Where to get realixed volumes on Bid x Ask ?

Created at 15 Nov 2019, 15:52
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Where to get realixed volumes on Bid x Ask ?
15 Nov 2019, 15:52

Hi All,

im trying to implement a custom order flow indicator using the MarketDepth api. My assumption was following.

Store previous DoM state;

Compare current DoM with previous

   - condition ( oldPrice < currentPrice) 

      -  find the price gaps between new Bid price and Last Bid price 

       - add volumes on respective price levels into footprint  

   - condition ( oldPrice == currentPrice) 

      - add to footprint currentVolume - previousVolume

same logic for bid, ask

But of course the solution is completely wrong. So i would appreciate any thoughts about how to do it . Or maybe point me to some similar example.

Thanks a lot.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using cAlgo.API;
using cAlgo.API.Collections;

namespace cAlgo
    [Indicator(IsOverlay = true, TimeZone = TimeZones.UTC, AutoRescale = false, AccessRights = AccessRights.None)]
    public class OrderFlow : Indicator
        private double high;

        private double low;

        private double lastPrice = 0;

        private bool isLong;

        private DOM lastDOM;

        private DOM currentDOM;

        private int lastBarIndex = 0;

        private MarketDepth marketDepth;

        private List<MarketDepthEntry> lastAsks;
        private List<MarketDepthEntry> lastBids;

        public override void Calculate(int index)
            high = MarketSeries.High[index];
            low = MarketSeries.Low[index];
            isLong = lastPrice < MarketSeries.Close[index] ? true : false;
            lastPrice = MarketSeries.Close[index];
            if (IsLastBar && index != lastBarIndex)
                lastBarIndex = index;

        private void onNewBar()
            Print("New bar event");
            lastDOM = currentDOM;
            currentDOM = new DOM(this);

        protected override void Initialize()
            currentDOM = new DOM(this);

            //  Get Market Depth
            marketDepth = MarketData.GetMarketDepth(Symbol);
            // subscribe to event Updated
            marketDepth.Updated += MarketDepthUpdated;

        void MarketDepthUpdated()

            // Print("Last price " + last + " direction " + (isLong ? "Long" : "Short"));
            if(lastAsks != null && lastBids != null)
                //Print("+++previous asks");
                //Print("new asks");

                int lastAskIdx = 0;
                double cumVolume = 0;
                while (lastAsks.Count > 0 && lastAskIdx < lastAsks.Count && marketDepth.AskEntries.Count > 0 && lastAsks[lastAskIdx].Price <= marketDepth.AskEntries[0].Price)
                    var ask = lastAsks[lastAskIdx];
                    double askVolume = Math.Round(ask.VolumeInUnits / 100000.0, 2);
                    double currentAskVolume = Math.Round(marketDepth.AskEntries[0].VolumeInUnits / 100000.0, 2);
                    double askPrice = Math.Round(ask.Price, 5);
                    double askPriceCurrent = Math.Round(marketDepth.AskEntries[0].Price, 5);

                    //Print("++diff price " + askPrice);

                    if (lastAsks[lastAskIdx].Price == marketDepth.AskEntries[0].Price)
                        askVolume = Math.Abs(askVolume - currentAskVolume);
                    currentDOM.AddAsk(askPrice, askVolume);

                Print("---previous bids");
                Print("new bids");

                int lastBidIdx = 0;
                while (lastBids.Count > 0 && lastBidIdx < lastBids.Count && marketDepth.BidEntries.Count > 0 && lastBids[lastBidIdx].Price >= marketDepth.BidEntries[0].Price)
                    var bid = lastBids[lastBidIdx];
                    double bidVolume = Math.Round(bid.VolumeInUnits / 100000.0, 2);
                    double currentBidVolume = Math.Round(marketDepth.BidEntries[0].VolumeInUnits / 100000.0, 2);

                    double bidPrice = Math.Round(bid.Price, 5);
                    double bidPriceCurrent = Math.Round(marketDepth.BidEntries[0].Price, 5);

                    if (lastBids[lastBidIdx].Price == marketDepth.BidEntries[0].Price)
                        bidVolume = Math.Abs(bidVolume - currentBidVolume);
                    Print("----diff price " + bidPrice + " " + bidVolume);

                    currentDOM.AddBid(bidPrice, bidVolume);
            lastAsks = copyMarketDepthEntries(marketDepth.AskEntries);
            lastBids = copyMarketDepthEntries(marketDepth.BidEntries);
            ChartObjects.DrawText("FP", currentDOM.ToString(), StaticPosition.TopLeft, Colors.DarkBlue);


        private List<MarketDepthEntry> copyMarketDepthEntries(IReadonlyList<MarketDepthEntry> entries)
            List<MarketDepthEntry> list = new List<MarketDepthEntry>();
            foreach(var entry in entries)
            return list;

        private void printEntries(List<MarketDepthEntry> list)
            if (list == null)
           foreach(var entry in list) {
                Print(entry.Price + " -> " + Math.Round(entry.VolumeInUnits / 100000.0, 2));
        private void printEntries(IReadonlyList<MarketDepthEntry> list)
            if (list == null)
            foreach (var entry in list) {
                Print(entry.Price + " -> " + Math.Round(entry.VolumeInUnits / 100000.0, 2));

        public void PrintToLog(string message)


    public class DOM
        private OrderFlow _indicator { get; set; }

        private SortedDictionary<double, OFEntry> lastBidAsks = new SortedDictionary<double, OFEntry>();
        private SortedDictionary<double, OFEntry> BidAsks = new SortedDictionary<double, OFEntry>();

        public DOM(OrderFlow indicator)
            _indicator = indicator;

        public void AddBid(double price, double volume)
            OFEntry ofEntry = getEntry(price);
            ofEntry.Bid += volume;
        public void AddAsk(double price, double volume)
            OFEntry ofEntry = getEntry(price);
            ofEntry.Ask += volume;

        public OFEntry getEntry(double price)
            if (BidAsks.ContainsKey(price))
                return BidAsks[price];
                OFEntry entry = new OFEntry
                    Ask = 0,
                    Bid = 0
                BidAsks.Add(price, entry);
                return entry;

        public override string ToString()
            var sb = new StringBuilder();
            foreach (KeyValuePair<double, OFEntry> entry in BidAsks)
                sb.Insert(0, entry.Key + " " + entry.Value + ",\n ");
            return sb.ToString();

    public class OFEntry
        public double Bid { get; set; }
        public double Ask { get; set; }

        public override string ToString()
            return "[" + Ask + " x " + Bid + "]";

