SetIndexEmptyValue(int index, double value)
private int _indicatorCounted;
int FILE_READ = 1;
int FILE_WRITE = 2;
//int FILE_BIN = 8;
int FILE_CSV = 8;

int SEEK_END = 2;

class FileInfo
    public int Mode { get; set; }
    public int Handle { get; set; }
    public char Separator { get; set; }
    public string FileName { get; set; }
    public List<string> PendingParts { get; set; }
    public StreamWriter StreamWriter { get; set; }
    public StreamReader StreamReader { get; set; }

private Dictionary<int, FileInfo> _openedFiles = new Dictionary<int, FileInfo>();
private int _handleCounter = 1000;




class FolderPaths
    public static string _2calgoAppDataFolder
            var result = Path.Combine(SystemAppData, "2calgo");
            if (!Directory.Exists(result))
            return result;

    public static string _2calgoDesktopFolder
            var result = Path.Combine(Desktop, "2calgo");
            if (!Directory.Exists(result))
            return result;

    static string SystemAppData
            return Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData); 

    static string Desktop
            return Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop); 
const int MODE_TRADES = 0;
const int MODE_HISTORY = 1;
const int SELECT_BY_POS = 0;
const int SELECT_BY_TICKET = 1;

T GetPropertyValue<T>(Func<Position, T> getFromPosition, Func<PendingOrder, T> getFromPendingOrder, Func<HistoricalTrade, T> getFromHistory)
    if (_currentOrder == null)
        return default(T);

    return GetPropertyValue<T>(_currentOrder, getFromPosition, getFromPendingOrder, getFromHistory);

T GetPropertyValue<T>(object obj, Func<Position, T> getFromPosition, Func<PendingOrder, T> getFromPendingOrder, Func<HistoricalTrade, T> getFromHistory)
    if (obj is Position)
        return getFromPosition((Position) obj);
    if (obj is PendingOrder)
        return getFromPendingOrder((PendingOrder) obj);

    return getFromHistory((HistoricalTrade) obj);

private Mq4Double GetTicket(object trade)
    return new Mq4Double(GetPropertyValue<int>(trade, _ => _.Id, _ => _.Id, _ => _.ClosingDealId));
private int GetMagicNumber(string label)
    int magicNumber;
    if (int.TryParse(label, out magicNumber))
        return magicNumber;

    return 0;

private int GetMagicNumber(object order)
    var label = GetPropertyValue<string>(order, _ => _.Label, _ => _.Label, _ => _.Label);
    return GetMagicNumber(label);


object _currentOrder;
double GetLots(object order)
    var volume = GetPropertyValue<long>(order, _ => _.Volume,  _ => _.Volume, _ => _.Volume);
    var symbolCode = GetPropertyValue<string>(order, _ => _.SymbolCode, _ => _.SymbolCode, _ => _.SymbolCode);
    var symbolObject = MarketData.GetSymbol(symbolCode);
    return symbolObject.ToLotsVolume(volume);

object GetOrderByTicket(int ticket)
    var allOrders = Positions.OfType<object>()

    return allOrders.FirstOrDefault(_ => GetTicket(_) == ticket);

double GetOpenPrice(object order)
    return GetPropertyValue<double>(order, _ => _.EntryPrice, _ => _.TargetPrice, _ => _.EntryPrice);

private double GetStopLoss(object order)
    var nullableValue = GetPropertyValue<double?>(order, _ => _.StopLoss, _ => _.StopLoss, _ => 0);
    return nullableValue ?? 0;

private double GetTakeProfit(object order)
    var nullableValue = GetPropertyValue<double?>(order, _ => _.TakeProfit, _ => _.TakeProfit, _ => 0);
    return nullableValue ?? 0;












class ParametersKey
    private readonly object[] _parameters;
    public ParametersKey(params object[] parameters)
        _parameters = parameters;        
    public override bool Equals(object obj)
        var other = (ParametersKey)obj;
        for (var i = 0; i < _parameters.Length; i++)
            if (!_parameters[i].Equals(other._parameters[i]))
                return false;
        return true;
    public override int GetHashCode()
            var hashCode = 0;
            foreach (var parameter in _parameters)
                hashCode = (hashCode*397) ^ parameter.GetHashCode();
            return hashCode;

class Cache<TValue>
    private Dictionary<ParametersKey, TValue> _dictionary = new Dictionary<ParametersKey, TValue>();
    public bool TryGetValue(out TValue value, params object[] parameters)
        var key = new ParametersKey(parameters);
        return _dictionary.TryGetValue(key, out value);
    public void Add(TValue value, params object[] parameters)
        var key = new ParametersKey(parameters);
        _dictionary.Add(key, value);

        private static MovingAverageType ToMaType(int constant)
            switch (constant)
                case MODE_SMA:
                    return MovingAverageType.Simple;
                case MODE_EMA:
                    return MovingAverageType.Exponential;
                case MODE_LWMA:
                    return MovingAverageType.Weighted;
                  throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Not supported moving average type");













class CachedStandardIndicators
        private readonly IIndicatorsAccessor _indicatorsAccessor;

        public CachedStandardIndicators(IIndicatorsAccessor indicatorsAccessor)
            _indicatorsAccessor = indicatorsAccessor;

const bool True = true;
const bool False = false;
const bool TRUE = true;
const bool FALSE = false;                
Mq4Null NULL;
const int EMPTY = -1;
const double EMPTY_VALUE = 2147483647;
public const int WHOLE_ARRAY = 0;

const int MODE_SMA = 0; //Simple moving average
const int MODE_EMA = 1; //Exponential moving average,
const int MODE_SMMA = 2; //Smoothed moving average,
const int MODE_LWMA = 3; //Linear weighted moving average. 

const int PRICE_CLOSE = 0; //Close price. 
const int PRICE_OPEN = 1; //Open price. 
const int PRICE_HIGH = 2; //High price. 
const int PRICE_LOW = 3; //Low price. 
const int PRICE_MEDIAN = 4; //Median price, (high+low)/2. 
const int PRICE_TYPICAL = 5; //Typical price, (high+low+close)/3. 
const int PRICE_WEIGHTED = 6; //Weighted close price, (high+low+close+close)/4. 

