List of Symbols

Created at 06 Feb 2014, 14:55
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Joined 23.01.2014

List of Symbols
06 Feb 2014, 14:55


After exploring the API quite a bit, I can't find any collection of available symbols.


Is there a way to get such symbols?

The alternative is to supply a huge list and try-catch any that don't match, but I'd rather not.


Many Thanks,



08 Feb 2014, 11:33

Hi Elogos,

I had the same question, apparently this is not available :(


Here's my code below - there's a few pairs missing like NZDCHF that didn't exist on my cAlgo demo :\

 public string[] currencyPairs = new string[] 



08 Feb 2014, 14:58



It would be nice to be able to have a collection somewhere of at least symbol codes.


I did a similar thing but made it a parameter and Split(',') them in initialisation so I could change it on different instances of the indicator.
