The latest value of Fractals indicator
The latest value of Fractals indicator
19 Nov 2020, 22:16
I have a problem with Fractals indicator. I'm trying to get last general value of the indicator. It doesn't matter whether it's upfractal or downfractal I just want to get the latest fractal. When I type "Fractals" and put dot after that I only see Upfractal, Downfractal and some functions. I was also trying something like this "Fractals.Equals(Fractals.Downfractal/Upfractal.LastValue)" because "Fractals.Equals()" compares the current value to an argument of the function but it doesn't work. The whole idea of knowing what kind of fractal was in the past is that I need to open buy position if it was downfractal and sell position if it was upfractal. So indicator allows me only to check last values of down/up fractals but not general last value. Can anyone help me?
20 Nov 2020, 13:09
PanagiotisCharalampous said:
Hi there,
There is no easy way to do this. You need to either track the changes in DownFractal/UpFractal and figure out which one was the last to change or write your own custom indicator.
Best Regards,
I was thinking about relating to the time that fractals were created and compare them to get the latest. But I don't know how to do it.
20 Nov 2020, 09:44
Hi there,
There is no easy way to do this. You need to either track the changes in DownFractal/UpFractal and figure out which one was the last to change or write your own custom indicator.
Best Regards,
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