const int DRAW_LINE = 0;
const int DRAW_SECTION = 1;
const int DRAW_HISTOGRAM = 2;
const int DRAW_ARROW = 3;
const int DRAW_ZIGZAG = 4;
const int DRAW_NONE = 12;

const int STYLE_SOLID = 0;
const int STYLE_DASH = 1;
const int STYLE_DOT = 2;
const int STYLE_DASHDOT = 3;
const int STYLE_DASHDOTDOT = 4;

const int MODE_OPEN = 0;
const int MODE_LOW = 1;
const int MODE_HIGH = 2;
const int MODE_CLOSE = 3;
const int MODE_VOLUME = 4;
const int MODE_TIME = 5;
const int MODE_BID = 9;
const int MODE_ASK = 10;
const int MODE_POINT = 11;
const int MODE_DIGITS = 12;
const int MODE_SPREAD = 13;
const int MODE_TRADEALLOWED = 22;
const int MODE_SWAPTYPE = 26;
const int MODE_TICKSIZE = 17;    
const int MODE_FREEZELEVEL = 33;
const int MODE_STOPLEVEL = 14;
const int MODE_LOTSIZE = 15;
const int MODE_TICKVALUE = 16;    
/*const int MODE_SWAPLONG = 18;
const int MODE_SWAPSHORT = 19;
const int MODE_STARTING = 20;
const int MODE_EXPIRATION = 21;    
const int MODE_MINLOT = 23;
const int MODE_LOTSTEP = 24;
const int MODE_MAXLOT = 25;
/*const int MODE_MARGININIT = 29;
const int MODE_MARGINHEDGED = 31;*/

const int OBJ_VLINE = 0;
    const int OBJ_HLINE = 1;
    const int OBJ_TREND = 2;
    const int OBJ_FIBO = 10;

    /*const int OBJ_TRENDBYANGLE = 3;
    const int OBJ_REGRESSION = 4;
    const int OBJ_CHANNEL = 5;
    const int OBJ_STDDEVCHANNEL = 6;
    const int OBJ_GANNLINE = 7;
    const int OBJ_GANNFAN = 8;
    const int OBJ_GANNGRID = 9;
    const int OBJ_FIBOTIMES = 11;
    const int OBJ_FIBOFAN = 12;
    const int OBJ_FIBOARC = 13;
    const int OBJ_EXPANSION = 14;
    const int OBJ_FIBOCHANNEL = 15;*/
    const int OBJ_RECTANGLE = 16;
    /*const int OBJ_TRIANGLE = 17;
    const int OBJ_ELLIPSE = 18;
    const int OBJ_PITCHFORK = 19;
    const int OBJ_CYCLES = 20;*/
    const int OBJ_TEXT = 21;
    const int OBJ_ARROW = 22;
const int OBJ_LABEL = 23;
    const int OBJPROP_TIME1 = 0;
    const int OBJPROP_PRICE1 = 1;
    const int OBJPROP_TIME2 = 2;
    const int OBJPROP_PRICE2 = 3;
    const int OBJPROP_TIME3 = 4;
    const int OBJPROP_PRICE3 = 5;
    const int OBJPROP_COLOR = 6;
    const int OBJPROP_STYLE = 7;
    const int OBJPROP_WIDTH = 8;
    const int OBJPROP_BACK = 9;
    const int OBJPROP_RAY = 10;
    const int OBJPROP_ELLIPSE = 11;
    //const int OBJPROP_SCALE = 12;
    const int OBJPROP_ANGLE = 13;//angle for text rotation
    const int OBJPROP_ARROWCODE = 14;
    const int OBJPROP_TIMEFRAMES = 15;
    //const int OBJPROP_DEVIATION = 16;
    const int OBJPROP_FONTSIZE = 100;
    const int OBJPROP_CORNER = 101;
    const int OBJPROP_XDISTANCE = 102;
    const int OBJPROP_YDISTANCE = 103;
    const int OBJPROP_FIBOLEVELS = 200;
    const int OBJPROP_LEVELCOLOR = 201;
    const int OBJPROP_LEVELSTYLE = 202;
    const int OBJPROP_LEVELWIDTH = 203;
    const int OBJPROP_FIRSTLEVEL = 210;

    const int PERIOD_M1 = 1;
const int PERIOD_M5 = 5;
const int PERIOD_M15 = 15;
const int PERIOD_M30 = 30;
const int PERIOD_H1 = 60;
const int PERIOD_H4 = 240;
const int PERIOD_D1 = 1440;
const int PERIOD_W1 = 10080;
const int PERIOD_MN1 = 43200;

const int TIME_DATE = 1;
const int TIME_MINUTES = 2;
const int TIME_SECONDS = 4;

const int MODE_MAIN = 0;
const int MODE_BASE = 0;
const int MODE_PLUSDI = 1;
const int MODE_MINUSDI = 2;
const int MODE_SIGNAL = 1;

const int MODE_UPPER = 1;
const int MODE_LOWER = 2;

const int MODE_GATORLIPS = 3;
const int MODE_GATORJAW = 1;
const int MODE_GATORTEETH = 2;

const int CLR_NONE = 32768; 

