Please help to convert this mq4 indicator to cAlgo

Created at 15 Jul 2013, 18:41
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Joined 06.04.2013

Please help to convert this mq4 indicator to cAlgo
15 Jul 2013, 18:41


//|                                                   SweetSpots.mq4 |

//|                                                                  |

//|                                                                  |




#property indicator_chart_window


/* Introduction:


   This indicator shows lines at sweet spots (50 and 100 

   pips levels). It is recommended to turn off the grid.







extern int NumLinesAboveBelow= 100;

extern int SweetSpotMainLevels= 100;

extern color LineColorMain= Gold;

extern int LineStyleMain= STYLE_SOLID;

extern bool ShowSubLevels= true;

extern int sublevels= 250;

extern color LineColorSub= Gold;

extern int LineStyleSub= STYLE_DOT;





//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |


int init()





int deinit()


   int obj_total= ObjectsTotal();


   for (int i= obj_total; i>=0; i--) {

      string name= ObjectName(i);


      if (StringSubstr(name,0,11)=="[SweetSpot]") 








//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |


int start()


   static datetime timelastupdate= 0;

   static datetime lasttimeframe= 0;



   // no need to update these buggers too often   

   if (CurTime()-timelastupdate < 600 && Period()==lasttimeframe)

      return (0);


   deinit();  // delete all previous lines


   int i, ssp1, style, ssp, thickness; //sublevels= 50;

   double ds1;

   color linecolor;


   if (!ShowSubLevels)

      sublevels*= 2;


   ssp1= Bid / Point;

   ssp1= ssp1 - ssp1%sublevels;


   for (i= -NumLinesAboveBelow; i<NumLinesAboveBelow; i++) {


      ssp= ssp1+(i*sublevels); 


      if (ssp%SweetSpotMainLevels==0) {

         style= LineStyleMain;

         linecolor= LineColorMain;


      else {

         style= LineStyleSub;

         linecolor= LineColorSub;



      thickness= 1;


      if (ssp%(SweetSpotMainLevels*10)==0) {

         thickness= 2;      



      if (ssp%(SweetSpotMainLevels*100)==0) {

         thickness= 3;      



      ds1= ssp*Point;

      SetLevel(DoubleToStr(ds1,Digits), ds1,  linecolor, style, thickness, Time[10]);








//| Helper                                                           |


void SetLevel(string text, double level, color col1, int linestyle, int thickness, datetime startofday)


   int digits= Digits;

   string linename= "[SweetSpot] " + text + " Line",



   // create or move the horizontal line   

   if (ObjectFind(linename) != 0) {

      ObjectCreate(linename, OBJ_HLINE, 0, 0, level);

      ObjectSet(linename, OBJPROP_STYLE, linestyle);

      ObjectSet(linename, OBJPROP_COLOR, col1);

      ObjectSet(linename, OBJPROP_WIDTH, thickness);


      ObjectSet(linename, OBJPROP_BACK, True);


   else {

      ObjectMove(linename, 0, Time[0], level);





16 Jul 2013, 17:39

you can try this



17 Jul 2013, 05:22

I have tried but not succesful 


18 Jul 2013, 12:27

I think it's similar to round numbers. /algos/indicators/show/263


31 Jul 2013, 18:39

forexner12 said:

I have tried but not succesful 

Now your indicator is supported by Please try to convert it one more time.


01 Aug 2013, 15:18

thanks its working fine now


01 Aug 2013, 18:57

adaled said:

you can try this


Hi, I converted code from MQ4 for cAlgo, and where to have paste new code ?

Thank you in advance!


01 Aug 2013, 19:06

druster said:
adaled said:

you can try this


Hi, I converted code from MQ4 for cAlgo, and where to have paste new code ?

Thank you in advance!

  1. Open cAlgo platform
  2. Go to Indicators tab
  3. Press New button
  4. Give a name for your indicator
  5. Paste Converted code to the code editor
  6. Press Build button

Now you can find your indicator in cTrader: Indicators->Custom.

You can also look at an instruction for custom indicators from ctdn:


01 Aug 2013, 19:18

Thank you ! 


22 May 2022, 21:25


algotrader said:

forexner12 said:

I have tried but not succesful 

Now your indicator is supported by Please try to convert it one more time.


I know this is a super old post, but i'm trying to convert the same sweetspots indicator with this page you mentioned, but it gives me back an error.  not sure what i'm doing wrong, i just copy and pasted the code.  any help would be greatly appreciated.


23 May 2022, 09:00


fcarabat said:

algotrader said:

forexner12 said:

I have tried but not succesful 

Now your indicator is supported by Please try to convert it one more time.


I know this is a super old post, but i'm trying to convert the same sweetspots indicator with this page you mentioned, but it gives me back an error.  not sure what i'm doing wrong, i just copy and pasted the code.  any help would be greatly appreciated.


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