Unable to load assembly. Can not put indicator into cbot's file and vice versa.
Created at 15 May 2014, 15:38
Unable to load assembly. Can not put indicator into cbot's file and vice versa.
15 May 2014, 15:38
I was modifying this indicator to show only one time period, but for some reason it throws this error after rebuilding it.
using System; using cAlgo.API; using cAlgo.API.Internals; using cAlgo.API.Indicators; namespace cAlgo.Indicators { [Indicator(IsOverlay = true, TimeZone = TimeZones.UTC, AccessRights = AccessRights.None)] public class Ichimoku_Kumo_Overlay : Indicator { [Parameter("Timeframe 1", DefaultValue = "Daily")] public TimeFrame TF1 { get; set; } public MarketSeries series1; public MarketSeries series; public IchimokuKinkoHyo cloud1; public IchimokuKinkoHyo cloud; public int ind = 1, currindex, pastindex; public string[] PrC = new string[8]; public string[] KjC = new string[8]; public string[] ChC = new string[8]; public string[] PrK = new string[8]; public string[] ChK = new string[8]; public string[] TnK = new string[8]; public string[] ChP = new string[8]; public string[] Res = new string[8]; public string[] Space; public string Line0 = "\n"; public TimeFrame _time; public double Pr, spanA, spanB, kijun, Tenkan, Chikou, PastKijun, PastPrice, PastSpanA, PastspanB; public Colors BullColor = Colors.DodgerBlue; public Colors BearColor = Colors.Red; public Colors NeutralColor = Colors.Yellow; public Colors[] PrCColor = new Colors[8]; public Colors[] KjCColor = new Colors[8]; public Colors[] ChCColor = new Colors[8]; public Colors[] PrKColor = new Colors[8]; public Colors[] ChKColor = new Colors[8]; public Colors[] TnKColor = new Colors[8]; public Colors[] ChPColor = new Colors[8]; public string Bull = "UP"; public string Bear = "DN"; public string Neutral = "NT"; protected override void Initialize() { series1 = MarketData.GetSeries(TF1); cloud1 = Indicators.IchimokuKinkoHyo(series1, 9, 26, 52); } public override void Calculate(int index) { string LAB0 = string.Format("{0,0}", "------------------------Cloud-----------------KijunSen--------Past Price---"); string LAB1 = string.Format("\n{0,-65}", "Pr"); string LAB2 = string.Format("\n{0,-45}", "Kj"); string LAB3 = string.Format("\n{0,-25}", "Ch"); string LAB4 = string.Format("\n{0,15}", "Pr"); string LAB5 = string.Format("\n{0,35}", "Ch"); string LAB6 = string.Format("\n{0,55}", "Tn"); string LAB7 = string.Format("\n{0,85}", "Ch"); string LAB8 = string.Format("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n{0,-60}", "Pr: Price, Kj: KijunSen, Ch: Chikou, Tn: TenkanSen"); ChartObjects.DrawText("LABEL0", LAB0, StaticPosition.TopCenter, Colors.White); ChartObjects.DrawText("LABEL1", LAB1, StaticPosition.TopCenter, Colors.White); ChartObjects.DrawText("LABEL2", LAB2, StaticPosition.TopCenter, Colors.White); ChartObjects.DrawText("LABEL3", LAB3, StaticPosition.TopCenter, Colors.White); ChartObjects.DrawText("LABEL4", LAB4, StaticPosition.TopCenter, Colors.White); ChartObjects.DrawText("LABEL5", LAB5, StaticPosition.TopCenter, Colors.White); ChartObjects.DrawText("LABEL6", LAB6, StaticPosition.TopCenter, Colors.White); ChartObjects.DrawText("LABEL7", LAB7, StaticPosition.TopCenter, Colors.White); ChartObjects.DrawText("LABEL8", LAB8, StaticPosition.TopCenter, Colors.White); string