const int White = 16777215;
const int Snow = 16448255;
const int MintCream = 16449525;
const int LavenderBlush = 16118015;
const int AliceBlue = 16775408;
const int Honeydew = 15794160;
const int Ivory = 15794175;
const int Seashell = 15660543;
const int WhiteSmoke = 16119285;
const int OldLace = 15136253;
const int MistyRose = 14804223;
const int Lavender = 16443110;
const int Linen = 15134970;
const int LightCyan = 16777184;
const int LightYellow = 14745599;
const int Cornsilk = 14481663;
const int PapayaWhip = 14020607;
const int AntiqueWhite = 14150650;
const int Beige = 14480885;
const int LemonChiffon = 13499135;
const int BlanchedAlmond = 13495295;
const int LightGoldenrod = 13826810;
const int Bisque = 12903679;
const int Pink = 13353215;
const int PeachPuff = 12180223;
const int Gainsboro = 14474460;
const int LightPink = 12695295;
const int Moccasin = 11920639;
const int NavajoWhite = 11394815;
const int Wheat = 11788021;
const int LightGray = 13882323;
const int PaleTurquoise = 15658671;
const int PaleGoldenrod = 11200750;
const int PowderBlue = 15130800;
const int Thistle = 14204888;
const int PaleGreen = 10025880;
const int LightBlue = 15128749;
const int LightSteelBlue = 14599344;
const int LightSkyBlue = 16436871;
const int Silver = 12632256;
const int Aquamarine = 13959039;
const int LightGreen = 9498256;
const int Khaki = 9234160;
const int Plum = 14524637;
const int LightSalmon = 8036607;
const int SkyBlue = 15453831;
const int LightCoral = 8421616;
const int Violet = 15631086;
const int Salmon = 7504122;
const int HotPink = 11823615;
const int BurlyWood = 8894686;
const int DarkSalmon = 8034025;
const int Tan = 9221330;
const int MediumSlateBlue = 15624315;
const int SandyBrown = 6333684;
const int DarkGray = 11119017;
const int CornflowerBlue = 15570276;
const int Coral = 5275647;
const int PaleVioletRed = 9662683;
const int MediumPurple = 14381203;
const int Orchid = 14053594;
const int RosyBrown = 9408444;
const int Tomato = 4678655;
const int DarkSeaGreen = 9419919;
const int Cyan = 16776960;
const int MediumAquamarine = 11193702;
const int GreenYellow = 3145645;
const int MediumOrchid = 13850042;
const int IndianRed = 6053069;
const int DarkKhaki = 7059389;
const int SlateBlue = 13458026;
const int RoyalBlue = 14772545;
const int Turquoise = 13688896;
const int DodgerBlue = 16748574;
const int MediumTurquoise = 13422920;
const int DeepPink = 9639167;
const int LightSlateGray = 10061943;
const int BlueViolet = 14822282;
const int Peru = 4163021;
const int SlateGray = 9470064;
const int Gray = 8421504;
const int Red = 255;
const int Magenta = 16711935;
const int Blue = 16711680;
const int DeepSkyBlue = 16760576;
const int Aqua = 16776960;
const int SpringGreen = 8388352;
const int Lime = 65280;
const int Chartreuse = 65407;
const int Yellow = 65535;
const int Gold = 55295;
const int Orange = 42495;
const int DarkOrange = 36095;
const int OrangeRed = 17919;
const int LimeGreen = 3329330;
const int YellowGreen = 3329434;
const int DarkOrchid = 13382297;
const int CadetBlue = 10526303;
const int LawnGreen = 64636;
const int MediumSpringGreen = 10156544;
const int Goldenrod = 2139610;
const int SteelBlue = 11829830;
const int Crimson = 3937500;
const int Chocolate = 1993170;
const int MediumSeaGreen = 7451452;
const int MediumVioletRed = 8721863;
const int FireBrick = 2237106;
const int DarkViolet = 13828244;
const int LightSeaGreen = 11186720;
const int DimGray = 6908265;
const int DarkTurquoise = 13749760;
const int Brown = 2763429;
const int MediumBlue = 13434880;
const int Sienna = 2970272;
const int DarkSlateBlue = 9125192;
const int DarkGoldenrod = 755384;
const int SeaGreen = 5737262;
const int OliveDrab = 2330219;
const int ForestGreen = 2263842;
const int SaddleBrown = 1262987;
const int DarkOliveGreen = 3107669;
const int DarkBlue = 9109504;
const int MidnightBlue = 7346457;
const int Indigo = 8519755;
const int Maroon = 128;
const int Purple = 8388736;
const int Navy = 8388608;
const int Teal = 8421376;
const int Green = 32768;
const int Olive = 32896;
const int DarkSlateGray = 5197615;
const int DarkGreen = 25600;
const int Fuchsia = 16711935;
const int Black = 0;  

const int SYMBOL_LEFTPRICE = 5;
const int SYMBOL_RIGHTPRICE = 6;

const int SYMBOL_ARROWUP = 241;
const int SYMBOL_ARROWDOWN = 242;
const int SYMBOL_STOPSIGN = 251;
const int SYMBOL_THUMBSUP = 67;
const int SYMBOL_THUMBSDOWN = 68;    
const int SYMBOL_CHECKSIGN = 25;

public const int MODE_ASCEND = 1;
public const int MODE_DESCEND = 2;

const int MODE_TENKANSEN = 1;
const int MODE_KIJUNSEN = 2;
const int MODE_SENKOUSPANA = 3;
const int MODE_SENKOUSPANB = 4;
const int MODE_CHINKOUSPAN = 5;
    const int OP_BUY = 0;
    const int OP_SELL = 1;
    const int OP_BUYLIMIT = 2;
    const int OP_SELLLIMIT = 3;
    const int OP_BUYSTOP = 4;
    const int OP_SELLSTOP = 5;
const int OBJ_PERIOD_M1 = 0x0001;
const int OBJ_PERIOD_M5 = 0x0002;
const int OBJ_PERIOD_M15 = 0x0004;
const int OBJ_PERIOD_M30 = 0x0008;
const int OBJ_PERIOD_H1 = 0x0010;
const int OBJ_PERIOD_H4 = 0x0020;
const int OBJ_PERIOD_D1 = 0x0040;
const int OBJ_PERIOD_W1 = 0x0080;
const int OBJ_PERIOD_MN1 = 0x0100;
const int OBJ_ALL_PERIODS = 0x01FF;

