Atrader , Can you help me?
Created at 18 Jun 2013, 10:18
Atrader , Can you help me?
18 Jun 2013, 10:18
Hi Atrader,
If you read this post, can you help me convert 02 mq4 indicators to Ctrader?
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| II_SupDem.mq4 | //| Copyright � 2010, Insanity Industries | //| | //| v.2.3.1 21/7/2010 | //| code by bredin, except where noted | //| donations can be made via PayPal to | //| | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ #property copyright "Copyright � 2010, Insanity Industries" #property link "" #property indicator_chart_window #property indicator_buffers 2 extern int = 0; extern bool draw.zones = true; extern bool solid.zones = true; extern bool solid.retouch = true; extern bool recolor.retouch = true; extern bool recolor.weak.retouch = true; extern bool zone.strength = true; extern bool no.weak.zones = true; extern bool draw.edge.price = false; extern int zone.width = 1; extern bool zone.fibs = false; extern int = 0; extern bool HUD.on = false; extern bool timer.on = true; extern int = 0; extern int layer.HUD = 20; extern int corner.HUD = 2; extern int pos.x = 100; extern int pos.y = 20; extern bool alert.on = false; extern bool alert.popup = false; extern string alert.sound = "radar1.wav"; extern color color.sup.strong = C'0,74,74'; extern color color.sup.weak = C'0,55,55'; extern color color.sup.retouch = C'0,55,55'; extern color color.dem.strong = C'38,60,108'; extern color color.dem.weak = C'29,47,88'; extern color color.dem.retouch = C'29,47,88'; extern color color.fib = DodgerBlue; extern color = Navy; extern color color.arrow.up = SeaGreen; extern color color.arrow.dn = Crimson; extern color color.timer.back = DarkGray; extern color = Red; extern color color.shadow = DarkSlateGray; extern bool = false; extern bool = true; extern bool show.on.m1 = false; extern bool show.on.m5 = true; extern bool show.on.m15 = false; extern bool show.on.m30 = false; extern bool show.on.h1 = false; extern bool show.on.h4 = false; extern bool show.on.d1 = false; extern bool show.on.w1 = false; extern bool = false; extern int Price_Width = 1; extern int time.offset = 0; extern bool globals = false; double BuferUp1[]; double BuferDn1[]; double sup.RR[4]; double dem.RR[4]; double sup.width,dem.width; string l.hud,; int HUD.x; string font.HUD = "Comic Sans MS"; int font.HUD.size = 20; string font.HUD.price = "Arial Bold"; int font.HUD.price.size = 12; int arrow.UP = 0x70; int arrow.DN = 0x71; string font.arrow = "WingDings 3"; int font.arrow.size = 40; int font.pair.size = 8; string arrow.glance; color color.arrow; int visible; int rotation=270; int lenbase; string s_base="|||||||||||||||||||||||"; string timer.font="Arial"; int size.timer.font=8; double min,max; double iPeriod[4] = {3,8,13,34}; int Dev[4] = {2,5,8,13}; int Step[4] = {2,3,5,8}; datetime t1,t2; double p1,p2; string pair; double point; int digits; int tf; string TAG; double fib.sup,fib.dem; int SupCount,DemCount; int SupAlert,DemAlert; double up.cur,dn.cur; double fib.level.array[13]={0,0.236,0.386,0.5,0.618,0.786,1,1.276,1.618,2.058,2.618,3.33,4.236}; string fib.level.desc[13]={"0","23.6%","38.6%","50%","61.8%","78.6%","100%","127.6%","161.8%","205.8%","261.80%","333%","423.6%"}; int hud.timer.x,hud.timer.y,hud.arrow.x,hud.arrow.y,,; int hud.sup.x,hud.sup.y,hud.dem.x,hud.dem.y; int hud.timers.x,hud.timers.y,hud.arrows.x,hud.arrows.y,hud.tfs.x,hud.tfs.y; int hud.sups.x,hud.sups.y,hud.dems.x,hud.dems.y; int init() { SetIndexBuffer(1,BuferUp1); SetIndexEmptyValue(1,0.0); SetIndexStyle(1,DRAW_NONE); SetIndexBuffer(0,BuferDn1); SetIndexEmptyValue(0,0.0); SetIndexStyle(0,DRAW_NONE); if(layer.HUD > 25) layer.HUD = 25; l.hud = CharToStr(0x61+layer.HUD); if( > 25) = 25; = CharToStr(; pair=Symbol(); if( != 0) tf =; else tf = Period(); point = Point; digits = Digits; if(digits == 3 || digits == 5) point*=10; if(HUD.on && !draw.zones) TAG = "II_HUD"+tf; else TAG = "II_SupDem"+tf; lenbase=StringLen(s_base); if(HUD.on) setHUD(); if( setVisibility(); ObDeleteObjectsByPrefix(l.hud+TAG); ObDeleteObjectsByPrefix(; DoLogo(); return(0); } int deinit() { ObDeleteObjectsByPrefix(l.hud+TAG); ObDeleteObjectsByPrefix(; Comment(""); return(0); } int start() { if(NewBar()==true) { SupAlert = 1; DemAlert = 1; ObDeleteObjectsByPrefix(; CountZZ(BuferUp1,BuferDn1,iPeriod[0],Dev[0],Step[0]); GetValid(BuferUp1,BuferDn1); Draw(); if(HUD.on) HUD(); } if(HUD.on && timer.on) BarTimer(); if(alert.on) CheckAlert(); return(0); } void CheckAlert(){ // SupCount DemCount // SupAlert DemAlert double price = ObjectGet("UPAR"+SupAlert,OBJPROP_PRICE1); if(Close[0] > price && price > point){ if(alert.popup) Alert(pair+" "+TimeFrameToString(tf)+" Supply Zone Entered at "+DoubleToStr(price,Digits)); PlaySound(alert.sound); SupAlert++; } price = ObjectGet("DNAR"+DemAlert,OBJPROP_PRICE1); if(Close[0] < price){ Alert(pair+" "+TimeFrameToString(tf)+" Demand Zone Entered at "+DoubleToStr(price,Digits)); PlaySound(alert.sound); DemAlert++; } } void Draw() { int fib.sup.hit=0; int fib.dem.hit=0; int sc=0,dc=0; int i,j,countstrong,countweak; color c; string s; bool