where to get MDReqID?

Created at 05 Jul 2022, 00:19
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where to get MDReqID?
05 Jul 2022, 00:19

So I'm new to fix and already send successfully logon fix message. 
So now I want to get market data of usd/eur pair and I can't find MDReqID (price feed subscription)

I have only web version, I guess I have to install windows virtual machine and ctrader app to get price feed subscription id?
How do I choose the candle time of the pair?

Question number 2. After I successfully send a logon message, how long does the system keep me online? After submitting "logon" and getting "success" I can just send the Market Requests? Is that how it works?


so for now my fix message looks like this:


and feedback is empty string. I guess it's since at |262=| part I don't write anything.


05 Jul 2022, 12:38

Hi there,

1. MDReqID is set by you, you don't find it somewhere.

2. You need to send heartbeats every 10 seconds else you might get disconnected

Check our samples on GitHub, they will help you


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05 Jul 2022, 17:26


PanagiotisCharalampous said:

Hi there,

1. MDReqID is set by you, you don't find it somewhere.

2. You need to send heartbeats every 10 seconds else you might get disconnected

Check our samples on GitHub, they will help you


Best Regards,


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okk, got about login and heartbeats. Thank you 

But still not quite understand how to subscribe to, for example USD/EUR pair, 5 minute timeframe. Can someone show me an example of fix message I have to send? I've seen this as an example but I don't see a part, where I have to write to what trading pair and timeframe I want to subscribe to:

For spots




05 Jul 2022, 17:51

Hi there,

You need to read the specification. Field 55 is for the symbol. There is no timeframe field, since you are subscribing to spot prices and DoM, not to historical candles.

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08 Jul 2022, 23:52


PanagiotisCharalampous said:

Hi there,

You need to read the specification. Field 55 is for the symbol. There is no timeframe field, since you are subscribing to spot prices and DoM, not to historical candles.

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Alright, sorry for the many questions here. Now I have a problem with correct submitting fix messages (I can't find an easy python example).

I use a python and send logon message, then market data message and get every time the following error: "58=Tag appears more than once, field="
When I deleting all repeated messages, I receive another error: 58=Tag not defined for this message type, field=98.

How to fix that?

To send fix messages I use this construction: 



11 Jul 2022, 14:04

Hi there,

Please share the exact FIX messages exchanged so that we can advise further.

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