const int REASON_REMOVE = 1;
const int REASON_RECOMPILE = 2;
const int REASON_CHARTCLOSE = 4;
const int REASON_PARAMETERS = 5;
const int REASON_ACCOUNT = 6;
const int ERR_NO_ERROR = 0;
const int ERR_NO_RESULT = 1;
const int ERR_COMMON_ERROR = 2;
const int ERR_SERVER_BUSY = 4;
const int ERR_OLD_VERSION = 5;
const int ERR_NO_CONNECTION = 6;
const int ERR_NOT_ENOUGH_RIGHTS = 7;
const int ERR_ACCOUNT_DISABLED = 64;
const int ERR_INVALID_ACCOUNT = 65;
const int ERR_TRADE_TIMEOUT = 128;
const int ERR_INVALID_PRICE = 129;
const int ERR_INVALID_STOPS = 130;
const int ERR_MARKET_CLOSED = 132;
const int ERR_TRADE_DISABLED = 133;
const int ERR_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY = 134;
const int ERR_PRICE_CHANGED = 135;
const int ERR_OFF_QUOTES = 136;
const int ERR_BROKER_BUSY = 137;
const int ERR_REQUOTE = 138;
const int ERR_ORDER_LOCKED = 139;
const int ERR_TOO_MANY_REQUESTS = 141;
const int ERR_TRADE_MODIFY_DENIED = 145;
const int ERR_TRADE_CONTEXT_BUSY = 146;
const int ERR_TRADE_TOO_MANY_ORDERS = 148;
const int ERR_NO_MQLERROR = 4000;
const int ERR_ARRAY_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE = 4002;
const int ERR_NO_MEMORY_FOR_CALL_STACK = 4003;
const int ERR_TOO_LONG_STRING = 4011;
const int ERR_ZERO_DIVIDE = 4013;
const int ERR_UNKNOWN_COMMAND = 4014;
const int ERR_WRONG_JUMP = 4015;
const int ERR_DLL_CALLS_NOT_ALLOWED = 4017;
const int ERR_CANNOT_LOAD_LIBRARY = 4018;
const int ERR_CANNOT_CALL_FUNCTION = 4019;
const int ERR_SYSTEM_BUSY = 4022;
const int ERR_SOME_ARRAY_ERROR = 4053;
const int ERR_SEND_MAIL_ERROR = 4061;
const int ERR_HISTORY_WILL_UPDATED = 4066;
const int ERR_TRADE_ERROR = 4067;
const int ERR_END_OF_FILE = 4099;
const int ERR_SOME_FILE_ERROR = 4100;
const int ERR_WRONG_FILE_NAME = 4101;
const int ERR_TOO_MANY_OPENED_FILES = 4102;
const int ERR_CANNOT_OPEN_FILE = 4103;
const int ERR_NO_ORDER_SELECTED = 4105;
const int ERR_UNKNOWN_SYMBOL = 4106;
const int ERR_INVALID_PRICE_PARAM = 4107;
const int ERR_INVALID_TICKET = 4108;
const int ERR_TRADE_NOT_ALLOWED = 4109;
const int ERR_LONGS_NOT_ALLOWED = 4110;
const int ERR_SHORTS_NOT_ALLOWED = 4111;
const int ERR_OBJECT_DOES_NOT_EXIST = 4202;
const int ERR_UNKNOWN_OBJECT_TYPE = 4203;
const int ERR_NO_OBJECT_NAME = 4204;
const int ERR_SOME_OBJECT_ERROR = 4207;
class Mq4ChartObjects
    private readonly ChartObjects _algoChartObjects;
    private readonly TimeSeries _timeSeries;

    private readonly Dictionary<string, Mq4Object> _mq4ObjectByName = new Dictionary<string, Mq4Object>();
    private readonly List<string> _mq4ObjectNameByIndex = new List<string>();

    public Mq4ChartObjects(ChartObjects chartObjects, TimeSeries timeSeries)
        _algoChartObjects = chartObjects;
        _timeSeries = timeSeries;
public int ObjectsTotal(int type)
        switch (type)



            case OBJ_RECTANGLE:
                return _mq4ObjectByName.Values.OfType<Mq4Rectangle>().Count();                                     

            case OBJ_ARROW:
                return _mq4ObjectByName.Values.OfType<Mq4Arrow>().Count();                                     

        return 0;

public void Create(string name, int type, int window, int time1, double price1, int time2,
                                double price2, int time3, double price3)
        Mq4Object mq4Object = null;
switch (type)



            case OBJ_RECTANGLE:
                mq4Object = new Mq4Rectangle(name, type, _algoChartObjects);

            case OBJ_ARROW:
                mq4Object = new Mq4Arrow(name, type, _algoChartObjects, _timeSeries);

if (mq4Object == null) 

        if (_mq4ObjectByName.ContainsKey(name))
        _mq4ObjectByName[name] = mq4Object;
        mq4Object.Set(OBJPROP_TIME1, time1);
        mq4Object.Set(OBJPROP_TIME2, time2);
        mq4Object.Set(OBJPROP_TIME3, time3);
        mq4Object.Set(OBJPROP_PRICE1, price1);
        mq4Object.Set(OBJPROP_PRICE2, price2);
        mq4Object.Set(OBJPROP_PRICE3, price3);

public void Set(string name, int index, Mq4Double value)
        if (!_mq4ObjectByName.ContainsKey(name))
        _mq4ObjectByName[name].Set(index, value);
public void SetText(string name, string text, int font_size, string font, int color)
        if (!_mq4ObjectByName.ContainsKey(name))

Set(name, OBJPROP_COLOR, color);
public void Delete(string name)
        Mq4Object mq4Object;
        if (!_mq4ObjectByName.TryGetValue(name, out mq4Object))


public string ObjectName(int index)
        if (index <= 0 || index >= _mq4ObjectNameByIndex.Count)
            return string.Empty;

        return _mq4ObjectNameByIndex[index];


private T GetObject<T>(string name) where T : Mq4Object
        Mq4Object mq4Object;
        if (!_mq4ObjectByName.TryGetValue(name, out mq4Object))
            return null;
        return mq4Object as T;


abstract class Mq4Object : IDisposable
    private readonly ChartObjects _chartObjects;

    protected Mq4Object(string name, int type, ChartObjects chartObjects)
        Name = name;
        Type = type;
        _chartObjects = chartObjects;
    public int Type { get; private set; }

    public string Name { get; private set; }

    protected DateTime Time1
            int seconds = Get(OBJPROP_TIME1);
            return Mq4TimeSeries.ToDateTime(seconds);
    protected double Price1
            return Get(OBJPROP_PRICE1);

    protected DateTime Time2
            int seconds = Get(OBJPROP_TIME2);
            return Mq4TimeSeries.ToDateTime(seconds);
    protected double Price2
            return Get(OBJPROP_PRICE2);

    protected Colors Color
            int intColor = Get(OBJPROP_COLOR);
            if (intColor != CLR_NONE)
                return Mq4Colors.GetColorByInteger(intColor);

            return Colors.Yellow;      

    protected int Width
            return Get(OBJPROP_WIDTH);

    protected int Style
            return Get(OBJPROP_STYLE);

    public abstract void Draw();

    private readonly Dictionary<int, Mq4Double> _properties = new Dictionary<int, Mq4Double>
            {OBJPROP_WIDTH, new Mq4Double(1)},
            {OBJPROP_COLOR, new Mq4Double(CLR_NONE)},
            {OBJPROP_RAY, new Mq4Double(1)},