exit,draw,fle,fhe,retouch; bool valid; double val; fhe=false; fle=false; SupCount=0; DemCount=0; fib.sup=0; fib.dem=0; for(i=0;i<iBars(pair,tf);i++){ if(BuferDn1[i] > point){ retouch = false; valid = false; t1 = iTime(pair,tf,i); t2 = Time[0]; p2 = MathMin(iClose(pair,tf,i),iOpen(pair,tf,i)); if(i>0) p2 = MathMax(p2,MathMax(iLow(pair,tf,i-1),iLow(pair,tf,i+1))); if(i>0) p2 = MathMax(p2,MathMin(iOpen(pair,tf,i-1),iClose(pair,tf,i-1))); p2 = MathMax(p2,MathMin(iOpen(pair,tf,i+1),iClose(pair,tf,i+1))); draw=true; if(recolor.retouch || !solid.retouch){ exit = false; for(j=i;j>=0;j--){ if(j==0 && !exit) {draw=false;break;} if(!exit && iHigh(pair,tf,j)<p2) {exit=true;continue;} if(exit && iHigh(pair,tf,j)>p2) { retouch = true; if(zone.fibs && fib.sup.hit==0){ fib.sup = p2; fib.sup.hit = j;} break; } } } if(SupCount != 0) val = ObjectGet(TAG+"UPZONE"+SupCount,OBJPROP_PRICE2); //final sema cull else val=0; if(draw.zones && draw && BuferDn1[i]!=val) { valid=true; c = color.sup.strong; if(zone.strength && (retouch || !recolor.retouch)){ countstrong=0; countweak=0; for(j=i;j<1000000;j++){ if(iHigh(pair,tf,j+1)<p2) countstrong++; if(iHigh(pair,tf,j+1)>BuferDn1[i]) countweak++; if(countstrong > 1) break; else if(countweak > 1){ c=color.sup.weak; if(no.weak.zones) draw = false; break; } } } // if(c == color.sup.weak && !no.weak.zones) draw = false; if(draw){ if(recolor.retouch && retouch && countweak<2) c = color.sup.retouch; else if(recolor.weak.retouch && retouch && countweak>1) c = color.sup.retouch; SupCount++; if(draw.edge.price){ s ="UPAR"+SupCount; ObjectCreate(s,OBJ_ARROW,0,0,0); ObjectSet(s,OBJPROP_ARROWCODE,SYMBOL_RIGHTPRICE); ObjectSet(s, OBJPROP_TIME1, t2); ObjectSet(s, OBJPROP_PRICE1, p2); ObjectSet(s,OBJPROP_COLOR,c); ObjectSet(s,OBJPROP_WIDTH,Price_Width); if( ObjectSet(s,OBJPROP_TIMEFRAMES,visible); } s ="UPZONE"+SupCount; ObjectCreate(s,OBJ_RECTANGLE,0,0,0,0,0); ObjectSet(s,OBJPROP_TIME1,t1); ObjectSet(s,OBJPROP_PRICE1,BuferDn1[i]); ObjectSet(s,OBJPROP_TIME2,t2); ObjectSet(s,OBJPROP_PRICE2,p2); ObjectSet(s,OBJPROP_COLOR,c); ObjectSet(s,OBJPROP_BACK,true); if( ObjectSet(s,OBJPROP_TIMEFRAMES,visible); if(!solid.zones) {ObjectSet(s,OBJPROP_BACK,false);ObjectSet(s,OBJPROP_WIDTH,zone.width);} if(!solid.retouch && retouch) {ObjectSet(s,OBJPROP_BACK,false);ObjectSet(s,OBJPROP_WIDTH,zone.width);} if(globals){ GlobalVariableSet(TAG+"S.PH"+SupCount,BuferDn1[i]); GlobalVariableSet(TAG+"S.PL"+SupCount,p2); GlobalVariableSet(TAG+"S.T"+SupCount,iTime(pair,tf,i)); } if(!fhe && c!=color.dem.retouch){fhe=true;GlobalVariableSet(TAG+"GOSHORT",p2);} } } if(draw && sc<4 && HUD.on && valid){ if(sc==0) sup.width = BuferDn1[i] - p2; sup.RR[sc] = p2; sc++; } } if(BuferUp1[i] > point){ retouch = false; valid=false; t1 = iTime(pair,tf,i); t2 = Time[0]; p2 = MathMax(iClose(pair,tf,i),iOpen(pair,tf,i)); if(i>0) p2 = MathMin(p2,MathMin(iHigh(pair,tf,i+1),iHigh(pair,tf,i-1))); if(i>0) p2 = MathMin(p2,MathMax(iOpen(pair,tf,i-1),iClose(pair,tf,i-1))); p2 = MathMin(p2,MathMax(iOpen(pair,tf,i+1),iClose(pair,tf,i+1))); c = color.dem.strong; draw=true; if(recolor.retouch || !solid.retouch){ exit = false; for(j=i;j>=0;j--) { if(j==0 && !exit) {draw=false;break;} if(!exit && iLow(pair,tf,j)>p2) {exit=true;continue;} if(exit && iLow(pair,tf,j)<p2) { retouch = true; if(zone.fibs && fib.dem.hit==0){fib.dem = p2; fib.dem.hit = j; } break; } } } if(DemCount != 0) val = ObjectGet(TAG+"DNZONE"+DemCount,OBJPROP_PRICE2); //final sema cull else val=0; if(draw.zones && draw && BuferUp1[i]!=val){ valid = true; if(zone.strength && (retouch || !recolor.retouch)){ countstrong=0; countweak=0; for(j=i;j<1000000;j++){ if(iLow(pair,tf,j+1)>p2) countstrong++; if(iLow(pair,tf,j+1)<BuferUp1[i]) countweak++; if(countstrong > 1) break; else if(countweak > 1){ if(no.weak.zones) draw = false; c=color.dem.weak; break; } } } if(draw){ if(recolor.retouch && retouch && countweak<2) c = color.dem.retouch; else if(recolor.weak.retouch && retouch && countweak>1) c = color.dem.retouch; DemCount++; if(draw.edge.price){ s ="DNAR"+DemCount; ObjectCreate(s,OBJ_ARROW,0,0,0); ObjectSet(s,OBJPROP_ARROWCODE,SYMBOL_RIGHTPRICE); ObjectSet(s, OBJPROP_TIME1, t2); ObjectSet(s, OBJPROP_PRICE1, p2); ObjectSet(s,OBJPROP_COLOR,c); ObjectSet(s,OBJPROP_WIDTH,Price_Width); if( ObjectSet(s,OBJPROP_TIMEFRAMES,visible); } s ="DNZONE"+DemCount; ObjectCreate(s,OBJ_RECTANGLE,0,0,0,0,0); ObjectSet(s,OBJPROP_TIME1,t1); ObjectSet(s,OBJPROP_PRICE1,p2); ObjectSet(s,OBJPROP_TIME2,t2); ObjectSet(s,OBJPROP_PRICE2,BuferUp1[i]); ObjectSet(s,OBJPROP_COLOR,c); ObjectSet(s,OBJPROP_BACK,true); if( ObjectSet(s,OBJPROP_TIMEFRAMES,visible); if(!solid.zones) {ObjectSet(s,OBJPROP_BACK,false);ObjectSet(s,OBJPROP_WIDTH,zone.width);} if(!solid.retouch && retouch) {ObjectSet(s,OBJPROP_BACK,false);ObjectSet(s,OBJPROP_WIDTH,zone.width);} if(globals){ GlobalVariableSet(TAG+"D.PL"+DemCount,BuferUp1[i]); GlobalVariableSet(TAG+"D.PH"+DemCount,p2); GlobalVariableSet(TAG+"D.T"+DemCount,iTime(pair,tf,i)); } if(!fle && c!