How to handle MsgSecNum (tag 34) while requesting market data

Created at 19 Sep 2019, 11:19
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Joined 10.09.2019

How to handle MsgSecNum (tag 34) while requesting market data
19 Sep 2019, 11:19

Hello again,

Im looking for a way to menage MsgSecNum (tag 34) while requesting market data in a loop.

Im sending 35=V message and im reciving 35=W response exactly as expected, but it happens only once.

I wish to loop market data reguest every  X miliseconds, and the only problem is tag 34 (it should increase every time it loops i guess). Of course I could add "1" to the prev MsgSecNum every time loop repeats itself, yet I have a feeling that this is not the best way to do it. After a long conection the value of MsgSecNum will be huge.

Should I reset MsgSecNum sometimes, if so then how often?

Maybe I should make a new connection every X loops?

Or maybe there is some smart way to do it?


Thanks in advance,



19 Sep 2019, 11:31

Hi Wiktor,

You can reset the sequence number whenever you want using 35=4. Check the documentation.

Best Regards,