            {OBJPROP_LEVELCOLOR, new Mq4Double(CLR_NONE)},
            {OBJPROP_LEVELSTYLE, new Mq4Double(0)},
            {OBJPROP_LEVELWIDTH, new Mq4Double(1)},
            {OBJPROP_FIBOLEVELS, new Mq4Double(9)},
            {OBJPROP_FIRSTLEVEL + 0, new Mq4Double(0)},
            {OBJPROP_FIRSTLEVEL + 1, new Mq4Double(0.236)},
            {OBJPROP_FIRSTLEVEL + 2, new Mq4Double(0.382)},
            {OBJPROP_FIRSTLEVEL + 3, new Mq4Double(0.5)},
            {OBJPROP_FIRSTLEVEL + 4, new Mq4Double(0.618)},
            {OBJPROP_FIRSTLEVEL + 5, new Mq4Double(1)},
            {OBJPROP_FIRSTLEVEL + 6, new Mq4Double(1.618)},
            {OBJPROP_FIRSTLEVEL + 7, new Mq4Double(2.618)},
            {OBJPROP_FIRSTLEVEL + 8, new Mq4Double(4.236)},

    public virtual void Set(int index, Mq4Double value)
        _properties[index] = value;

    public Mq4Double Get(int index)
        return _properties.ContainsKey(index) ? _properties[index] : new Mq4Double(0);

    private readonly List<string> _addedAlgoChartObjects = new List<string>();

    protected void DrawText(string objectName, string text, int index, double yValue, VerticalAlignment verticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center, HorizontalAlignment horizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center, Colors? color = null)
        _chartObjects.DrawText(objectName, text, index, yValue, verticalAlignment, horizontalAlignment, color);

    protected void DrawText(string objectName, string text, StaticPosition position, Colors? color = null)
        _chartObjects.DrawText(objectName, text, position, color);

    protected void DrawLine(string objectName, int index1, double y1, int index2, double y2, Colors color, double thickness = 1.0, cAlgo.API.LineStyle style = cAlgo.API.LineStyle.Solid)
        _chartObjects.DrawLine(objectName, index1, y1, index2, y2, color, thickness, style);

    protected void DrawLine(string objectName, DateTime date1, double y1, DateTime date2, double y2, Colors color, double thickness = 1.0, cAlgo.API.LineStyle style = cAlgo.API.LineStyle.Solid)
        _chartObjects.DrawLine(objectName, date1, y1, date2, y2, color, thickness, style);

    protected void DrawVerticalLine(string objectName, DateTime date, Colors color, double thickness = 1.0, cAlgo.API.LineStyle style = cAlgo.API.LineStyle.Solid)
        _chartObjects.DrawVerticalLine(objectName, date, color, thickness, style);

    protected void DrawVerticalLine(string objectName, int index, Colors color, double thickness = 1.0, cAlgo.API.LineStyle style = cAlgo.API.LineStyle.Solid)
        _chartObjects.DrawVerticalLine(objectName, index, color, thickness, style);

    protected void DrawHorizontalLine(string objectName, double y, Colors color, double thickness = 1.0, cAlgo.API.LineStyle style = cAlgo.API.LineStyle.Solid)
        _chartObjects.DrawHorizontalLine(objectName, y, color, thickness, style);

    public void Dispose()
        foreach (var name in _addedAlgoChartObjects)



class Mq4Rectangle : Mq4Object
        public Mq4Rectangle(string name, int type, ChartObjects chartObjects) 
            : base(name, type, chartObjects)
        public override void Draw()
            var lineStyle = Mq4LineStyles.ToLineStyle(Style);
            DrawLine(Name + " line 1", Time1, Price1, Time2, Price1, Color, Width, lineStyle);
            DrawLine(Name + " line 2", Time2, Price1, Time2, Price2, Color, Width, lineStyle);
            DrawLine(Name + " line 3", Time2, Price2, Time1, Price2, Color, Width, lineStyle);
            DrawLine(Name + " line 4", Time1, Price2, Time1, Price1, Color, Width, lineStyle);
class Mq4Arrow : Mq4Object
        private readonly TimeSeries _timeSeries;
        private int _index;

        public Mq4Arrow(string name, int type, ChartObjects chartObjects, TimeSeries timeSeries) 
            : base(name, type, chartObjects)
            _timeSeries = timeSeries;
        public override void Set(int index, Mq4Double value)
            base.Set(index, value);
            switch (index)        
                case OBJPROP_TIME1:                               
                    _index = _timeSeries.GetIndexByTime(Time1);

        private int ArrowCode
                return Get(OBJPROP_ARROWCODE);

        public override void Draw()
            string arrowString;
            HorizontalAlignment horizontalAlignment;
            switch (ArrowCode)
                case SYMBOL_RIGHTPRICE:
                    horizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right;
                    arrowString = Price1.ToString();
                case SYMBOL_LEFTPRICE:
                    horizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
                    arrowString = Price1.ToString();
                    arrowString = SupDem_Indicator.GetArrowByCode(ArrowCode);
                    horizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
            DrawText(Name, arrowString, _index, Price1, VerticalAlignment.Center, horizontalAlignment, Color);

bool ObjectSet(Mq4String name, int index, Mq4Double value)
    _mq4ChartObjects.Set(name, index, value);
    return true;


bool ObjectCreate(Mq4String name, int type, int window, int time1, double price1, int time2 = 0, double price2 = 0, int time3 = 0, double price3 = 0)
    _mq4ChartObjects.Create(name, type, window, time1, price1, time2, price2, time3, price3);
    return true;

bool ObjectDelete(Mq4String name)
    return true;


int ObjectsTotal(int type = EMPTY)
    return _mq4ChartObjects.ObjectsTotal(type);

public string ObjectName(int index)
    return _mq4ChartObjects.ObjectName(index);        




