Is Tag 35=G OrderCancelReplaceRequest [type 'G'] is supported

Created at 24 Oct 2018, 05:33
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Is Tag 35=G OrderCancelReplaceRequest [type 'G'] is supported
24 Oct 2018, 05:33

I am trying to implement Stop Order modify.

For this purpose using message with Tag 35=G is ideal I think.

In the rules of engament I don't see mention of Tag 35=G.

Also, I tried to send message in the following format with proper tag values as follows::

24/10/2018 02:22:51.914 Send : 8=FIX.4.49=16135=G49=ctrader.320090856=cServer57=TRADE50=QUOTE34=352=20181024-02:22:4941=59271051711=117368207255=254=160=20181024-02:22:4938=100040=399=1.3028710=029

I get message with Tag 

58 = Invalid MsgType

followed by Tag 372 = G  and Tag 373 = 11.

As per FIX4.4 on FixiMate I think the message sent is in valid format. But not sure why it is flagging as "Invalid Message".

I was wondering, since you do not publish this in Rules of Engament Document your FIX server may not support it.

Please clarify.







24 Oct 2018, 10:06

Hi netread2004,

MsgType(35)=G is not supported at the moment.

Best Regards,

