Plotting Multiple Indicators in single window
Created at 07 Oct 2016, 01:50
Plotting Multiple Indicators in single window
07 Oct 2016, 01:50
Hi All, I need help from someone to plot the below mentioned indicators to combine in one single indicator window. I would appreciate your kind help.
These are the four indicators namely:- Aroonhorn, Fisher Histogram, Candlesticks Tendency and Volume Oscillator Histogram. Also to overlay TSMA - 100 & 200 and also TMA - 50. I want the variable indicator specification window, so that I can change the specs as per the required accuracy. Is it possible to overly all these indicators be over the price chart if required. Thanks in advanceusing System; using cAlgo.API; using cAlgo.API.Indicators; namespace cAlgo.Indicators { [Indicator(IsOverlay = false, AccessRights = AccessRights.None)] public class AroonHorn : Indicator { [Parameter(DefaultValue = 10)] public int Period { get; set; } [Parameter(DefaultValue = 25)] public int Filter { get; set; } [Output("AroonOSCup", Color = Colors.Blue, IsHistogram = true)] public IndicatorDataSeries aroonoscup { get; set; } [Output("AroonOSCdown", Color = Colors.Red, IsHistogram = true)] public IndicatorDataSeries aroonoscdown { get; set; } [Output("AroonOSCGray", Color = Colors.Gray, IsHistogram = true)] public IndicatorDataSeries aroonoscgray { get; set; } [Output("AroonOSC", Color = Colors.Turquoise)] public IndicatorDataSeries aroonosc { get; set; } private Aroon aroonhorn; protected override void Initialize() { aroonhorn = Indicators.Aroon(Period); } public override void Calculate(int index) { double commander = 10 * (aroonhorn.Up[index] - aroonhorn.Down[index]) / Period; if ((commander >= 0) && (commander > Filter)) { aroonoscup[index] = commander; } if ((commander < 0) && (commander < (-1) * Filter)) { aroonoscdown[index] = commander; } if ((commander >= (-1) * Filter) && (commander <= Filter)) { aroonoscgray[index] = commander; } aroonosc[index] = commander; } } } using System; using cAlgo.API; namespace cAlgo.Indicators { [Indicator("Fisher")] public class Fisher : Indicator { private IndicatorDataSeries _value1; private IndicatorDataSeries _buffer0; private IndicatorDataSeries _fisher1; [Parameter("Period", DefaultValue = 10)] public int Period { get; set; } [Output("Buffer1", PlotType = PlotType.Histogram, Color = Colors.Green)] public IndicatorDataSeries Buffer1 { get; set; } [Output("Buffer2", PlotType = PlotType.Histogram, Color = Colors.Red)] public IndicatorDataSeries Buffer2 { get; set; } protected override void Initialize() { _fisher1 = CreateDataSeries(); _value1 = CreateDataSeries(); _buffer0 = CreateDataSeries(); } public override void Calculate(int index) { if (index < Period) { _value1[index] = 0; _fisher1[index] = 0; return; } double maxH = MarketSeries.High.Maximum(Period); double minL = MarketSeries.Low.Minimum(Period); double price = (MarketSeries.High[index] + MarketSeries.Low[index]) / 2; double value = 0.33 * 2 * ((price - minL) / (maxH - minL) - 0.5) + 0.67 * _value1[index - 1]; value = Math.Min(Math.Max(value, -0.999), 0.999); _buffer0[index] = 0.5 * Math.Log((1 + value) / (1 - value)) + 0.5 * _fisher1[index - 1]; _value1[index] = value; _fisher1[index] = _buffer0[index]; bool up = _buffer0[index] > 0; if (!up) { Buffer2[index] = _buffer0[index]; Buffer1[index] = 0.0; } else { Buffer1[index] = _buffer0[index]; Buffer2[index] = 0.0; } } } } using System; using cAlgo.API; using cAlgo.API.Internals; using cAlgo.API.Indicators; using cAlgo.Indicators; namespace cAlgo { [Indicator(IsOverlay = true, TimeZone = TimeZones.UTC, AccessRights = AccessRights.None)] public class CandlestickTendency : Indicator { [Parameter()] public TimeFrame HighOrderTimeFrame { get; set; } [Output("Line", PlotType = PlotType.Line, Color = Colors.Green)] public IndicatorDataSeries Line { get; set; } [Output("Histogram", PlotType = PlotType.Histogram, Color = Colors.DarkGreen)] public IndicatorDataSeries Histogram { get; set; } [Output("High Order Line", PlotType = PlotType.Line, Color = Colors.Red)] public IndicatorDataSeries HighOrderLine { get; set; } int index1, index2; MarketSeries series2; double value1, value2; protected override void Initialize() { value1 = value2 = 0; series2 = MarketData.GetSeries(HighOrderTimeFrame); } public bool trend1IsRising { get { return (MarketSeries.Close[index1] > MarketSeries.Open[index1 - 1]); } } public bool trend1IsFalling { get { return (MarketSeries.Close[index1] < MarketSeries.Open[index1 - 1]); } } public bool trend2IsRising { get { return (series2.Close[index2] > series2.Open[index2 - 1]); } } public bool trend2IsFalling { get { return (series2.Close[index2] < series2.Open[index2 - 1]); } } public override void Calculate(int index) { index1 = index; index2 = series2.OpenTime.GetIndexByExactTime(MarketSeries.OpenTime[index1]); if (trend1IsFalling) value1 = -1; if (trend1IsRising) value1 = 1; if (trend2IsFalling) value2 = -2; if (trend2IsRising) value2 = 2; Line[index] = value2; Histogram[index] = value2; HighOrderLine[index] = value2; } } } using System; using cAlgo.API; using cAlgo.API.Internals; using cAlgo.API.Indicators; using cAlgo.Indicators; namespace cAlgo { [Indicator(IsOverlay = false, TimeZone = TimeZones.UTC, AccessRights = AccessRights.None)] public class VolumeOscilatorHistogram : Indicator { private VolumeOscillator _volumeOscillator; private double currentVolume; private double preVolume; private double pre2Volume; [Parameter("Short Term", DefaultValue = 5)] public int ShortTerm { get; set; } [Parameter("Long Term", DefaultValue = 30)] public int LongTerm { get; set; } [Output("Volume Oscilator", Color = Colors.DodgerBlue, Thickness = 2)] public IndicatorDataSeries Result { get; set; } [Output("Plus", Color = Colors.DodgerBlue, PlotType = PlotType.Histogram, Thickness = 5)] public IndicatorDataSeries Plus { get; set; } [Output("Minus", Color = Colors.Gray, PlotType = PlotType.Histogram, Thickness = 5)] public IndicatorDataSeries Minus { get; set; } protected override void Initialize() { _volumeOscillator = Indicators.VolumeOscillator(ShortTerm, LongTerm); } public override void Calculate(int index) { // Display Result of Indicator Result[index] = _volumeOscillator.Result[index]; currentVolume = _volumeOscillator.Result[index]; preVolume = _volumeOscillator.Result[index - 1]; pre2Volume = _volumeOscillator.Result[index - 2]; if (currentVolume >= preVolume) { Plus[index] = currentVolume; } else { Minus[index] = currentVolume; } // Normalization of histogram painting if (preVolume >= pre2Volume) { Plus[index - 1] = preVolume; } else { Minus[index - 1] = preVolume; } } } } Please Note: Also to overlay on it TSMA - 100 and 200 periods and TMA - 50 The code can be found in the indicator library.