Stop Loss for custom indicator

Created at 27 Apr 2018, 19:38
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Stop Loss for custom indicator
27 Apr 2018, 19:38

Hi , 

Thank you for reading my question.

Im wondering can i code a custom indicator such that when im using the indicator in a chart and in quick trade mode(ie double click ) and then a stop loss is generated from the custom indicator at the time a trade is placed that would vary in different symbol. 

eg last 5 periods low which changes over time and i dont know if i can do that in order type settings ?


Many Thanks .



07 May 2018, 11:38

Hi 1222Ht,

My advice is that you create a cBot listening to the Positions Opened event that will modify the opened position stop loss based on an indicator's value. 

Let me know if this suggestion helps you.

Best Regards,



11 May 2018, 16:19

Thank you very much Panagiotis for your reply that sounds great 
