Accessing multiple brokers in a single session

Created at 25 Jan 2023, 22:02
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Joined 15.03.2022

Accessing multiple brokers in a single session
25 Jan 2023, 22:02

I would like to know if it is possible to access multiple brokers in a single python session using the twisted libraries provided by cTrader. The idea is to get 'tick volumes' from different brokers and aggregate them to build a reasonable volume profile.

If I set up two clients only the latest one receives messages - I suspect it is because both are configured to listen to the same port. I think should be able to work as two different servers communicate via the same port. Any guidance will be appreciated. 

with open("ICMarketsDemoPriceConfig.json") as configFile:
    config = json.load(configFile)

client1 = Client(config["Host"], config["Port"], ssl = config["SSL"])
# Setting client callbacks
# Starting the client service

# you can use two separate config files for QUOTE and TRADE
with open("skillingDemoPriceConfig.json") as configFile:
    config = json.load(configFile)

client = Client(config["Host"], config["Port"], ssl = config["SSL"])
# Setting client callbacks
# Starting the client service


30 Jan 2023, 10:56 ( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:23 )



I was also looking for a solution to this for a client and struggled to achieve this solution with the twisted libraries. Eventually I gave up and decided to write the application from scratch using a synchronous setup finally was able to aggregate brokers tick volume using my own custom methods instead of twisted. Something like below is what i delivered to a client. Also curious to see how this could be done with twisted though. Personally i found working with the twisted libraries difficult and caused many issues that I was unable to solve. Maybe because i'm still a novice coder. :) 

