AWS chalice rest API

Created at 21 Jun 2023, 14:58
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Joined 19.05.2022

AWS chalice rest API
21 Jun 2023, 14:58


I am trying to use AWS chalice net server for GET alert sign from Tradingview that is connected with a webhook,  the server page reads in JSON (brackets) format and will then POST to a Python script where i am planning to execute orders that will be sent to Ctrader. The problem is

1. Python script for connecting with credentials?

2. Python script that executes orders?

Have someone done any similar to this?

In the example below i use Alpaca as the broker, but looking for a similar layout for Ctrader. SO DOES ANYONE HAVE PYTHON CODES THAT CAN REPLACE THE MARKED IN RED THAT IS FOR ALPACA?

Thanks for any replies. 
