Crashed in OnTick with FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format.

Created at 01 Nov 2018, 18:35
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Joined 26.12.2017

Crashed in OnTick with FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format.
01 Nov 2018, 18:35

cTrader crashing due to incorrect string format. Not able to understand which format it is referring to. Is it because of FIX messages format or some simple Print statement.

Here is the log . I am providing few log messages before and after this crash took place.There are some Print message used for my debugging purpose also FIX sent and received messages.

Please let me know what could be the reason for this crash.


----------------------log start------------

01/11/2018 16:15:46.571 cBot "FIXengine_ICMarketD_newSimple" was stopped for GBPUSD, m1.

01/11/2018 16:15:46.571 doNotReqPosition is True  GlobPoss : 1

01/11/2018 16:15:46.571 ReceivedText : 8=FIX.4.4 9=225 35=8 34=452 49=cServer 50=TRADE 52=20181101-16:15:44.007 56=icmarkets.3388140 57=TRADE 6=1.29681 11=1384682324 14=1000 37=84006950 38=1000 39=2 40=3 54=2 55=2 59=1 60=20181101-16:15:43.498 99=1.29683 150=F 151=0 721=50677867 10=075 

01/11/2018 16:15:46.571 SendText : 8=FIX.4.4 9=83 35=5 49=icmarkets.3388140 56=cServer 57=TRADE 50=TRADE 34=479 52=20181101-16:15:45 10=232

01/11/2018 16:15:46.478 Crashed in OnTick with FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format.

01/11/2018 16:15:46.462 OpenPositions3 : 1

01/11/2018 16:15:46.462 Order Status Req 8

01/11/2018 16:15:46.462 doNotReqPosition is True  GlobPoss : 1

01/11/2018 16:15:46.462 ReceivedText : 8=FIX.4.4 9=225 35=8 34=451 49=cServer 50=TRADE 52=20181101-16:15:43.723 56=icmarkets.3388140 57=TRADE 6=1.29681 11=1384682324 14=1000 37=84006950 38=1000 39=2 40=3 54=2 55=2 59=1 60=20181101-16:15:43.498 99=1.29683 150=F 151=0 721=50677867 10=078 

01/11/2018 16:15:46.462 SendText : 8=FIX.4.4 9=102 35=H 49=icmarkets.3388140 56=cServer 57=TRADE 50=TRADE 34=478 52=20181101-16:15:44 11=1484597651 54=1 10=171

01/11/2018 16:15:46.368 OpenPositions1 : 1

01/11/2018 16:15:46.368 Order Status Req 7




02 Nov 2018, 09:24

Hi netread2004,

The exception probably comes from your cBot code. Can you share the cBots with us so that we can check?

Best Regards,




08 Nov 2018, 10:45

I debugged this issue further and found that string "" (empty string) was being passed to Convert.ToDouble("") function was causing this error.

So, this issue is sloved and considered as closed.