    //Custom Indicators Place Holder

class Mq4DoubleComparer : IComparer<Mq4Double>
    public int Compare(Mq4Double x, Mq4Double y)
        return x.CompareTo(y);
class Mq4String
    private readonly string _value;
    public Mq4String(string value)
        _value = value;

    public static implicit operator Mq4String(string value)
        return new Mq4String(value);
    public static implicit operator Mq4String(int value)
        return new Mq4String(value.ToString());
    public static implicit operator Mq4String(Mq4Null mq4Null)
        return new Mq4String(null);
    public static implicit operator string(Mq4String mq4String)
        return mq4String._value;
    public static implicit operator Mq4String(Mq4Double mq4Double)
        return new Mq4String(mq4Double.ToString());

    public static bool operator <(Mq4String x, Mq4String y)
        return string.Compare(x._value, y._value) == -1;
    public static bool operator >(Mq4String x, Mq4String y)
        return string.Compare(x._value, y._value) == 1;
    public static bool operator <(Mq4String x, string y)
        return string.Compare(x._value, y) == -1;
    public static bool operator >(Mq4String x, string y)
        return string.Compare(x._value, y) == 1;
    public static bool operator <=(Mq4String x, Mq4String y)
        return string.Compare(x._value, y._value) <= 0;
    public static bool operator >=(Mq4String x, Mq4String y)
        return string.Compare(x._value, y._value) >= 0;
    public static bool operator <=(Mq4String x, string y)
        return string.Compare(x._value, y) <= 0;
    public static bool operator >=(Mq4String x, string y)
        return string.Compare(x._value, y) >= 0;
    public static bool operator ==(Mq4String x, Mq4String y)
        return string.Compare(x._value, y._value) == 0;
    public static bool operator !=(Mq4String x, Mq4String y)
        return string.Compare(x._value, y._value) != 0;
    public static bool operator ==(Mq4String x, string y)
        return string.Compare(x._value, y) == 0;
    public static bool operator !=(Mq4String x, string y)
        return string.Compare(x._value, y) != 0;
    public override string ToString()
        return _value.ToString();
    public static readonly Mq4String Empty = new Mq4String(string.Empty);
struct Mq4Char
    char _char;
    public Mq4Char(byte code)
        _char = Encoding.Unicode.GetString(new byte[]{code, 0})[0];    

    public Mq4Char(char @char)
        _char = @char;

    public static implicit operator char(Mq4Char mq4Char)
        return mq4Char._char;
    public static implicit operator Mq4Char(int code)
        return new Mq4Char((byte)code);
    public static implicit operator Mq4Char(string str)
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(str) || str.Length == 0)
            return new Mq4Char(' ');
        return new Mq4Char(str[0]);
struct Mq4Null
    public static implicit operator string(Mq4Null mq4Null)
        return (string)null;

    public static implicit operator int(Mq4Null mq4Null)
        return 0;
    public static implicit operator double(Mq4Null mq4Null)
        return 0;
static class Comparers
    public static IComparer<T> GetComparer<T>()
        if (typeof(T) == typeof(Mq4Double))
            return (IComparer<T>)new Mq4DoubleComparer();

        return Comparer<T>.Default;
    static class DataSeriesExtensions
        public static int InvertIndex(this DataSeries dataSeries, int index)
            return dataSeries.Count - 1 - index;

        public static Mq4Double Last(this DataSeries dataSeries, int shift, DataSeries sourceDataSeries)
            return dataSeries[sourceDataSeries.Count - 1 - shift];
    static class TimeSeriesExtensions
        public static DateTime Last(this TimeSeries timeSeries, int index)
            return timeSeries[timeSeries.InvertIndex(index)];

        public static int InvertIndex(this TimeSeries timeSeries, int index)
            return timeSeries.Count - 1 - index;

        public static int GetIndexByTime(this TimeSeries timeSeries, DateTime time)
            var index = timeSeries.Count - 1;
            for (var i = timeSeries.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                if (timeSeries[i] < time)
                    index = i + 1;
            return index;
static class Mq4Colors
    public static Colors GetColorByInteger(int integer)
        switch (integer)
            case 16777215: return Colors.White; case 16448255: return Colors.Snow; case 16449525: return Colors.MintCream; case 16118015: return Colors.LavenderBlush; case 16775408: return Colors.AliceBlue; case 15794160: return Colors.Honeydew; case 15794175: return Colors.Ivory; case 16119285: return Colors.WhiteSmoke; case 15136253: return Colors.OldLace; case 14804223: return Colors.MistyRose; case 16443110: return Colors.Lavender; case 15134970: return Colors.Linen; case 16777184: return Colors.LightCyan; case 14745599: return Colors.LightYellow; case 14481663: return Colors.Cornsilk; case 14020607: return Colors.PapayaWhip; case 14150650: return Colors.AntiqueWhite; case 14480885: return Colors.Beige; case 13499135: return Colors.LemonChiffon; case 13495295: return Colors.BlanchedAlmond; case 12903679: return Colors.Bisque; case 13353215: return Colors.Pink; case 12180223: return Colors.PeachPuff; case 14474460: return Colors.Gainsboro; case 12695295: return Colors.LightPink; case 11920639: return Colors.Moccasin; case 11394815: return Colors.NavajoWhite; case 11788021: return Colors.Wheat; case 13882323: return Colors.LightGray; case 15658671: return Colors.PaleTurquoise; case 11200750: return Colors.PaleGoldenrod; case 15130800: return Colors.PowderBlue; case 14204888: return Colors.Thistle; case 10025880: return Colors.PaleGreen; case 15128749: return Colors.LightBlue; case 14599344: return Colors.LightSteelBlue; case 16436871: return Colors.LightSkyBlue; case 12632256: return Colors.Silver; case 13959039: return Colors.Aquamarine; case 9498256: return Colors.LightGreen; case 9234160: return Colors.Khaki; case 14524637: return Colors.Plum; case 8036607: return Colors.LightSalmon; case 15453831: return Colors.SkyBlue; case 8421616: return Colors.LightCoral; case 15631086: return Colors.Violet; case 7504122: return Colors.Salmon; case 11823615: return Colors.HotPink; case 8894686: return Colors.BurlyWood; case 8034025: return Colors.DarkSalmon; case 9221330: return Colors.Tan; case 15624315: return Colors.MediumSlateBlue; case 6333684: return Colors.SandyBrown; case 11119017: return Colors.DarkGray; case 15570276: return Colors.CornflowerBlue; case 5275647: return Colors.Coral; case 9662683: return Colors.PaleVioletRed; case 14381203: return Colors.MediumPurple; case 14053594: return Colors.Orchid; case 9408444: return Colors.RosyBrown; case 4678655: return Colors.Tomato; case 9419919: return Colors.DarkSeaGreen; case 11193702: return Colors.MediumAquamarine; case 3145645: return Colors.GreenYellow; case 13850042: return Colors.MediumOrchid; case 6053069: return Colors.IndianRed; case 7059389: return Colors.DarkKhaki; case 13458026: return Colors.SlateBlue; case 14772545: return Colors.RoyalBlue; case 13688896: return Colors.Turquoise; case 16748574: return Colors.DodgerBlue; case 13422920: return Colors.MediumTurquoise; case 9639167: return Colors.DeepPink; case 10061943: return Colors.LightSlateGray; case 14822282: return Colors.BlueViolet; case 4163021: return Colors.Peru; case 9470064: return Colors.SlateGray; case 8421504: return Colors.Gray; case 255: return Colors.Red; case 16711935: return Colors.Magenta; case 16711680: return Colors.Blue; case 16760576: return Colors.DeepSkyBlue; case 16776960: return Colors.Aqua; case 8388352: return Colors.SpringGreen; case 65280: return Colors.Lime; case 65407: return Colors.Chartreuse; case 65535: return Colors.Yellow; case 55295: return Colors.Gold; case 42495: return Colors.Orange; case 36095: return Colors.DarkOrange; case 17919: return Colors.OrangeRed; case 3329330: return Colors.LimeGreen; case 3329434: return Colors.YellowGreen; case 13382297: return Colors.DarkOrchid; case 10526303: return Colors.CadetBlue; case 64636: return Colors.LawnGreen; case 10156544: return Colors.MediumSpringGreen; case 2139610: return Colors.Goldenrod; case 11829830: return Colors.SteelBlue; case 3937500: return Colors.Crimson; case 1993170: return Colors.Chocolate; case 7451452: return Colors.MediumSeaGreen; case 8721863: return Colors.MediumVioletRed; case 13828244: return Colors.DarkViolet; case 11186720: return Colors.LightSeaGreen; case 6908265: return Colors.DimGray; case 13749760: return Colors.DarkTurquoise; case 2763429: return Colors.Brown; case 13434880: return Colors.MediumBlue; case 2970272: return Colors.Sienna; case 9125192: return Colors.DarkSlateBlue; case 755384: return Colors.DarkGoldenrod; case 5737262: return Colors.SeaGreen; case 2330219: return Colors.OliveDrab; case 2263842: return Colors.ForestGreen; case 1262987: return Colors.SaddleBrown; case 3107669: return Colors.DarkOliveGreen; case 9109504: return Colors.DarkBlue; case 7346457: return Colors.MidnightBlue; case 8519755: return Colors.Indigo; case 128: return Colors.Maroon; case 8388736: return Colors.Purple; case 8388608: return Colors.Navy; case 8421376: return Colors.Teal; case 32768: return Colors.Green; case 32896: return Colors.Olive; case 5197615: return Colors.DarkSlateGray; case 25600: return Colors.DarkGreen; 
            case 0:
                return Colors.Black;
static class EventExtensions
    public static void Raise<T1, T2>(this Action<T1, T2> action, T1 arg1, T2 arg2)
        if (action != null)
            action(arg1, arg2);
static class Mq4LineStyles
    public static LineStyle ToLineStyle(int style)
        switch (style)
            case 1: 
            return LineStyle.Lines;
            case 2: 
            return LineStyle.Dots;
            case 3: 
            case 4: 
            return LineStyle.LinesDots;
            return LineStyle.Solid;
    class Mq4TimeSeries
        private readonly TimeSeries _timeSeries;
        private static readonly DateTime StartDateTime = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1);

