What is the exhaustive list for which an order can be rejected?

Created at 09 Jun 2022, 19:49
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Joined 21.02.2022

What is the exhaustive list for which an order can be rejected?
09 Jun 2022, 19:49


I would like to know in which cases can an order be rejected? Is there somewhere an exhaustive list of all possible reasons?

In particular, I'm talking about an order rejection with either a Business Message Reject (MsgType(35)=j) or an Execution Report (MsgType(35)=8) with the OrdStatus Tag (39) set to Rejected (8).

Best regards,



10 Jun 2022, 10:14


No, we don't have any list of all rejection reasons but the most probably cause can be invalid order data like price, stop loss, take profit, or volume.


10 Jun 2022, 11:57

So if a position is opened in SELL with a volume of 1000, is it possible (even rarely) to have a rejection when sending an order with a volume of 1000 in BUY?


10 Jun 2022, 13:51


Yes, its possible, if you received any rejection you can check the reason and act accordingly.


10 Jun 2022, 16:57

That's the thing. It doesn't happen on my tests so far. But I need to create a resilient system, and knowing when a rejection can happen is really precious.

Especially when I'm sending an order to close an existing position (on a netting account), it would really help to know in which cases this could happen.
