Connected Disconnected, reason: [Failure instance: Traceback (failure with no frames): <class 'twisted.internet.error.ConnectionDone'>: Connection was closed cleanly.

Created at 03 May 2023, 02:09
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Connected Disconnected, reason: [Failure instance: Traceback (failure with no frames): <class 'twisted.internet.error.ConnectionDone'>: Connection was closed cleanly.
03 May 2023, 02:09

Hello, I am trying to connect CTrader Fix api by modifying this code.

I was connected at the first, after disconnected and reconnected. and disconnected and connected.

I think a setting was not liked by the server. on my next attempts, it started to be disconnected all the time. Is my fix API banned?

what setting should i fix to fix this error?  posted my json file down below. Thanks for any help

"Host": "",
"Port": 5202,
"SSL": false,
"Username": "8709889",
"Password": "test1234",
"BeginString": "FIX.4.4",
"SenderCompID": "demo.icmarkets.8709889",
"SenderSubID": "TRADE",
"TargetCompID": "cServer",
"TargetSubID": "TRADE",
"HeartBeat": "50"

03 May 2023, 09:12

Hi there,

Is your application sending heartbeats to the server?

Aieden Technologies

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03 May 2023, 11:50


PanagiotisChar said:

Hi there,

Is your application sending heartbeats to the server?

Aieden Technologies

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Hello PanagiotisChar thank you for reply.

At my first fix API demo trial,

Yes my application was sending heartbeats 30 secons and 50 seconds I tried both. It was working at the first and still was disconnected every 2 minutes and reconnecting and became online instantly but again, heartbeats was working after 2 minutes disconnected again and reconnected.

At my second demo fix api trial I was connected but instantly disconnected. Again connected and instantly disconnected. Like kicked from the server... I did not change any settings only changed heartbeat 30seconds to 50 seconds. It looks like I at least I was connecting in a short time period at my first trial. At my second trial I get instant connection and instant disconnection....

Every help is appreciated
03 May 2023, 19:50


it is me again. I have the same problem today also. I can only stay online 2 minutes. after the host kicks me, I can reconnect but I get kicked again in 2 minutes.

If it continues like that for a while, I get kicked for several hours.  I feel like my API access is blocked for a few hours. I think the host doesn't like one or some of my settings. What do you think this could be?    Thanks for any help .  I posted below my hearthbeat message and disconnection Reason...


Received:  8=FIX.4.4|9=99|35=1|34=3|49=cServer|50=TRADE|52=20230503-16:44:53.796|56=demo.icmarkets.8709889|57=TRADE|112=TEST|10=075|
Disconnected, reason:  [Failure instance: Traceback (failure with no frames): <class 'twisted.internet.error.ConnectionDone'>: Connection was closed cleanly.
Received:  8=FIX.4.4|9=102|35=A|34=1|49=cServer|50=TRADE|52=20230503-16:45:40.528|56=demo.icmarkets.8709889|57=TRADE|98=0|108=50|10=121|
We are logged in
04 May 2023, 01:30


PanagiotisChar said:

Hi there,

Is your application sending heartbeats to the server?

Aieden Technologies

Need help? Join us on Telegram

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Sent:  8=FIX.4.4|9=92|35=1|49=demo.icmarkets.8709889|56=cServer|57=TRADE|50=TRADE|34=3|52=20230503-22:29:54|112=4|10=101|

Disconnected, reason:  [Failure instance: Traceback (failure with no frames): <class 'twisted.internet.error.ConnectionDone'>: Connection was closed cleanly.

Failure: twisted.internet.error.TimeoutError: User timeout caused connection failure.

I am sending heartbeats. 35=1 means heartbeat right? but I get disconnect immediately after I send the heartbeat......  what could it be? I am using the exact python code.
04 May 2023, 02:27


PanagiotisChar you are right !. I reconfigured heartbeat code again. and that fixed the problem. THANK YOU <3