        public Mq4TimeSeries(TimeSeries timeSeries)
            _timeSeries = timeSeries;

        public static int ToInteger(DateTime dateTime)
          return (int)(dateTime - StartDateTime).TotalSeconds;
        public static DateTime ToDateTime(int seconds)
          return StartDateTime.AddSeconds(seconds);
        public int this[int index]
                if (index < 0 || index >= _timeSeries.Count)
                  return 0;
                DateTime dateTime = _timeSeries[_timeSeries.Count - 1 - index];

                return ToInteger(dateTime); 
static class ConvertExtensions
    public static double? ToNullableDouble(this double protection)
        if (protection == 0)
            return null;
        return protection;

    public static DateTime? ToNullableDateTime(this int time)
        if (time == 0)
            return null;

        return Mq4TimeSeries.ToDateTime(time);

    public static long ToUnitsVolume(this Symbol symbol, double lots) 
        return symbol.NormalizeVolume(symbol.ToNotNormalizedUnitsVolume(lots));

    public static double ToNotNormalizedUnitsVolume(this Symbol symbol, double lots) 
        if (symbol.Code.Contains("XAU") || symbol.Code.Contains("XAG"))
            return 100 * lots;
        return 100000 * lots;

    public static double ToLotsVolume(this Symbol symbol, long volume) 
        if (symbol.Code.Contains("XAU") || symbol.Code.Contains("XAG"))
            return volume * 1.0 / 100;
        return volume * 1.0 / 100000;
struct Mq4Double : IComparable, IComparable<Mq4Double>
      private readonly double _value;

      public Mq4Double(double value)
        _value = value;
      public static implicit operator double(Mq4Double property)
        return property._value;
      public static implicit operator int(Mq4Double property)
        return (int)property._value;

      public static implicit operator bool(Mq4Double property)
        return (int)property._value != 0;

      public static implicit operator Mq4Double(double value)
        return new Mq4Double(value);

      public static implicit operator Mq4Double(int value)
        return new Mq4Double(value);

      public static implicit operator Mq4Double(bool value)
        return new Mq4Double(value ? 1 : 0);

      public static implicit operator Mq4Double(Mq4Null value)
        return new Mq4Double(0);
      public static Mq4Double operator +(Mq4Double d1, Mq4Double d2) 
        return new Mq4Double(d1._value + d2._value);
      public static Mq4Double operator -(Mq4Double d1, Mq4Double d2) 
        return new Mq4Double(d1._value - d2._value);

      public static Mq4Double operator -(Mq4Double d) 
        return new Mq4Double(-d._value);
      public static Mq4Double operator +(Mq4Double d) 
        return new Mq4Double(+d._value);
      public static Mq4Double operator *(Mq4Double d1, Mq4Double d2) 
        return new Mq4Double(d1._value * d2._value);
      public static Mq4Double operator /(Mq4Double d1, Mq4Double d2) 
        return new Mq4Double(d1._value / d2._value);
      public static bool operator ==(Mq4Double d1, Mq4Double d2) 
        return d1._value == d2._value;
      public static bool operator >(Mq4Double d1, Mq4Double d2) 
        return d1._value > d2._value;
      public static bool operator >=(Mq4Double d1, Mq4Double d2) 
        return d1._value >= d2._value;
      public static bool operator <(Mq4Double d1, Mq4Double d2) 
        return d1._value < d2._value;
      public static bool operator <=(Mq4Double d1, Mq4Double d2) 
        return d1._value <= d2._value;
      public static bool operator !=(Mq4Double d1, Mq4Double d2) 
        return d1._value != d2._value;
      public override string ToString()
        return _value.ToString();

