Z Index of Candle Stick Bar

Created at 03 Apr 2019, 08:25
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Z Index of Candle Stick Bar
03 Apr 2019, 08:25

Hi Thank you for reading my question . 

I;ve loved playing with the Z index of the chart objects making them organised in a better way visually, thats super cool but im wondering if the chart candle sticks bars have a layer too such that i can make the candles bars always stay in the front of everything . they are the price action the most important thing and nothing shd ever block them * even making an object transparent its still on top and makes the bars foggy, 

ie if theres a trendline break and you extend the break a little further to the right if that intercept with a bar(s) i want the bars to be at the front , especially more than one trendline exist at the same time from top and bottom and you put in other objects too some rectangle here and there the chart is still seeable but the bars are dirty 

Kindly advise if i missed out some settings that do that 

Thank you very much


03 Apr 2019, 11:12

Hi 1222Ht,

Currently there is no such option but we plan to have it in an upcoming version.

Best Regards,



04 Apr 2019, 08:24

Dear Panagiotis

Thank you very much for your reply



15 Apr 2020, 00:13 ( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:22 )

Im planning to make an indicator that plot a candle from a bigger timeframe on chart but without the zindex feature this will be impossible at the moment. Please let me know when you will implement this feature please


15 Apr 2020, 08:32

Hi reyx,

This feature in not available at the moment but you can consider using transparency so that the candles behind your objects are visible.

Best Regards,


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15 Apr 2020, 18:58 ( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:22 )

Hi PanagiotisCharalampous,

Thanks for your response, i think the result looks a bit strange but will keep this for now. Let me know when this feature is in beta
