How to set securityRequestID in securityRequest request? (35=x)

Created at 07 May 2023, 03:32
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Joined 24.03.2023

How to set securityRequestID in securityRequest request? (35=x)
07 May 2023, 03:32

I'm currently just using "Sxo2Xlb1jzJC" as the value of the securityListID, which i believe i took from an example somewhere. 
Should I leave this as a hardcoded value? If not, how should i generate the ID?



07 May 2023, 12:08


That random string was taken from the docs. You can change it to anything you wish. I generate my own random string and store it if need be. The ID can be any random text string. it should work


07 May 2023, 18:00


ctid1980098 said:

That random string was taken from the docs. You can change it to anything you wish. I generate my own random string and store it if need be. The ID can be any random text string. it should work

So I'm guessing it doesn't matter if you use the same string across multiple sessions?
Also, I've created a mapping of symbol:symbolID pairs from the response, and one of the symbol pairs is:
I was wondering what this is?


07 May 2023, 19:29


johnson.fergusaka said:

ctid1980098 said:

That random string was taken from the docs. You can change it to anything you wish. I generate my own random string and store it if need be. The ID can be any random text string. it should work

So I'm guessing it doesn't matter if you use the same string across multiple sessions?
Also, I've created a mapping of symbol:symbolID pairs from the response, and one of the symbol pairs is:
I was wondering what this is?

Yes, I have used the same string across multiple sessions and have had no issues except with login strings. But you can just assign a random string so you know that you will not encounter any problems. 

As for the symbol fjkhsdjkfhsdjkaf:22394

this is the first time i see something like this. I have just requested a security list and found no such string in there like the one above. No idea
