Docs should be corrected

Created at 13 Feb 2019, 23:45
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Joined 12.02.2019

Docs should be corrected
13 Feb 2019, 23:45

This is just general comment about FIX documentation on your web site. Seems many people are excited with cTrader, especially with free FIX usage, which many brokers have high requirements for. However, it really does not help to read false statements. Like says that FIX is not extensible which is outright lie. There are many more messages already existing in FIX protocol, and nobody prevents you to add more if you need. FIX implementation is not easy, and there is reason for higher requirements to get it, but also those brokers that do provide it provide a lot more. On the same page says that users cannot get account information using FIX, like balance, but messages like taht already exist in FIX standard. Please be precise and say that in cTrader supported FIX implementaiton those things will not be possible, as there is another existing way to get it (OpenAPI) and there is no benefit to offer it also through FIX. I think that would be fair statement.


14 Feb 2019, 09:36

Hi ctid731646,

Thank you for your suggestion but I believe it is clear that the page refers to our FIX API and not the FIX protocol in general. However, we can consider rephrasing some parts if this is still not clear

Best Regards,



15 Feb 2019, 02:24

Thank you for considering it. I reread that page and I still fail to see how does it imply to refer to cTrader implementation only. Title is "Limitations of FIX API for Traders" and starts with "FIX API is a flexible protocol but it was created to perform in very a specific scope and it's range is tightly defined in the rules of engagement. FIX API allows developers to perform a determined set of operations, which cannot be extended." Anyway, your decision.


15 Feb 2019, 09:41

Hi ctid731646,

To clarify things, FIX is not an API, it is a protocol. There no general FIX API, every API based on FIX is vendor specific. So every mention in FIX API in our documentation should be assumed that it refers to our FIX API. 

Indeed the line you quoted needs some reprhasing and should read as follows.

 "FIX is a flexible protocol but FIX API was created to perform in very a specific scope and it's range is tightly defined in the rules of engagement. FIX API allows developers to perform a determined set of operations, which cannot be extended."

Let me know if the above is clear and I will arrange to be updated.

Best Regards,