tfLAB0 = string.Format("\n{0,-105}", "Component"); string tfLAB1 = string.Format("\n\n{0,-100}", TF1); ChartObjects.DrawText("tfLABEL0", tfLAB0, StaticPosition.TopCenter, Colors.White); ChartObjects.DrawText("tfLABEL1", tfLAB1, StaticPosition.TopCenter, Colors.White); for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { switch (i) { case 0: currindex = series1.Close.Count - ind; pastindex = currindex - 26; Pr = series1.Close[currindex]; spanA = cloud1.SenkouSpanA[currindex]; spanB = cloud1.SenkouSpanB[currindex]; kijun = cloud1.KijunSen[currindex]; Tenkan = cloud1.TenkanSen[currindex]; Chikou = cloud1.ChikouSpan[pastindex]; PastKijun = cloud1.KijunSen[pastindex]; PastPrice = series1.Close[pastindex]; PastSpanA = cloud1.SenkouSpanA[pastindex]; PastspanB = cloud1.SenkouSpanB[pastindex]; break; } //Price compared to Cloud if (Pr < spanA && Pr < spanB) { PrC[i] = string.Format("{0,-65}", Bear); PrCColor[i] = BearColor; } else if (Pr > spanA && Pr > spanB) { PrC[i] = string.Format("{0,-65}", Bull); PrCColor[i] = BullColor; } else { PrC[i] = string.Format("{0,-65}", Neutral); PrCColor[i] = NeutralColor; } //KijunSen compared to Cloud if (kijun < spanA && kijun < spanB) { KjC[i] = string.Format("{0,-45}", Bear); KjCColor[i] = BearColor; } else if (kijun > spanA && kijun > spanB) { KjC[i] = string.Format("{0,-45}", Bull); KjCColor[i] = BullColor; } else { KjC[i] = string.Format("{0,-45}", Neutral); KjCColor[i] = NeutralColor; } //ChikouSpan compared to Cloud if (Chikou < PastSpanA && Chikou < PastspanB) { ChC[i] = string.Format("{0,-25}", Bear); ChCColor[i] = BearColor; } else if (Chikou > PastSpanA && Chikou > PastspanB) { ChC[i] = string.Format("{0,-25}", Bull); ChCColor[i] = BullColor; } else { ChC[i] = string.Format("{0,-25}", Neutral); ChCColor[i] = NeutralColor; } //Price compared to KijunSen if (Pr < kijun) { PrK[i] = string.Format("{0,15}", Bear); PrKColor[i] = BearColor; } else if (Pr > kijun) { PrK[i] = string.Format("{0,15}", Bull); PrKColor[i] = BullColor; } else { PrK[i] = string.Format("{0,15}", Neutral); PrKColor[i] = NeutralColor; } //ChikouSpan compared to Past KijunSen if (Chikou < PastKijun) { ChK[i] = string.Format("{0,35}", Bear); ChKColor[i] = BearColor; } else if (Chikou > PastKijun) { ChK[i] = string.Format("{0,35}", Bull); ChKColor[i] = BullColor; } else { ChK[i] = string.Format("{0,35}", Neutral); ChKColor[i] = NeutralColor; } //TenkanSen compared to Past KijunSen if (Tenkan < kijun) { TnK[i] = string.Format("{0,55}", Bear); TnKColor[i] = BearColor; } else if (Tenkan > kijun) { TnK[i] = string.Format("{0,55}", Bull); TnKColor[i] = BullColor; } else { TnK[i] = string.Format("{0,55}", Neutral); TnKColor[i] = NeutralColor; } //ChikouSpan compared to Past Price if (Chikou < PastPrice) { ChP[i] = string.Format("{0,85}", Bear); ChPColor[i] = BearColor; } else if (Chikou > PastPrice) { ChP[i] = string.Format("{0,85}", Bull); ChPColor[i] = BullColor; } else { ChP[i] = string.Format("{0,85}", Neutral); ChPColor[i] = NeutralColor; } } } } }
Any help would be greatly appreciated
15 May 2014, 17:48
You need to move your indicator from
Documents\cAlgo\Sources\Robots folder
Documents\cAlgo\Sources\Indicators folder.