need help converting.simple horizontal line

Created at 07 Oct 2016, 07:22
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Joined 20.01.2016

need help converting.simple horizontal line
07 Oct 2016, 07:22

Dear member .


could someone ins this forum help me out this.

i tried to convert with calgo with no success


//|                             ProblemSolving_mhejek_161006_ind.mq4 |
//|                                                           Gorraf |
#property copyright "Gorraf"
#property link      ""
#property indicator_chart_window

input datetime PS=0;      // Period Start
input datetime PE=0;      // Period End
input int MH=0;           // Marker (H) (enter a number from 0-23)
input int MM=0;           // Marker (M) (enter a number from 0-59)
input color MC=clrYellow; // Marker color
int CurBar, COa, BM, St, En;
datetime SavedTime;

int init()
         while (COa>0)
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
              while (COa>0)

int start()
if (SavedTime<TimeCurrent() && BM!=1)
    if (BM!=1 && Period()>=1440) {Alert("Marker line could not be drawn due to the chart period"); BM=1;};
    if (BM!=1 && Period()==240 && MM!=0 && MH!=0 && MH!=4 && MH!=8 && MH!=12 && MH!=16 && MH!=20) {Alert("Daily boxes could not be drawn. The input values for start or end time do not match the chart."); BM=1;};
    if (BM!=1 && Period()==60 && MM!=0) {Alert("Daily boxes could not be drawn. The input values for start or end time do not match the chart."); BM=1;};
    if (BM!=1 && Period()==30 && MM!=0 && MM!=30) {Alert("Daily boxes could not be drawn. The input values for start or end time do not match the chart."); BM=1;};
    if (BM!=1 && Period()==15 && MM!=0 && MM!=15 && MM!=30 && MM!=45) {Alert("Daily boxes could not be drawn. The input values for start or end time do not match the chart."); BM=1;};
    if (BM!=1 && Period()==5 && MM!=0 && MM!=5 && MM!=10 && MM!=15 && MM!=20 && MM!=25 && MM!=30 && MM!=35 && MM!=40 && MM!=45 && MM!=50 && MM!=55) {Alert("Daily boxes could not be drawn. The input values for start or end time do not match the chart."); BM=1;};

    if (BM!=1)
        while (COa>0)
        St=Bars; if (PS!=0) {St=iBarShift(Symbol(),Period(),PS);};
        En=0;    if (PE!=0) {En=iBarShift(Symbol(),Period(),PE);};
        while (CurBar>=En)
              {if (TimeHour(iTime(Symbol(),Period(),CurBar))==MH && TimeMinute(iTime(Symbol(),Period(),CurBar))==MM)

    if (SavedTime<TimeCurrent())
    if ((TimeHour(TimeCurrent())*60)+TimeMinute(TimeCurrent())>(MH*60)+MM)


Best regard


