How to get open session time?
How to get open session time?
14 May 2020, 18:34
I want to build a Pivot Points Indicator for my cBot. But I'm stuck at the opening time. I tried with regular times 21:00 & 22:00 UTC and it works well. However, rarely the opening time opens at 12:00 UTC, and my code bugs out. So, is there a better way to do this or is there a way to get the opening time from the server itself? Thank you.
My Code:
using System;
using cAlgo.API;
using cAlgo.API.Internals;
using cAlgo.API.Indicators;
using cAlgo.Indicators;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
namespace cAlgo
[Indicator(IsOverlay = true, TimeZone = TimeZones.UTC, AccessRights = AccessRights.None)]
public class PivotPointsIndicator : Indicator
[Parameter("Pivot Types", Group = "User Defines", DefaultValue = PivotT.Standard)]
public PivotT Type { get; set; }
[Parameter("Show Texts", Group = "User Defines", DefaultValue = true)]
public bool ShowText { get; set; }
public enum PivotT
[Output("Pivot Line", LineColor = "White")]
public IndicatorDataSeries Pivot { get; set; }
[Output("Resist 1", LineColor = "LightGreen")]
public IndicatorDataSeries Resist1 { get; set; }
[Output("Resist 2", LineColor = "LightGreen")]
public IndicatorDataSeries Resist2 { get; set; }
[Output("Resist 3", LineColor = "LightGreen")]
public IndicatorDataSeries Resist3 { get; set; }
[Output("Resist 4", LineColor = "LightGreen")]
public IndicatorDataSeries Resist4 { get; set; }
[Output("Resist 5", LineColor = "LightGreen")]
public IndicatorDataSeries Resist5 { get; set; }
[Output("Support 1", LineColor = "OrangeRed")]
public IndicatorDataSeries Support1 { get; set; }
[Output("Support 2", LineColor = "OrangeRed")]
public IndicatorDataSeries Support2 { get; set; }
[Output("Support 3", LineColor = "OrangeRed")]
public IndicatorDataSeries Support3 { get; set; }
[Output("Support 4", LineColor = "OrangeRed")]
public IndicatorDataSeries Support4 { get; set; }
[Output("Support 5", LineColor = "OrangeRed")]
public IndicatorDataSeries Support5 { get; set; }
double Low = 0;
double High = 0;
double Close = 0;
int AddTime = 0;
int TotalBars = 0;
int NextIndex = 0;
DateTime LastCloseDate;
readonly int NYCloseTime = 21;
public override void Calculate(int index)
if (TimeFrame >= TimeFrame.Daily || TimeFrame.ToString().Contains("Tick"))
var OpenTime = Bars.OpenTimes.LastValue;
if (LastCloseDate.Day != OpenTime.Day)
if (OpenTime.Hour == NYCloseTime)
AddTime = 0;
else if (OpenTime.Hour == NYCloseTime + 1)
AddTime = 1;
LastCloseDate = OpenTime;
if (OpenTime.Hour == NYCloseTime + AddTime && OpenTime.Minute <= 1)
for (int i = index; i <= index + TotalBars; i++)
switch (Type)
case PivotT.Standard:
var Range = High - Low;
var P = (Low + High + Close) / 3;
var R1 = (2 * P) - Low;
var R2 = P + Range;
var R3 = High + (2 * (P - Low));
var S1 = (2 * P) - High;
var S2 = P - Range;
var S3 = Low - (2 * (High - P));
Pivot[i] = P;
Resist1[i] = R1;
Resist2[i] = R2;
Resist3[i] = R3;
Support1[i] = S1;
Support2[i] = S2;
Support3[i] = S3;
case PivotT.Fibonacci:
Range = High - Low;
P = (Low + High + Close) / 3;
R1 = P + (Range * 0.382);
R2 = P + (Range * 0.618);
R3 = P + (Range * 1.0);
S1 = P - (Range * 0.382);
S2 = P - (Range * 0.618);
S3 = P - (Range * 1.0);
Pivot[i] = P;
Resist1[i] = R1;
Resist2[i] = R2;
Resist3[i] = R3;
Support1[i] = S1;
Support2[i] = S2;
Support3[i] = S3;
case PivotT.Woodie:
Range = High - Low;
P = (High + Low + (2 * Close)) / 4;
R1 = (2 * P) - Low;
R2 = P + (High - Low);
R3 = High + (2 * (P - Low));
var R4 = R3 + Range;
S1 = (2 * P) - High;
S2 = P - Range;
S3 = Low - (2 * (High - P));
var S4 = S3 - Range;
Pivot[i] = P;
Resist1[i] = R1;
Resist2[i] = R2;
Resist3[i] = R3;
Resist4[i] = R4;
Support1[i] = S1;
Support2[i] = S2;
Support3[i] = S3;
Support4[i] = S4;
case PivotT.Camarilla:
Range = High - Low;
P = (High + Low + Close) / 3;
R1 = Close + (Range * (1.1 / 12));
R2 = Close + (Range * (1.1 / 6));
R3 = Close + (Range * (1.1 / 4));
R4 = Close + (Range * (1.1 / 2));
var R5 = (High / Low) * Close;
S1 = Close - (Range * (1.1 / 12));
S2 = Close - (Range * (1.1 / 6));
S3 = Close - (Range * (1.1 / 4));
S4 = Close - (Range * (1.1 / 2));
var S5 = Close - (R5 - Close);
Pivot[i] = P;
Resist1[i] = R1;
Resist2[i] = R2;
Resist3[i] = R3;
Resist4[i] = R4;
Resist5[i] = R5;
Support1[i] = S1;
Support2[i] = S2;
Support3[i] = S3;
Support4[i] = S4;
Support5[i] = S5;
TotalBars = 0;
Low = Bars.LowPrices.LastValue;
High = Bars.HighPrices.LastValue;
Close = Bars.ClosePrices.LastValue;
High = Math.Max(High, Bars.HighPrices.LastValue);
Low = Low != 0 ? Math.Min(Low, Bars.LowPrices.LastValue) : Bars.LowPrices.LastValue;
if (NextIndex == index)
NextIndex = index + 1;
15 May 2020, 08:27
Hi Watanaku,
You can try getting the Daily bars and read the open time from there.
Best Regards,
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