FIX API - Required tag missing (Field=50)
FIX API - Required tag missing (Field=50)
20 Jul 2016, 15:37
Hi everyone
I have some trouble with the cTrader Fix API.
I can't log on.
I send this message:
8=FIX.4.49=107 35=A 34=1 49=ctrader.3129678 50=Trade 52=20160720 11:25:01.724 56=CSERVER 98=0 108=30 553=3129678 554=#MyPassword# 10=079
But I get this response: Required tag missing (Field=50)
This is my log-file:
20160720-11:25:01.626 : Connecting to on port 5202
20160720-11:25:01.681 : Connection succeeded
20160720-11:25:05.960 : Initiated logon request
20160720-11:25:06.082 : Message 1 Rejected: Required tag missing (Field=50)
20160720-11:25:06.083 : Session FIX.4.4:ctrader.3129678/Trade->CSERVER disconnecting: Tried to send a reject while not logged on
I attached the files (FIX44.xml and quickfix.cfg config-file) to this message
04 Aug 2016, 22:39
I tried using SenderSubID (50) in all my messages - i can still log on but i am still unable to subscribe to Market updates (my Symbol is rejected)
FYI my logon message FIX is as follows - dunno if it helps
One though occurred - TraddingSession Status messages are not documented so i assumed that were not being used
However i can logon:
24 Aug 2016, 12:29
Dear trader,
Our team has tried to reproduce the issue and we were not able to do so. If you still experiencing the issue, please send us an email to For the deeper investigation of this issue, we would need some additional information from you:
1) The name of your broker
2) The exact query that you are sending and the result you're getting.
04 Aug 2016, 22:22
That is interesting - i didn't look at the spec and managed to log on successfully without using SenderSubID AT ALL
However, i was unable to submit a MarketDataRequest - looks connected
I'll let you know how it goes for me when i read the manual - lol said: