FIX API with C++ and Boost
FIX API with C++ and Boost
08 May 2021, 19:02
Hello, I'm trying to use the FIX API with C++, but I can't even connect to the server, If I change the IP address to google( and port 80 it works.
I've no idea what is wrong as the code is very simple.
boost::asio::io_service ios;
boost::asio::ip::tcp::endpoint endpoint(boost::asio::ip::address::from_string(""), 5201); // IP for
boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket socket(ios);
socket.connect(endpoint); // this throw an exception: Operation not permited
Edited: maybe it doesn't connect because the market is closed?
Edited: No, now the market is open and I can't create a socket to the same IP address that is using cTrader.
Fixed: You have to turn on the application network capabilities...