      public int CompareTo(object obj)
          return _value.CompareTo(obj);

      public int CompareTo(Mq4Double obj)
          return _value.CompareTo(obj);
    class Mq4DoubleTwoDimensionalArray
        private List<Mq4Double> _data = new List<Mq4Double>();
        private List<Mq4DoubleArray> _arrays = new List<Mq4DoubleArray>();
        private readonly Mq4Double _defaultValue;
        private readonly int _size2;
        public Mq4DoubleTwoDimensionalArray(int size2)
            _defaultValue = 0;
            _size2 = size2;

        public void Add(Mq4Double value)

        private void EnsureCountIsEnough(int index)
            while (_arrays.Count <= index)
                _arrays.Add(new Mq4DoubleArray());

        public void Initialize(Mq4Double value)
            for (var i = 0; i < _data.Count; i++)
                _data[i] = value;

        public int Range(int index)
            if (index == 0)
                return _data.Count;
            return this[0].Length;
        public Mq4DoubleArray this[int index]
                if (index < 0)
                    return new Mq4DoubleArray();


                return _arrays[index];

        public Mq4Double this[int index1, int index2]
                if (index1 < 0)
                    return 0;


                return _arrays[index1][index2];
                if (index1 < 0)


                _arrays[index1][index2] = value;
    class Mq4DoubleArray : IMq4DoubleArray, IEnumerable
        private List<Mq4Double> _data = new List<Mq4Double>();
        private readonly Mq4Double _defaultValue;
        public Mq4DoubleArray(int size = 0)
            _defaultValue = 0;

        public IEnumerator GetEnumerator()
            return _data.GetEnumerator();

        private bool _isInverted;
        public bool IsInverted
            get { return _isInverted; }
            set { _isInverted = value; }

        public void Add(Mq4Double value)

        private void EnsureCountIsEnough(int index)
            while (_data.Count <= index)

        public int Length 
            get { return _data.Count; }

        public void Resize(int newSize)
            while (newSize < _data.Count)
                _data.RemoveAt(_data.Count - 1);

            while (newSize > _data.Count)
        public Mq4Double this[int index]
                if (index < 0)
                    return _defaultValue;    

                return _data[index];
                if (index < 0)
                _data[index] = value;
                Changed.Raise(index, value);
public event Action<int, Mq4Double> Changed;
    class Mq4MarketDataSeries : IMq4DoubleArray
        private DataSeries _dataSeries;

        public Mq4MarketDataSeries(DataSeries dataSeries)
            _dataSeries = dataSeries;

        public Mq4Double this[int index]
            get { return _dataSeries.Last(index); }
            set { }

        public int Length 
            get { return _dataSeries.Count; }

        public void Resize(int newSize)
    class Mq4StringArray : IEnumerable
        private List<Mq4String> _data = new List<Mq4String>();
        private readonly Mq4String _defaultValue;
        public Mq4StringArray(int size = 0)
            _defaultValue = "";

        public IEnumerator GetEnumerator()
            return _data.GetEnumerator();

        private bool _isInverted;
        public bool IsInverted
            get { return _isInverted; }
            set { _isInverted = value; }

        public void Add(Mq4String value)

        private void EnsureCountIsEnough(int index)
            while (_data.Count <= index)

        public int Length 
            get { return _data.Count; }

        public void Resize(int newSize)
            while (newSize < _data.Count)
                _data.RemoveAt(_data.Count - 1);

            while (newSize > _data.Count)
        public Mq4String this[int index]
                if (index < 0)
                    return _defaultValue;    
                return _data[index];
                if (index < 0)
                _data[index] = value;
    interface IMq4DoubleArray
        Mq4Double this[int index] { get; set; }
        int Length { get; }
        void Resize(int newSize);
    class Mq4ArrayToDataSeriesConverter
        private readonly Mq4DoubleArray _mq4Array;
        private readonly IndicatorDataSeries _dataSeries;

        public Mq4ArrayToDataSeriesConverter(Mq4DoubleArray mq4Array, IndicatorDataSeries dataSeries)
            _mq4Array = mq4Array;
            _dataSeries = dataSeries;
            _mq4Array.Changed += OnValueChanged;

        private void CopyAllValues()
            for (var i = 0; i < _mq4Array.Length; i++)
                if (_mq4Array.IsInverted)
                    _dataSeries[_mq4Array.Length - i] = _mq4Array[i];
                    _dataSeries[i] = _mq4Array[i];

        private void OnValueChanged(int index, Mq4Double value)
            int indexToSet;
            if (_mq4Array.IsInverted)
                indexToSet = _mq4Array.Length - index;
                indexToSet = index;

            if (indexToSet < 0)

            _dataSeries[indexToSet] = value;
    class Mq4ArrayToDataSeriesConverterFactory
        private readonly Dictionary<Mq4DoubleArray, IndicatorDataSeries> _cachedAdapters = new Dictionary<Mq4DoubleArray, IndicatorDataSeries>();
        private Func<IndicatorDataSeries> _dataSeriesFactory;

        public Mq4ArrayToDataSeriesConverterFactory(Func<IndicatorDataSeries> dataSeriesFactory)
            _dataSeriesFactory = dataSeriesFactory;

        public DataSeries Create(Mq4DoubleArray mq4Array)
            IndicatorDataSeries dataSeries;

            if (_cachedAdapters.TryGetValue(mq4Array, out dataSeries))
                return dataSeries;

            dataSeries = _dataSeriesFactory();
            new Mq4ArrayToDataSeriesConverter(mq4Array, dataSeries);
            _cachedAdapters[mq4Array] = dataSeries;

            return dataSeries;



09 Jul 2014, 19:59

 iam trying to get this indicator, supply and demand levels work, but no avail. Anyone has a useful one or can help out?


05 Sep 2014, 13:16


Anyone could pls share any feedback? this is indicator or robot? 


05 Sep 2014, 13:41

RE: FeedBack

andreforex said:

Anyone could pls share any feedback? this is indicator or robot? 

It is an indicator. It has been solved. Working like a charm. see it here



06 Sep 2014, 03:18

RE: RE: FeedBack

dannie said:

andreforex said:

Anyone could pls share any feedback? this is indicator or robot? 

It is an indicator. It has been solved. Working like a charm. see it here