=color.dem.retouch){fle=true;GlobalVariableSet(TAG+"GOLONG",p2);} } } if(draw && dc<4 && HUD.on && valid){ if(dc==0) dem.width = p2-BuferUp1[i]; dem.RR[dc] = p2; dc++; } } } if(zone.fibs || HUD.on){ double a,b; int dr=0; int sr=0; int d1=0; int s1=0; int t; for(i=0;i<100000;i++){ if(iHigh(pair,tf,i)>fib.sup && sr==0) sr = i; if(iHigh(pair,tf,i)>sup.RR[0] && s1==0) s1 = i; if(iLow(pair,tf,i)<fib.dem && dr==0) dr = i; if(iLow(pair,tf,i)<dem.RR[0] && d1==0) d1 = i; if(sr!=0&&s1!=0&&dr!=0&&d1!=0) break; } } if(zone.fibs){ if(dr<sr) {b = fib.dem;a = sup.RR[0];} else {b = fib.sup;a = dem.RR[0];} s ="FIBO"; ObjectCreate(s, OBJ_FIBO, 0,Time[0],a,Time[0],b); ObjectSet(s, OBJPROP_COLOR, CLR_NONE); ObjectSet(s, OBJPROP_STYLE,; ObjectSet(s, OBJPROP_RAY, true); ObjectSet(s, OBJPROP_BACK, true); if( ObjectSet(s,OBJPROP_TIMEFRAMES,visible); int level_count=ArraySize(fib.level.array); ObjectSet(s, OBJPROP_FIBOLEVELS, level_count); ObjectSet(s, OBJPROP_LEVELCOLOR, color.fib); for(j=0; j<level_count; j++){ ObjectSet(s, OBJPROP_FIRSTLEVEL+j, fib.level.array[j]); ObjectSetFiboDescription(s,j,fib.level.desc[j]); } } if(HUD.on) { if(d1<s1) {b = dem.RR[0];a = sup.RR[0]; arrow.glance = CharToStr(arrow.UP); color.arrow = color.arrow.up;} else {b = sup.RR[0];a = dem.RR[0]; arrow.glance = CharToStr(arrow.DN); color.arrow = color.arrow.dn;} min = MathMin(a,b); max = MathMax(a,b); } } bool NewBar() { static datetime LastTime = 0; if (iTime(pair,tf,0)+time.offset != LastTime) { LastTime = iTime(pair,tf,0)+time.offset; return (true); } else return (false); } void ObDeleteObjectsByPrefix(string Prefix){ int L = StringLen(Prefix); int i = 0; while(i < ObjectsTotal()) { string ObjName = ObjectName(i); if(StringSubstr(ObjName, 0, L) != Prefix) { i++; continue; } ObjectDelete(ObjName); } } int CountZZ( double& ExtMapBuffer[], double& ExtMapBuffer2[], int ExtDepth, int ExtDeviation, int ExtBackstep ){ // based on code (C) metaquote{ int shift, back,lasthighpos,lastlowpos; double val,res; double curlow,curhigh,lasthigh,lastlow; int count = iBars(pair,tf)-ExtDepth; for(shift=count; shift>=0; shift--){ val = iLow(pair,tf,iLowest(pair,tf,MODE_LOW,ExtDepth,shift)); if(val==lastlow) val=0.0; else { lastlow=val; if((iLow(pair,tf,shift)-val)>(ExtDeviation*Point)) val=0.0; else{ for(back=1; back<=ExtBackstep; back++){ res=ExtMapBuffer[shift+back]; if((res!=0)&&(res>val)) ExtMapBuffer[shift+back]=0.0; } } } ExtMapBuffer[shift]=val; //--- high val=iHigh(pair,tf,iHighest(pair,tf,MODE_HIGH,ExtDepth,shift)); if(val==lasthigh) val=0.0; else { lasthigh=val; if((val-iHigh(pair,tf,shift))>(ExtDeviation*Point)) val=0.0; else{ for(back=1; back<=ExtBackstep; back++){ res=ExtMapBuffer2[shift+back]; if((res!=0)&&(res<val)) ExtMapBuffer2[shift+back]=0.0; } } } ExtMapBuffer2[shift]=val; } // final cutting lasthigh=-1; lasthighpos=-1; lastlow=-1; lastlowpos=-1; for(shift=count; shift>=0; shift--){ curlow=ExtMapBuffer[shift]; curhigh=ExtMapBuffer2[shift]; if((curlow==0)&&(curhigh==0)) continue; //--- if(curhigh!=0){ if(lasthigh>0) { if(lasthigh<curhigh) ExtMapBuffer2[lasthighpos]=0; else ExtMapBuffer2[shift]=0; } //--- if(lasthigh<curhigh || lasthigh<0){ lasthigh=curhigh; lasthighpos=shift; } lastlow=-1; } //---- if(curlow!=0){ if(lastlow>0){ if(lastlow>curlow) ExtMapBuffer[lastlowpos]=0; else ExtMapBuffer[shift]=0; } //--- if((curlow<lastlow)||(lastlow<0)){ lastlow=curlow; lastlowpos=shift; } lasthigh=-1; } } for(shift=iBars(pair,tf)-1; shift>=0; shift--){ if(shift>=count) ExtMapBuffer[shift]=0.0; else { res=ExtMapBuffer2[shift]; if(res!=0.0) ExtMapBuffer2[shift]=res; } } } void GetValid(double& ExtMapBuffer[], double& ExtMapBuffer2[]){ up.cur = 0; int upbar = 0; dn.cur = 0; int dnbar = 0; double cur.hi = 0; double cur.lo = 0; double last.up = 0; double last.dn = 0; double low.dn = 0; double hi.up = 0; int i; for(i=0;i<iBars(pair,tf);i++) if(ExtMapBuffer[i] > 0){ up.cur = ExtMapBuffer[i]; cur.lo = ExtMapBuffer[i]; last.up = cur.lo; break; } for(i=0;i<iBars(pair,tf);i++) if(ExtMapBuffer2[i] > 0){ dn.cur = ExtMapBuffer2[i]; cur.hi = ExtMapBuffer2[i]; last.dn = cur.hi; break; } for(i=0;i<iBars(pair,tf);i++) // remove higher lows and lower highs { if(ExtMapBuffer2[i] >= last.dn) { last.dn = ExtMapBuffer2[i]; dnbar = i; } else ExtMapBuffer2[i] = 0.0; if(ExtMapBuffer2[i] <= dn.cur && ExtMapBuffer[i] > 0.0) ExtMapBuffer2[i] = 0.0; if(ExtMapBuffer[i] <= last.up && ExtMapBuffer[i] > 0) { last.up = ExtMapBuffer[i]; upbar = i; } else ExtMapBuffer[i] = 0.0; if(ExtMapBuffer[i] > up.cur) ExtMapBuffer[i] = 0.0; } low.dn = MathMin(iOpen(pair,tf,dnbar),iClose(pair,tf,dnbar)); hi.up = MathMax(iOpen(pair,tf,upbar),iClose(pair,tf,upbar)); for(i=MathMax(upbar,dnbar);i>=0;i--) {// work back to zero and remove reentries into s/d if(ExtMapBuffer2[i] > low.dn && ExtMapBuffer2[i] != last.dn) ExtMapBuffer2[i] = 0.0; else if(ExtMapBuffer2[i] > 0) { last.dn = ExtMapBuffer2[i]; low.dn = MathMin(iClose(pair,tf,i),iOpen(pair,tf,i)); if(i>0) low.dn = MathMax(low.dn,MathMax(iLow(pair,tf,i-1),iLow(pair,tf,i+1))); if(i>0) low.dn = MathMax(low.dn,MathMin(iOpen(pair,tf,i-1),iClose(pair,tf,i-1))); low.dn = MathMax(low.dn,MathMin(iOpen(pair,tf,i+1),iClose(pair,tf,i+1))); } if(ExtMapBuffer[i] <= hi.up && ExtMapBuffer[i] > 0 && ExtMapBuffer[i] != last.up) ExtMapBuffer[i] = 0.0; else if(ExtMapBuffer[i] > 0){ last.up = ExtMapBuffer[i]; hi.up = MathMax(iClose(pair,tf,i),iOpen(pair,tf,i)); if(i>0) hi.up = MathMin(hi.up,MathMin(iHigh(pair,tf,i+1),iHigh(pair,tf,i-1))); if(i>0) hi.up = MathMin(hi.up,MathMax(iOpen(pair,tf,i-1),iClose(pair,tf,i-1))); hi.up = MathMin(hi.up,MathMax(iOpen(pair,tf,i+1),iClose(pair,tf,i+1))); } } } void HUD() { string s = TimeFrameToString(tf); string u = DoubleToStr(ObjectGet("UPAR"+1,OBJPROP_PRICE1),Digits); string d = DoubleToStr(ObjectGet("DNAR"+1,OBJPROP_PRICE1),Digits); string l = "b"; DrawText(l,s,,,,font.HUD,font.HUD.size,corner.HUD); DrawText(l,arrow.glance,hud.arrow.x,hud.arrow.y,color.arrow,font.arrow,font.arrow.size,corner.HUD,0,true); DrawText(l,u,hud.sup.x,hud.sup.y,color.sup.strong,font.HUD.price,font.HUD.price.size,corner.HUD); DrawText(l,d,hud.dem.x,hud.dem.y,color.dem.strong,font.HUD.price,font.HUD.price.size,corner.HUD); l = "a"; DrawText(l,s,hud.tfs.x,hud.tfs.y,color.shadow,font.HUD,font.HUD.size,corner.HUD); DrawText(l,arrow.glance,hud.arrows.x,hud.arrows.y,color.shadow,font.arrow,font.arrow.size,corner.HUD,0,true); DrawText(l,u,hud.sups.x,hud.sups.y,color.shadow,font.HUD.price,font.HUD.price.size,corner.HUD); DrawText(l,d,hud.dems.x,hud.dems.y,color.shadow,font.HUD.price,font.HUD.price.size,corner.HUD); } void BarTimer() // Original Code by Vasyl Gumenyak, I just fucked it up { int i=0,sec=0; double pc=0.0; string time="",s_end="",s; s = l.hud+TAG+"btimerback"; if (ObjectFind(s) == -1) { ObjectCreate(s , OBJ_LABEL,0,0,0); ObjectSet(s, OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, hud.timer.x); ObjectSet(s, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, hud.timer.y); ObjectSet(s, OBJPROP_CORNER, corner.HUD); ObjectSet(s, OBJPROP_ANGLE, rotation); ObjectSetText(s, s_base, size.timer.font, timer.font, color.timer.back); } sec=TimeCurrent()-iTime(pair,tf,0); i=(lenbase-1)*sec/(tf*60); pc=100-(100.0*sec/(tf*60)); if(i>lenbase-1) i=lenbase-1; if(i<lenbase-1) s_end=StringSubstr(s_base,i+1,lenbase-i-1); time=StringConcatenate("|",s_end); s = l.hud+TAG+"timerfront"; if (ObjectFind(s) == -1) { ObjectCreate(s , OBJ_LABEL,0,0,0); ObjectSet(s, OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, hud.timer.x); ObjectSet(s, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, hud.timer.y); ObjectSet(s, OBJPROP_CORNER, corner.HUD); ObjectSet(s, OBJPROP_ANGLE, rotation); } ObjectSetText(s, time, size.timer.font, timer.font,; } void DrawText(string l, string t, int x, int y, color c, string f, int s, int k=0, int a=0, bool b=false) { string tag = l.hud+TAG+l+x+y; ObjectDelete(tag); ObjectCreate(tag,OBJ_LABEL,0,0,0); ObjectSetText(tag,t,s,f,c); ObjectSet(tag,OBJPROP_XDISTANCE,x); ObjectSet(tag,OBJPROP_YDISTANCE,y); ObjectSet(tag,OBJPROP_CORNER,k); ObjectSet(tag,OBJPROP_ANGLE,a); if(b) ObjectSet(tag,OBJPROP_BACK,true); } string TimeFrameToString(int tf) //code by TRO { string tfs; switch(tf) { case PERIOD_M1: tfs="M1" ; break; case PERIOD_M5: tfs="M5" ; break; case PERIOD_M15: tfs="M15" ; break; case PERIOD_M30: tfs="M30" ; break; case PERIOD_H1: tfs="H1" ; break; case PERIOD_H4: tfs="H4" ; break; case PERIOD_D1: tfs="D1" ; break; case PERIOD_W1: tfs="W1" ; break; case PERIOD_MN1: tfs="MN"; } return(tfs); } void setHUD() { switch(tf) { case PERIOD_M1: HUD.x=7 ; break; case PERIOD_M5: HUD.x=7 ; break; case PERIOD_M15: HUD.x=3 ; break; case PERIOD_M30: HUD.x=2 ; break; case PERIOD_H1: HUD.x=12 ; break; case PERIOD_H4: HUD.x=8 ; break; case PERIOD_D1 : HUD.x=12 ; break; case PERIOD_W1: HUD.x=8 ; break; case PERIOD_MN1: HUD.x=7 ; break; } if(corner.HUD > 3) corner.HUD=0; if(corner.HUD == 0 || corner.HUD == 2) rotation = 90; switch(corner.HUD){ case 0 : = pos.x-HUD.x+10; = pos.y+18; hud.arrow.x = pos.x-2; hud.arrow.y = pos.y+7; hud.sup.x = pos.x; hud.sup.y = pos.y; hud.dem.x = pos.x; hud.dem.y = pos.y+56; hud.timer.x = pos.x+50; hud.timer.y = pos.y+72; hud.tfs.x =; hud.tfs.y =; hud.arrows.x = hud.arrow.x+1; hud.arrows.y = hud.arrow.y+1; hud.sups.x = hud.sup.x+1; hud.sups.y = hud.sup.y+1; hud.dems.x = hud.dem.x+1; hud.dems.y = hud.dem.y+1; break; case 1 : = pos.x+HUD.x; = pos.y+18; hud.arrow.x = pos.x+2; hud.arrow.y = pos.y+7; hud.sup.x = pos.x; hud.sup.y = pos.y; hud.dem.x = pos.x; hud.dem.y = pos.y+56; hud.timer.x = pos.x-15; hud.timer.y = pos.y+71; hud.tfs.x =; hud.tfs.y =; hud.arrows.x = hud.arrow.x-1; hud.arrows.y = hud.arrow.y+1; hud.sups.x = hud.sup.x-1; hud.sups.y = hud.sup.y+1; hud.dems.x = hud.dem.x-1; hud.dems.y = hud.dem.y+1; break; case 2 : = pos.x-HUD.x; = pos.y+20; hud.arrow.x = pos.x-2; hud.arrow.y = pos.y+7; hud.sup.x = pos.x; hud.sup.y = pos.y+56; hud.dem.x = pos.x; hud.dem.y = pos.y; hud.timer.x = pos.x+62; hud.timer.y = pos.y+3; hud.tfs.x =; hud.tfs.y =; hud.arrows.x = hud.arrow.x+1; hud.arrows.y = hud.arrow.y-1; hud.sups.x = hud.sup.x+1; hud.sups.y = hud.sup.y-1; hud.dems.x = hud.dem.x+1; hud.dems.y = hud.dem.y-1; break; case 3 : = pos.x+HUD.x; = pos.y+20; hud.arrow.x = pos.x+2; hud.arrow.y = pos.y+7; hud.sup.x = pos.x; hud.sup.y = pos.y+56; hud.dem.x = pos.x; hud.dem.y = pos.y; hud.timer.x = pos.x-2; hud.timer.y = pos.y+3; hud.tfs.x =; hud.tfs.y =; hud.arrows.x = hud.arrow.x-1; hud.arrows.y = hud.arrow.y-1; hud.sups.x = hud.sup.x-1; hud.sups.y = hud.sup.y-1; hud.dems.x = hud.dem.x-1; hud.dems.y = hud.dem.y-1; break; } } void DoLogo(){ string TAG = CharToStr(0x61+27)+"II_Logo"; if( ObjectFind(TAG+"ZZ"+0) >= 0 && ObjectFind(TAG+"ZZ"+1) >= 0 && ObjectFind(TAG+"ZZ"+2) >= 0 && ObjectFind(TAG+"AZ"+0) >= 0 && ObjectFind(TAG+"AZ"+1) >= 0 && ObjectFind(TAG+"AZ"+2) >= 0 ) return; string str[3] = {".","."