No reply from server during login

Created at 05 Sep 2018, 06:29
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Joined 26.03.2018

No reply from server during login
05 Sep 2018, 06:29

I am making a script that logs in my account and do somethings. I am making and running it for months. In the most part of the time, the login works fine, but sometimes it fails. It fails when I send a login request to the server and the server replies a string of null characters (number 0 ascii char). No error is showed. When it happens, the server continue not repling for hours or days. Here is a exemple of a message sent to the server:


I send it and I get no reply. Why does it happen sometimes? How can I avoid it? When it happans, how can I solve it?


05 Sep 2018, 12:02

Hi beneditobvn,

Thanks for reporting this behavior. I will forward it to the product team to investigate.

Best Regards,



05 Sep 2018, 15:00

I do not know If It helps, but I think that It can be happening due to logout not done for a number of times. It usually happens when there is an error when I run my script And the logout os not fone because the error crashes the script.

06 Sep 2018, 15:03

Hi beneditobvn,

Is it possible to rearrange the order of the tags of your messages as in our documentation examples i.e. the tags in the login message should be sent in the following order


Best Regards,



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