Offset Histogram

Created at 31 Jan 2014, 15:23
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Joined 23.01.2014

Offset Histogram
31 Jan 2014, 15:23

Good Afternoon,

I am reading in several places about some indicators, I have looked at some peoples best efforts also.

Are there any plans to release histograms that either can be paired for 2 point histogram plot or a special property set where we can set the 'zero' point of the histogram.

This is especially needed for overlay indicators that use histogram type, some people have proposed using "covers" but this messes with other plots on the chart. An example is replacing candles (such as HA candles), it would also certainly go some way for us to be able to produce our own filled in areas on the main chart also.

Additionally I have discussed with some developers of MT4 that have looked into cTrader but have stopped short because of this as well as some other things not being available and quite a few indicators they have already manufactured can't be migrated.


31 Jan 2014, 15:31

Dear Elogos,

Could you please show an example of such indicator?


31 Jan 2014, 15:51

This is a link to someone else's work:


This person is using cover and cover2 output plots to blank out a histogram from 0, he/she is taking advantage of the paint sequence.



I am not saying it needs to be done in this way, in fact I don't like it, but in MT4 a pair of buffers assigned both as histogram would cause the offset to shift.


Another thing I have discovered is the use of DrawLine in the MT4 to cAlgo converter, is it the intention of Spotware for us to draw so many lines on the chart to simulate candles for example?


31 Jan 2014, 17:58

We don't have plans to support candles by drawing histogram lines. At some point we will add Candle object in the API. For now you can draw candles manually by drawing lines.

cAlgo is optimized to show thousands of chart objects.


31 Jan 2014, 18:17

I am not accustomed to drawing so many manual objects for data display because of performance issues on other platforms so it struck me as quite odd.

Many thanks for the clarification.