}; int size[0] = {0,0,0}; int pos.x[3] = {0,0,0}; int pos.y[3] = {0,0,0}; int pos.xs[3] = {0,0,0}; int pos.ys[3] = {0,0,0}; for(int i=0;i<3;i++){ string n = TAG+"ZZ"+i; ObjectDelete(n); ObjectCreate(n,OBJ_LABEL,0,0,0); ObjectSetText(n,str[i],size[i],"Pieces Of Eight",AliceBlue); ObjectSet(n,OBJPROP_XDISTANCE,pos.x[i]); ObjectSet(n,OBJPROP_YDISTANCE,pos.y[i]); ObjectSet(n,OBJPROP_CORNER,3); n = TAG+"AZ"+i; ObjectDelete(n); ObjectCreate(n,OBJ_LABEL,0,0,0); ObjectSetText(n,str[i],size[i],"Pieces Of Eight",Black); ObjectSet(n,OBJPROP_XDISTANCE,pos.xs[i]); ObjectSet(n,OBJPROP_YDISTANCE,pos.ys[i]); ObjectSet(n,OBJPROP_CORNER,3); } } void setVisibility() { int per = Period(); visible=0; if({ if( == per || == 0){ switch(per){ case PERIOD_M1: visible= 0x0001 ; break; case PERIOD_M5: visible= 0x0002 ; break; case PERIOD_M15: visible= 0x0004 ; break; case PERIOD_M30: visible= 0x0008 ; break; case PERIOD_H1: visible= 0x0010 ; break; case PERIOD_H4: visible= 0x0020 ; break; case PERIOD_D1: visible= 0x0040 ; break; case PERIOD_W1: visible= 0x0080 ; break; case PERIOD_MN1: visible= 0x0100 ; } } } else { if(show.on.m1) visible += 0x0001; if(show.on.m5) visible += 0x0002; if(show.on.m15) visible += 0x0004; if(show.on.m30) visible += 0x0008; if(show.on.h1) visible += 0x0010; if(show.on.h4) visible += 0x0020; if(show.on.d1) visible += 0x0040; if(show.on.w1) visible += 0x0080; if( visible += 0x0100; } }
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| SS_SupportResistance.mq4 | //| Copyright © 2012, Andrew Sumner | //| | //| You are allowed to copy and distribute this file as you see fit, | //| and modify it to suit your purposes on the following condition:- | //| | //| 1. You must charge no money for this indicator or any derivative | //| that you create from it. It was released freely, please keep | //| it free. | //| | //| 2. If you make alterations, please don't release a new version | //| using the name "SS_SupportResistance". Either release it | //| using a new name, or contact me about getting your changes | //| included in my indicator ( | //| | //| 3. If you make a killer EA based on this indicator, please do me | //| a favour and send me a copy :) | //| | //| My thanks to Enrico "brax64" Carpita for his help in completing | //| the text positioning code. | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ #property copyright "Copyright © 2012 Andrew Sumner" #property link "" #property indicator_chart_window #property indicator_buffers 4 #property indicator_color1 Red #property indicator_color2 Red #property indicator_color3 DodgerBlue #property indicator_color4 DodgerBlue extern int BackLimit = 10000; extern int TimeFrame = 0; extern string TimeString = "0=Current, 60=H1, 240=H4, 1440=Day, 10080=Week, 43200=Month"; extern color = DarkSlateGray; extern color = SeaGreen; extern color = Green; extern color = LimeGreen; extern color = OliveDrab; extern color color.resist.weak = Indigo; extern color color.resist.untested = Orchid; extern color color.resist.verified = Crimson; extern color color.resist.proven = Red; extern color color.resist.turncoat = DarkOrange; extern bool = true; extern double zone.fuzzfactor = 0.75; extern bool zone.solid = false; extern int zone.linewidth = 1; extern int = 0; extern bool = true; extern int zone.label.shift = 5; extern bool = false; extern bool zone.alert.popups = true; extern bool zone.alert.sounds = true; extern int zone.alert.waitseconds = 300; extern bool zone.merge = true; extern bool zone.extend = true; extern bool = false; extern double = 3.0; extern double fractal.slow.factor = 6.0; extern bool SetGlobals = true; double FastDnPts[], FastUpPts[]; double SlowDnPts[], SlowUpPts[]; double zone.hi[1000], zone.lo[1000]; int zone.start[1000], zone.hits[1000], zone.type[1000], zone.strength[1000], zone.count = 0; bool zone.turn[1000]; #define ZONE_SUPPORT 1 #define ZONE_RESIST 2 #define ZONE_WEAK 0 #define ZONE_TURNCOAT 1 #define ZONE_UNTESTED 2 #define ZONE_VERIFIED 3 #define ZONE_PROVEN 4 #define UP_POINT 1 #define DN_POINT -1 int time.offset = 0; int init() { IndicatorBuffers(4); SetIndexBuffer(0, SlowDnPts); SetIndexBuffer(1, SlowUpPts); SetIndexBuffer(2, FastDnPts); SetIndexBuffer(3, FastUpPts); if ( == true) { SetIndexStyle(0, DRAW_ARROW, 0, 3); SetIndexStyle(1, DRAW_ARROW, 0, 3); SetIndexStyle(2, DRAW_ARROW, 0, 1); SetIndexStyle(3, DRAW_ARROW, 0, 1); SetIndexArrow(0, 218); SetIndexArrow(1, 217); SetIndexArrow(2, 218); SetIndexArrow(3, 217); } else { SetIndexStyle(0, DRAW_NONE); SetIndexStyle(1, DRAW_NONE); SetIndexStyle(2, DRAW_NONE); SetIndexStyle(3, DRAW_NONE); } if (TimeFrame != 1 && TimeFrame != 5 && TimeFrame != 15 && TimeFrame != 60 && TimeFrame != 240 && TimeFrame != 1440 && TimeFrame != 10080 && TimeFrame != 43200) TimeFrame = 0; if (TimeFrame < Period()) TimeFrame = Period(); return(0); } int deinit() { DeleteZones(); DeleteGlobalVars(); return(0); } int start() { if (NewBar() == true) { int old_zone.count = zone.count; FastFractals(); SlowFractals(); DeleteZones(); FindZones(); DrawZones(); if (zone.count < old_zone.count) DeleteOldGlobalVars(old_zone.count); } if ( == true) { for (int i=0; i<zone.count; i++) { string lbl; if (zone.strength[i] == ZONE_PROVEN) lbl = "Proven"; else if (zone.strength[i] == ZONE_VERIFIED) lbl = "Verified"; else if (zone.strength[i] == ZONE_UNTESTED) lbl = "Untested"; else if (zone.strength[i] == ZONE_TURNCOAT) lbl = "Turncoat"; else lbl = "Weak"; if (zone.type[i] == ZONE_SUPPORT) lbl = lbl + " Support"; else lbl = lbl + " Resistance"; if (zone.hits[i] > 0 && zone.strength[i] > ZONE_UNTESTED) { if (zone.hits[i] == 1) lbl = lbl + ", Test Count=" + zone.hits[i]; else lbl = lbl + ", Test Count=" + zone.hits[i]; } int adjust.hpos; int wbpc = WindowBarsPerChart(); int k; k = Period() * 60 + (20 + StringLen(lbl)); if (wbpc < 80) adjust.hpos = Time[0] + k * 4; else if (wbpc < 125) adjust.hpos = Time[0] + k * 8; else if (wbpc < 250) adjust.hpos = Time[0] + k * 15; else if (wbpc < 480) adjust.hpos = Time[0] + k * 29; else if (wbpc < 950) adjust.hpos = Time[0] + k * 58; else adjust.hpos = Time[0] + k * 115; // int shift = k * zone.label.shift; double vpos = zone.hi[i] - (zone.hi[i] - zone.lo[i]) / 2; string s = "SSSR#"+i+"LBL"; ObjectCreate(s, OBJ_TEXT, 0, 0, 0); ObjectSet(s, OBJPROP_TIME1, adjust.hpos + shift); ObjectSet(s, OBJPROP_PRICE1, vpos); ObjectSetText(s, StringRightPad(lbl, 36, " "), 8, "Courier New"); } } CheckAlerts(); return(0); } void CheckAlerts() { static int lastalert = 0; if ( == false) return; if (Time[0] - lastalert > zone.alert.waitseconds) if (CheckEntryAlerts() == true) lastalert = Time[0]; } bool CheckEntryAlerts() { // check for entries for (int i=0; i<zone.count; i++) { if (Close[0] >= zone.lo[i] && Close[0] < zone.hi[i]) { if ( == true) { if (zone.alert.popups == true) { if (zone.type[i] == ZONE_SUPPORT) Alert(Symbol() + TimeFrameToString(TimeFrame) + ": Support Zone Entered"); else Alert(Symbol() + TimeFrameToString(TimeFrame) + ": Resistance Zone Entered"); } if (zone.alert.sounds == true) PlaySound("alert.wav"); } return(true); } } return(false); } void DeleteGlobalVars() { if (SetGlobals == false) return; GlobalVariableDel("SSSR_Count_"+Symbol()+TimeFrame); GlobalVariableDel("SSSR_Updated_"+Symbol()+TimeFrame); int old_count = zone.count; zone.count = 0; DeleteOldGlobalVars(old_count); } void DeleteOldGlobalVars(int old_count) { if (SetGlobals == false) return; for (int i=zone.count; i<old_count; i++) { GlobalVariableDel("SSSR_HI_"+Symbol()+TimeFrame+i); GlobalVariableDel("SSSR_LO_"+Symbol()+TimeFrame+i); GlobalVariableDel("SSSR_HITS_"+Symbol()+TimeFrame+i); GlobalVariableDel("SSSR_STRENGTH_"+Symbol()+TimeFrame+i); GlobalVariableDel("SSSR_AGE_"+Symbol()+TimeFrame+i); } } void FindZones() { int i, j, shift, bustcount=0, testcount = 0; double hival, loval; bool turned = false, hasturned = false; double temp.hi[1000], temp.lo[1000]; int temp.start[1000], temp.hits[1000], temp.strength[1000], temp.count = 0; bool temp.turn[1000], temp.merge[1000]; int merge1[1000], merge2[1000], merge.count = 0; // iterate through zones from oldest to youngest (ignore recent 5 bars), // finding those that have survived through to the present... for (shift=MathMin(iBars(NULL, TimeFrame)-1, BackLimit); shift>5; shift--) { double atr = iATR(NULL, TimeFrame, 7, shift); double fu = atr/2 * zone.fuzzfactor; bool isWeak; bool touchOk = false; bool isBust = false; double close = iClose(NULL, TimeFrame, shift); double high = iHigh(NULL, TimeFrame, shift); double low = iLow(NULL, TimeFrame, shift); double hi_i; double lo_i; if (FastUpPts[shift] > 0.001) { // a zigzag high point isWeak = true; if (SlowUpPts[shift] > 0.001) isWeak = false; hival = high; if (zone.extend == true) hival += fu; loval = MathMax(MathMin(close, high-fu), high-fu*2); turned = false; hasturned = false; isBust = false; bustcount = 0; testcount = 0; for (i=shift-1; i>=0; i--) { hi_i = iHigh(NULL, TimeFrame, i); lo_i = iLow(NULL, TimeFrame, i); if ((turned == false && FastUpPts[i] >= loval && FastUpPts[i] <= hival) || (turned == true && FastDnPts[i] <= hival && FastDnPts[i] >= loval)) { // Potential touch, just make sure its been 10+candles since the prev one touchOk = true; for (j=i+1; j<i+11; j++) { if ((turned == false && FastUpPts[j] >= loval && FastUpPts[j] <= hival) || (turned == true && FastDnPts[j] <= hival && FastDnPts[j] >= loval)) { touchOk = false; break; } } if (touchOk == true) { // we have a touch. If its been busted once, remove bustcount // as we know this level is still valid & has just switched sides bustcount = 0; testcount++; } } if ((turned == false && hi_i > hival) || (turned == true && lo_i < loval)) { // this level has been busted at least once bustcount++; if (bustcount > 1 || isWeak == true) { // busted twice or more isBust = true; break; } if (turned == true) turned = false; else if (turned == false) turned = true; hasturned = true; // forget previous hits testcount = 0; } } if (isBust == false) { // level is still valid, add to our list temp.hi[temp.count] = hival; temp.lo[temp.count] = loval; temp.turn[temp.count] = hasturned; temp.hits[temp.count] = testcount; temp.start[temp.count] = shift; temp.merge[temp.count] = false; if (testcount > 3) temp.strength[temp.count] = ZONE_PROVEN; else if (testcount > 0) temp.strength[temp.count] = ZONE_VERIFIED; else if (hasturned == true) temp.strength[temp.count] = ZONE_TURNCOAT; else if (isWeak == false) temp.strength[temp.count] = ZONE_UNTESTED; else temp.strength[temp.count] = ZONE_WEAK; temp.count++; } } else if (FastDnPts[shift] > 0.001) { // a zigzag low point isWeak = true; if (SlowDnPts[shift] > 0.001) isWeak = false; loval = low; if (zone.extend == true) loval -= fu; hival = MathMin(MathMax(close, low+fu), low+fu*2); turned = false; hasturned = false; bustcount = 0; testcount = 0; isBust = false; for (i=shift-1; i>=0; i--) { hi_i = iHigh(NULL, TimeFrame, i); lo_i = iLow(NULL, TimeFrame, i); if ((turned == true && FastUpPts[i] >= loval && FastUpPts[i] <= hival) || (turned == false && FastDnPts[i] <= hival && FastDnPts[i] >= loval)) { // Potential touch, just make sure its been 10+candles since the prev one touchOk = true; for (j=i+1; j<i+11; j++) { if ((turned == true && FastUpPts[j] >= loval && FastUpPts[j] <= hival) || (turned == false && FastDnPts[j] <= hival && FastDnPts[j] >= loval)) { touchOk = false; break; } } if (touchOk == true) { // we have a touch. If its been busted once, remove bustcount // as we know this level is still valid & has just switched sides bustcount = 0; testcount++; } } if ((turned == true && hi_i > hival) || (turned == false && lo_i < loval)) { // this level has been busted at least once bustcount++; if (bustcount > 1 || isWeak == true) { // busted twice or more isBust = true; break; } if (turned == true) turned = false; else if (turned == false) turned = true; hasturned = true; // forget previous hits testcount = 0; } } if (isBust == false) { // level is still valid, add to our list temp.hi[temp.count] = hival; temp.lo[temp.count] = loval; temp.turn[temp.count] = hasturned; temp.hits[temp.count] = testcount; temp.start[temp.count] = shift; temp.merge[temp.count] = false; if (testcount > 3) temp.strength[temp.count] = ZONE_PROVEN; else if (testcount > 0) temp.strength[temp.count] = ZONE_VERIFIED; else if (hasturned == true) temp.strength[temp.count] = ZONE_TURNCOAT; else if (isWeak == false) temp.strength[temp.count] = ZONE_UNTESTED; else temp.strength[temp.count] = ZONE_WEAK; temp.count++; } } } // look for overlapping zones... if (zone.merge == true) { merge.count = 1; int iterations = 0; while (merge.count > 0 && iterations < 3) { merge.count = 0; iterations++; for (i = 0; i < temp.count; i++) temp.merge[i] = false; for (i = 0; i < temp.count-1; i++) { if (temp.hits[i] == -1 || temp.merge[j] == true) continue; for (j = i+1; j < temp.count; j++) { if (temp.hits[j] == -1 || temp.merge[j] == true) continue; if ((temp.hi[i] >= temp.lo[j] && temp.hi[i] <= temp.hi[j]) || (temp.lo[i] <= temp.hi[j] && temp.lo[i] >= temp.lo[j]) || (temp.hi[j] >= temp.lo[i] && temp.hi[j] <= temp.hi[i]) || (temp.lo[j] <= temp.hi[i] && temp.lo[j] >= temp.lo[i])) { merge1[merge.count] = i; merge2[merge.count] = j; temp.merge[i] = true; temp.merge[j] = true; merge.count++; } } } // ... and merge them ... for (i=0; i<merge.count; i++) { int target = merge1[i]; int source = merge2[i]; temp.hi[target] = MathMax(temp.hi[target], temp.hi[source]); temp.lo[target] = MathMin(temp.lo[target], temp.lo[source]); temp.hits[target] += temp.hits[source]; temp.start[target] = MathMax(temp.start[target], temp.start[source]); temp.strength[target] = MathMax(temp.strength[target], temp.strength[source]); if (temp.hits[target] > 3) temp.strength[target] = ZONE_PROVEN; if (temp.hits[target] == 0 && temp.turn[target] == false) { temp.hits[target] = 1; if (temp.strength[target] < ZONE_VERIFIED) temp.strength[target] = ZONE_VERIFIED; } if (temp.turn[target] == false || temp.turn[source] == false) temp.turn[target] = false; if (temp.turn[target] == true) temp.hits[target] = 0; temp.hits[source] = -1; } } } // copy the remaining list into our official zones arrays zone.count = 0; for (i=0; i<temp.count; i++) { if (temp.hits[i] >= 0 && zone.count < 1000) { zone.hi[zone.count] = temp.hi[i]; zone.lo[zone.count] = temp.lo[i]; zone.hits[zone.count] = temp.hits[i]; zone.turn[zone.count] = temp.turn[i]; zone.start[zone.count] = temp.start[i]; zone.strength[zone.count] = temp.strength[i]; if (zone.hi[zone.count] < Close[4]) zone.type[zone.count] = ZONE_SUPPORT; else if (zone.lo[zone.count] > Close[4]) zone.type[zone.count] = ZONE_RESIST; else { for (j=5; j<1000; j++) { if (iClose(NULL, TimeFrame, j) < zone.lo[zone.count]) { zone.type[zone.count] = ZONE_RESIST; break; } else if (iClose(NULL, TimeFrame, j) > zone.hi[zone.count]) { zone.type[zone.count] = ZONE_SUPPORT; break; } } if (j == 1000) zone.type[zone.count] = ZONE_SUPPORT; } zone.count++; } } } void DrawZones() { if (SetGlobals == true) { GlobalVariableSet("SSSR_Count_"+Symbol()+TimeFrame, zone.count); GlobalVariableSet("SSSR_Updated_"+Symbol()+TimeFrame, TimeCurrent()); } for (int i=0; i<zone.count; i++) { if (zone.strength[i] == ZONE_WEAK && == false) continue; string s = "SSSR#"+i+" Strength="; if (zone.strength[i] == ZONE_PROVEN) s = s + "Proven, Test Count=" + zone.hits[i]; else if (zone.strength[i] == ZONE_VERIFIED) s = s + "Verified, Test Count=" + zone.hits[i]; else if (zone.strength[i] == ZONE_UNTESTED) s = s + "Untested"; else if (zone.strength[i] == ZONE_TURNCOAT) s = s + "Turncoat"; else s = s + "Weak"; ObjectCreate(s, OBJ_RECTANGLE, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); ObjectSet(s, OBJPROP_TIME1, iTime(NULL, TimeFrame, zone.start[i])); ObjectSet(s, OBJPROP_TIME2, TimeCurrent()); ObjectSet(s, OBJPROP_PRICE1, zone.hi[i]); ObjectSet(s, OBJPROP_PRICE2, zone.lo[i]); ObjectSet(s, OBJPROP_BACK, zone.solid); ObjectSet(s, OBJPROP_WIDTH, zone.linewidth); ObjectSet(s, OBJPROP_STYLE,; if (zone.type[i] == ZONE_SUPPORT) { // support zone if (zone.strength[i] == ZONE_TURNCOAT) ObjectSet(s, OBJPROP_COLOR,; else if (zone.strength[i] == ZONE_PROVEN) ObjectSet(s, OBJPROP_COLOR,; else if (zone.strength[i] == ZONE_VERIFIED) ObjectSet(s, OBJPROP_COLOR,; else if (zone.strength[i] == ZONE_UNTESTED) ObjectSet(s, OBJPROP_COLOR,; else ObjectSet(s, OBJPROP_COLOR,; } else { // resistance zone if (zone.strength[i] == ZONE_TURNCOAT) ObjectSet(s, OBJPROP_COLOR, color.resist.turncoat); else if (zone.strength[i] == ZONE_PROVEN) ObjectSet(s, OBJPROP_COLOR, color.resist.proven); else if (zone.strength[i] == ZONE_VERIFIED) ObjectSet(s, OBJPROP_COLOR, color.resist.verified); else if (zone.strength[i] == ZONE_UNTESTED) ObjectSet(s, OBJPROP_COLOR, color.resist.untested); else ObjectSet(s, OBJPROP_COLOR, color.resist.weak); } if (SetGlobals == true) { GlobalVariableSet("SSSR_HI_"+Symbol()+TimeFrame+i, zone.hi[i]); GlobalVariableSet("SSSR_LO_"+Symbol()+TimeFrame+i, zone.lo[i]); GlobalVariableSet("SSSR_HITS_"+Symbol()+TimeFrame+i, zone.hits[i]); GlobalVariableSet("SSSR_STRENGTH_"+Symbol()+TimeFrame+i, zone.strength[i]); GlobalVariableSet("SSSR_AGE_"+Symbol()+TimeFrame+i, zone.start[i]); } } } bool Fractal(int M, int P, int shift) { if (TimeFrame > P) P = TimeFrame; P = P / TimeFrame*2 + MathCeil(P / TimeFrame / 2); if (shift < P) return(false); if (shift > iBars(Symbol(), TimeFrame)-P) return(false); for (int i=1; i<=P; i++) { if (M == UP_POINT) { if (iHigh(NULL, TimeFrame, shift+i) > iHigh(NULL, TimeFrame, shift)) return(false); if (iHigh(NULL, TimeFrame, shift-i) >= iHigh(NULL, TimeFrame, shift)) return(false); } if (M == DN_POINT) { if (iLow(NULL, TimeFrame, shift+i) < iLow(NULL, TimeFrame, shift)) return(false); if (iLow(NULL, TimeFrame, shift-i) <= iLow(NULL, TimeFrame, shift)) return(false); } } return(true); } void FastFractals() { int shift; int limit = MathMin(Bars-1, BackLimit); int P = TimeFrame *; FastUpPts[0] = 0.0; FastUpPts[1] = 0.0; FastDnPts[0] = 0.0; FastDnPts[1] = 0.0; for (shift=limit; shift>1; shift--) { if (Fractal(UP_POINT, P, shift) == true) FastUpPts[shift] = iHigh(NULL, TimeFrame, shift); else FastUpPts[shift] = 0.0; if (Fractal(DN_POINT, P, shift) == true) FastDnPts[shift] = iLow(NULL, TimeFrame, shift); else FastDnPts[shift] = 0.0; } } void SlowFractals() { int shift; int limit = MathMin(iBars(Symbol(), TimeFrame) - 1, BackLimit); int P = TimeFrame * fractal.slow.factor; SlowUpPts[0] = 0.0; SlowUpPts[1] = 0.0; SlowDnPts[0] = 0.0; SlowDnPts[1] = 0.0; for (shift=limit; shift>1; shift--) { if (Fractal(UP_POINT, P, shift) == true) SlowUpPts[shift] = iHigh(NULL, TimeFrame, shift); else SlowUpPts[shift] = 0.0; if (Fractal(DN_POINT, P, shift) == true) SlowDnPts[shift] = iLow(NULL, TimeFrame, shift); else SlowDnPts[shift] = 0.0; } } bool NewBar() { static datetime LastTime = 0; if (iTime(NULL, TimeFrame, 0) != LastTime) { LastTime = iTime(NULL, TimeFrame, 0)+time.offset; return (true); } else return (false); } void DeleteZones() { int len = 5; int i; while (i < ObjectsTotal()) { string objName = ObjectName(i); if (StringSubstr(objName, 0, len) != "SSSR#") { i++; continue; } ObjectDelete(objName); } } string TimeFrameToString(int tf) //code by TRO { string tfs; switch(tf) { case PERIOD_M1: tfs = "M1" ; break; case PERIOD_M5: tfs = "M5" ; break; case PERIOD_M15: tfs = "M15" ; break; case PERIOD_M30: tfs = "M30" ; break; case PERIOD_H1: tfs = "H1" ; break; case PERIOD_H4: tfs = "H4" ; break; case PERIOD_D1: tfs = "D1" ; break; case PERIOD_W1: tfs = "W1" ; break; case PERIOD_MN1: tfs = "MN"; } return(tfs); } string StringRepeat(string str, int n = 1) { string outstr = ""; for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) outstr = outstr + str; return(outstr); } string StringRightPad(string str, int n=1, string str2=" ") { return(str + StringRepeat(str2,n-StringLen(str))); }
19 Jun 2013, 12:11
Maybe the second one can be done. The first one I don't think so. Is the logic documented anywhere?